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Auction System Updates


seanandre said:
Make sure you are using the latest version of Xanthos Utilities. You can find them in the first post in this thread along with the Auction system. I got this error when I first started using the Auction system, and getting the latest version of Utilities fixed it.

I am.... O.O


Unable to get the savings account to add to the bank box.
I have folloed the installation instruction and added the line after
AddPowerScrolls( Bank );
so now it looks like this
AddPowerScrolls( bank );
bank.DropItem( new SavingsAccount() );

now the error I am getting is this
 - Error: Scripts\Misc\CharacterCreation.cs: CS0246: <line 482, Column 24> 
The type or namespace name 'SavingsAccount' could not be found 
(are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?>

Now if I remove the line in CharacterCreation.cs the server compiles fine.
Other then that the auction house seems to be running fine one I figured out how to properly configure it.
BTW Great work on the Auction system!


bpmatus78 said:
Unable to get the savings account to add to the bank box.
I have folloed the installation instruction and added the line after
AddPowerScrolls( Bank );
so now it looks like this
AddPowerScrolls( bank );
bank.DropItem( new SavingsAccount() );

now the error I am getting is this
 - Error: Scripts\Misc\CharacterCreation.cs: CS0246: <line 482, Column 24> 
The type or namespace name 'SavingsAccount' could not be found 
(are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?>

Now if I remove the line in CharacterCreation.cs the server compiles fine.
Other then that the auction house seems to be running fine one I figured out how to properly configure it.
BTW Great work on the Auction system!

I´m getting the same error !!!


Ok maybe I am missing something...
Download the files Unzip into Customs\Xzanthos
(Utilities file used for first post.)
add the line
bank.DropItem( new SavingsAccount() );
under the
AddPowerScrolls( bank );
did all that and still getting the error!
Also removed the other distro files (otherwise I'd get a different error lol)
if I missed something please let me know.


Lord_Shaka said:
I´m getting the same error !!!
My mistake - bug in the documentation. Anytime you see that error for a class it means that the system could not find the class. In that case you must either add a using statment with the namespace of the class that cannot be found, or fully qualify the classname. To do the latter:

change this:
AddPowerScrolls( bank );
bank.DropItem( new SavingsAccount() );
to this:
AddPowerScrolls( bank );
bank.DropItem( new Arya.Savings.SavingsAccount() );

Alternatively you could add the following to the top of the file:
using Arya.Savings;
The only problem with this approach is that with so many people mistakenly using the Server.Items namespace to create new classes in, you would end up with the compiler being confused about which SavingsAccount class to use. This is possible since I know of another SavingsAccount in the Server.Items namespace.


Ah, ok - that will only work if test center is enabled. Without test center Find this line:
newChar.BankBox.DropItem( ticket );
and change it to:
newChar.BankBox.DropItem( ticket );
bank.DropItem( new Arya.Savings.SavingsAccount() );



Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (2 errors, 0 warnings)
- Error: Scripts\custom scripts\Auction 1[1].16\Xanthos\Auction\AuctionItem.cs:
CS0246: (line 12, column 7) The type or namespace name 'Ultima' could not be fo
und (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
- Error: Scripts\custom scripts\Auction 1[1].16\Xanthos\Auction\AuctionItem.cs:
CS0246: (line 225, column 18) The type or namespace name 'StringList' could not
be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
i am geting errors like that win i tryed to put script in


mkiplm said:
i am geting errors like that win i tryed to put script in
This is an error on your part, I suggest you re-read the instructions and try again.


I am sorry to say I can not help you but I wish I could...I am sure someone will help you... Espcially with Ryans new ruling on helping if you can help

He said:
If someone asks a question and you know the answer... answer the damn question.

I know that is not much comfort or any help what so ever but just wanted to let you know.....I know how frustrating it can be not to be able to get something to work and not knowing why...

His post is located here if Any missed it
World.Broadcast( 0x22, true, "You have been paid interest on the {0} in your savings account!", AuctionConfig.EnableTokens ? "gold and tokens" : "gold" );
You see this line even gets called when the SavingsAccounts is not used.
Well, one can simply remove the script, if it's not used anyways, but wouldn't it be smarter to check for interest on Worldsave instead running a timer on Initialize()?

Further in the AuctionSearchGump you create the Array m_Buttons.
Why not just check for info.ButtonID != 0 && info.ButtonID != 1, that saves a search. And saves a lot of code like
			m_Buttons = new ArrayList();
			m_Buttons.Add( 0 );
			m_Buttons.Add( 1 );

			// BUTTON 0 : Cancel
			AddButton(85, 350, 4017, 4018, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
			AddLabel(125, 350, LabelHue, AuctionSystem.ST[ 47 ] );
			m_Buttons.Add( 0 );
you add 0 twice.


new char not getting bank account

ive done as said to here is what i have and im getting this error
the type of name space "bank" could not be found?
			if ( args.Profession <= 3 )
				AddShirt( newChar, args.ShirtHue );
				AddPants( newChar, args.PantsHue );
				AddShoes( newChar );

			if( TestCenter.Enabled )
				FillBankbox( newChar );

			if ( young && newChar.BankBox != null )
				NewPlayerTicket ticket = new NewPlayerTicket();
				ticket.Owner = newChar;
				newChar.BankBox.DropItem( ticket );
                                bank.DropItem( new Arya.Savings.SavingsAccount() ); 
it is, but only, if ( young && newChar.BankBox != null )
so put it outside after that if check and it should be created for any character. Hopefully...


Kamuflaro said:
it is, but only, if ( young && newChar.BankBox != null )
so put it outside after that if check and it should be created for any character. Hopefully...
it is but still dosnt work here is wht i have ?
			if ( young && newChar.BankBox != null )
				NewPlayerTicket ticket = new NewPlayerTicket();
				ticket.Owner = newChar;
				newChar.BankBox.DropItem( ticket );
                                newChar.BankBox.DropItem( new Arya.Savings.SavingsAccount() );