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Dynamic Race/Class System.

I got it to work though. I simply took the bags out of the chest before changing the scripts, then restarted the shard, deleted the orbs as required, then recreated the races, classes and bonus packs.

Then just redistribute all the packs, and add the new orbs to your existing bags, and delete the new empty ones.

Its a pain, but it did work.

- Sir Dark -

EchoEcho said:
I dont know why decreasing would be done, seeing as you can go as low as 1 by typing in 1.

But increasing would require changing a few spots on a few scripts, I would need to look into the scripts more to find the exact ones.

Did you find the spots Echo? It's really important!!! Please!!! :)


ClassOrb.cs - Primary, Restricted
RaceGump.cs - Primary, Restricted, Secondary, Teritary
AddClassGump.cs - Teritary, Secondary, Primary, Restricted

There are many places in each script that need editing, but as I recently had to reformat, and do not have a copy of UO, testing is hard.
Just change the 5 to whatever number you want the restricted classes to be. I'm pretty sure I got all of them. if it doesnt compile, shoot me, hehe.


line 321(ish)
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {

line 343(ish)
for (int j=0; j<5; j++) {


line 125(ish)
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {

line 146(ish)
for (int j=0; j<5; j++) {

line 188-9(ish)
if (r_orb.Res_Class_Num != 5) {
for (int j=0; j<5; j++) {

line 202(ish)
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {

line 29(ish)
private string[] res_classes = new string[5];

line 200(ish)
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {

line 247(ish)
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {


It compiles fine, but as soon as any race orbs are created on the first save this happens:

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at Server.Items.RaceOrb.Serialize(GenericWriter writer)
   at Server.World.SaveItems()
   at Server.World.Save(Boolean message)
   at Server.World.Save()
   at Server.Misc.AutoSave.Save()
   at Server.Misc.AutoSave.OnTick()
   at Server.Timer.Slice()
   at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)

Which promptly corrupts the save.



Base Armor
using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Engines.Craft;
using Server.Factions;
using AMA = Server.Items.ArmorMeditationAllowance;
using AMT = Server.Items.ArmorMaterialType;
using ABT = Server.Items.ArmorBodyType;

namespace Server.Items
	public abstract class BaseArmor : Item, IScissorable, IFactionItem, ICraftable
		#region Factions
		private FactionItem m_FactionState;

		public FactionItem FactionItemState
			get{ return m_FactionState; }
				m_FactionState = value;

				if ( m_FactionState == null )
					Hue = CraftResources.GetHue( Resource );

				LootType = ( m_FactionState == null ? LootType.Regular : LootType.Blessed );

		/* Armor internals work differently now (Jun 19 2003)
		 * The attributes defined below default to -1.
		 * If the value is -1, the corresponding virtual 'Aos/Old' property is used.
		 * If not, the attribute value itself is used. Here's the list:
		 *  - ArmorBase
		 *  - StrBonus
		 *  - DexBonus
		 *  - IntBonus
		 *  - StrReq
		 *  - DexReq
		 *  - IntReq
		 *  - MeditationAllowance

		// Instance values. These values must are unique to each armor piece.
		private int m_MaxHitPoints;
		private int m_HitPoints;
		private Mobile m_Crafter;
		private ArmorQuality m_Quality;
		private ArmorDurabilityLevel m_Durability;
		private ArmorProtectionLevel m_Protection;
		private CraftResource m_Resource;
		private bool m_Identified, m_PlayerConstructed;
		private int m_PhysicalBonus, m_FireBonus, m_ColdBonus, m_PoisonBonus, m_EnergyBonus;

		private AosAttributes m_AosAttributes;
		private AosArmorAttributes m_AosArmorAttributes;
		private AosSkillBonuses m_AosSkillBonuses;

		// Overridable values. These values are provided to override the defaults which get defined in the individual armor scripts.
		private int m_ArmorBase = -1;
		private int m_StrBonus = -1, m_DexBonus = -1, m_IntBonus = -1;
		private int m_StrReq = -1, m_DexReq = -1, m_IntReq = -1;
		private AMA m_Meditate = (AMA)(-1);

		public virtual bool AllowMaleWearer{ get{ return true; } }
		public virtual bool AllowFemaleWearer{ get{ return true; } }

		public abstract AMT MaterialType{ get; }

		public virtual int RevertArmorBase{ get{ return ArmorBase; } }
		public virtual int ArmorBase{ get{ return 0; } }

		public virtual AMA DefMedAllowance{ get{ return AMA.None; } }
		public virtual AMA AosMedAllowance{ get{ return DefMedAllowance; } }
		public virtual AMA OldMedAllowance{ get{ return DefMedAllowance; } }

		public virtual int AosStrBonus{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosDexBonus{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosIntBonus{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosStrReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosDexReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosIntReq{ get{ return 0; } }

		public virtual int OldStrBonus{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldDexBonus{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldIntBonus{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldStrReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldDexReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldIntReq{ get{ return 0; } }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AMA MeditationAllowance
			get{ return ( m_Meditate == (AMA)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosMedAllowance : OldMedAllowance : m_Meditate ); }
			set{ m_Meditate = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int BaseArmorRating
				if ( m_ArmorBase == -1 )
					return ArmorBase;
					return m_ArmorBase;
				m_ArmorBase = value; Invalidate(); 

		public double BaseArmorRatingScaled
				return ( BaseArmorRating * ArmorScalar );

		public virtual double ArmorRating
				int ar = BaseArmorRating;

				if ( m_Protection != ArmorProtectionLevel.Regular )
					ar += 10 + (5 * (int)m_Protection);

				switch ( m_Resource )
					case CraftResource.DullCopper:		ar += 2; break;
					case CraftResource.ShadowIron:		ar += 4; break;
					case CraftResource.Copper:			ar += 6; break;
					case CraftResource.Bronze:			ar += 8; break;
					case CraftResource.Gold:			ar += 10; break;
					case CraftResource.Agapite:			ar += 12; break;
					case CraftResource.Verite:			ar += 14; break;
					case CraftResource.Valorite:		ar += 16; break;
					case CraftResource.SpinedLeather:	ar += 10; break;
					case CraftResource.HornedLeather:	ar += 13; break;
					case CraftResource.BarbedLeather:	ar += 16; break;

				ar += -8 + (8 * (int)m_Quality);
				return ScaleArmorByDurability( ar );

		public double ArmorRatingScaled
				return ( ArmorRating * ArmorScalar );

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int StrBonus
			get{ return ( m_StrBonus == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosStrBonus : OldStrBonus : m_StrBonus ); }
			set{ m_StrBonus = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int DexBonus
			get{ return ( m_DexBonus == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosDexBonus : OldDexBonus : m_DexBonus ); }
			set{ m_DexBonus = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int IntBonus
			get{ return ( m_IntBonus == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosIntBonus : OldIntBonus : m_IntBonus ); }
			set{ m_IntBonus = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int StrRequirement
			get{ return ( m_StrReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosStrReq : OldStrReq : m_StrReq ); }
			set{ m_StrReq = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int DexRequirement
			get{ return ( m_DexReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosDexReq : OldDexReq : m_DexReq ); }
			set{ m_DexReq = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int IntRequirement
			get{ return ( m_IntReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosIntReq : OldIntReq : m_IntReq ); }
			set{ m_IntReq = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool Identified
			get{ return m_Identified; }
			set{ m_Identified = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool PlayerConstructed
			get{ return m_PlayerConstructed; }
			set{ m_PlayerConstructed = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public CraftResource Resource
				return m_Resource;
				if ( m_Resource != value )

					m_Resource = value;
					Hue = CraftResources.GetHue( m_Resource );


					if ( Parent is Mobile )


		public virtual double ArmorScalar
				int pos = (int)BodyPosition;

				if ( pos >= 0 && pos < m_ArmorScalars.Length )
					return m_ArmorScalars[pos];

				return 1.0;

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MaxHitPoints
			get{ return m_MaxHitPoints; }
			set{ m_MaxHitPoints = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int HitPoints
				return m_HitPoints;
				if ( value != m_HitPoints && MaxHitPoints > 0 )
					m_HitPoints = value;

					if ( m_HitPoints < 0 )
					else if ( m_HitPoints > MaxHitPoints )
						m_HitPoints = MaxHitPoints;


		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public Mobile Crafter
			get{ return m_Crafter; }
			set{ m_Crafter = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public ArmorQuality Quality
			get{ return m_Quality; }
			set{ UnscaleDurability(); m_Quality = value; Invalidate(); InvalidateProperties(); ScaleDurability(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public ArmorDurabilityLevel Durability
			get{ return m_Durability; }
			set{ UnscaleDurability(); m_Durability = value; ScaleDurability(); InvalidateProperties(); }

		public virtual int ArtifactRarity
			get{ return 0; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public ArmorProtectionLevel ProtectionLevel
				return m_Protection;
				if ( m_Protection != value )
					m_Protection = value;


					if ( Parent is Mobile )

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosAttributes Attributes
			get{ return m_AosAttributes; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosArmorAttributes ArmorAttributes
			get{ return m_AosArmorAttributes; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosSkillBonuses SkillBonuses
			get{ return m_AosSkillBonuses; }

		public int ComputeStatReq( StatType type )
			int v;

			if ( type == StatType.Str )
				v = StrRequirement;
			else if ( type == StatType.Dex )
				v = DexRequirement;
				v = IntRequirement;

			return AOS.Scale( v, 100 - GetLowerStatReq() );

		public int ComputeStatBonus( StatType type )
			if ( type == StatType.Str )
				return StrBonus + Attributes.BonusStr;
			else if ( type == StatType.Dex )
				return DexBonus + Attributes.BonusDex;
				return IntBonus + Attributes.BonusInt;

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int PhysicalBonus{ get{ return m_PhysicalBonus; } set{ m_PhysicalBonus = value; InvalidateProperties(); } }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int FireBonus{ get{ return m_FireBonus; } set{ m_FireBonus = value; InvalidateProperties(); } }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int ColdBonus{ get{ return m_ColdBonus; } set{ m_ColdBonus = value; InvalidateProperties(); } }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int PoisonBonus{ get{ return m_PoisonBonus; } set{ m_PoisonBonus = value; InvalidateProperties(); } }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int EnergyBonus{ get{ return m_EnergyBonus; } set{ m_EnergyBonus = value; InvalidateProperties(); } }

		public virtual int BasePhysicalResistance{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int BaseFireResistance{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int BaseColdResistance{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int BasePoisonResistance{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int BaseEnergyResistance{ get{ return 0; } }

		public override int PhysicalResistance{ get{ return BasePhysicalResistance + GetProtOffset() + GetResourceAttrs().ArmorPhysicalResist + m_PhysicalBonus; } }
		public override int FireResistance{ get{ return BaseFireResistance + GetProtOffset() + GetResourceAttrs().ArmorFireResist + m_FireBonus; } }
		public override int ColdResistance{ get{ return BaseColdResistance + GetProtOffset() + GetResourceAttrs().ArmorColdResist + m_ColdBonus; } }
		public override int PoisonResistance{ get{ return BasePoisonResistance + GetProtOffset() + GetResourceAttrs().ArmorPoisonResist + m_PoisonBonus; } }
		public override int EnergyResistance{ get{ return BaseEnergyResistance + GetProtOffset() + GetResourceAttrs().ArmorEnergyResist + m_EnergyBonus; } }

		public virtual int InitMinHits{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int InitMaxHits{ get{ return 0; } }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public ArmorBodyType BodyPosition
				switch ( this.Layer )
					case Layer.Neck:		return ArmorBodyType.Gorget;
					case Layer.TwoHanded:	return ArmorBodyType.Shield;
					case Layer.Gloves:		return ArmorBodyType.Gloves;
					case Layer.Helm:		return ArmorBodyType.Helmet;
					case Layer.Arms:		return ArmorBodyType.Arms;

					case Layer.InnerLegs:
					case Layer.OuterLegs:
					case Layer.Pants:		return ArmorBodyType.Legs;

					case Layer.InnerTorso:
					case Layer.OuterTorso:
					case Layer.Shirt:		return ArmorBodyType.Chest;

		public void DistributeBonuses( int amount )
			for ( int i = 0; i < amount; ++i )
				switch ( Utility.Random( 5 ) )
					case 0: ++m_PhysicalBonus; break;
					case 1: ++m_FireBonus; break;
					case 2: ++m_ColdBonus; break;
					case 3: ++m_PoisonBonus; break;
					case 4: ++m_EnergyBonus; break;


		public CraftAttributeInfo GetResourceAttrs()
			CraftResourceInfo info = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );

			if ( info == null )
				return CraftAttributeInfo.Blank;

			return info.AttributeInfo;

		public int GetProtOffset()
			switch ( m_Protection )
				case ArmorProtectionLevel.Guarding: return 1;
				case ArmorProtectionLevel.Hardening: return 2;
				case ArmorProtectionLevel.Fortification: return 3;
				case ArmorProtectionLevel.Invulnerability: return 4;

			return 0;

		public void UnscaleDurability()
			int scale = 100 + GetDurabilityBonus();

			m_HitPoints = ((m_HitPoints * 100) + (scale - 1)) / scale;
			m_MaxHitPoints = ((m_MaxHitPoints * 100) + (scale - 1)) / scale;

		public void ScaleDurability()
			int scale = 100 + GetDurabilityBonus();

			m_HitPoints = ((m_HitPoints * scale) + 99) / 100;
			m_MaxHitPoints = ((m_MaxHitPoints * scale) + 99) / 100;

		public int GetDurabilityBonus()
			int bonus = 0;

			if ( m_Quality == ArmorQuality.Exceptional )
				bonus += 20;

			switch ( m_Durability )
				case ArmorDurabilityLevel.Durable: bonus += 20; break;
				case ArmorDurabilityLevel.Substantial: bonus += 50; break;
				case ArmorDurabilityLevel.Massive: bonus += 70; break;
				case ArmorDurabilityLevel.Fortified: bonus += 100; break;
				case ArmorDurabilityLevel.Indestructible: bonus += 120; break;

			if ( Core.AOS )
				bonus += m_AosArmorAttributes.DurabilityBonus;

				CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );
				CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = null;

				if ( resInfo != null )
					attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;

				if ( attrInfo != null )
					bonus += attrInfo.ArmorDurability;

			return bonus;

		public bool Scissor( Mobile from, Scissors scissors )
			if ( !IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502437 ); // Items you wish to cut must be in your backpack.
				return false;

			CraftSystem system = DefTailoring.CraftSystem;

			CraftItem item = system.CraftItems.SearchFor( GetType() );

			if ( item != null && item.Ressources.Count == 1 && item.Ressources.GetAt( 0 ).Amount >= 2 )
					Item res = (Item)Activator.CreateInstance( CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource ).ResourceTypes[0] );

					ScissorHelper( from, res, m_PlayerConstructed ? (item.Ressources.GetAt( 0 ).Amount / 2) : 1 );
					return true;

			from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502440 ); // Scissors can not be used on that to produce anything.
			return false;

		private static double[] m_ArmorScalars = { 0.07, 0.07, 0.14, 0.15, 0.22, 0.35 };

		public static double[] ArmorScalars
				return m_ArmorScalars;
				m_ArmorScalars = value;

		public static void ValidateMobile( Mobile m )
			for ( int i = m.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
				if ( i >= m.Items.Count )

				Item item = (Item)m.Items[i];

				if ( item is BaseArmor )
					BaseArmor armor = (BaseArmor)item;

					if ( !armor.AllowMaleWearer && m.Body.IsMale && m.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster )
						if ( armor.AllowFemaleWearer )
							m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010388 ); // Only females can wear this.
							m.SendMessage( "You may not wear this." );

						m.AddToBackpack( armor );
					else if ( !armor.AllowFemaleWearer && m.Body.IsFemale && m.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster )
						if ( armor.AllowMaleWearer )
							m.SendMessage( "Only males can wear this." );
							m.SendMessage( "You may not wear this." );

						m.AddToBackpack( armor );

		public int GetLowerStatReq()
			if ( !Core.AOS )
				return 0;

			int v = m_AosArmorAttributes.LowerStatReq;

			CraftResourceInfo info = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );

			if ( info != null )
				CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = info.AttributeInfo;

				if ( attrInfo != null )
					v += attrInfo.ArmorLowerRequirements;

			if ( v > 100 )
				v = 100;

			return v;

		public override void OnAdded( object parent )
			if ( parent is Mobile )
				Mobile from = (Mobile)parent;

				if ( Core.AOS )
					m_AosSkillBonuses.AddTo( from );

				from.Delta( MobileDelta.Armor ); // Tell them armor rating has changed

		public virtual double ScaleArmorByDurability( double armor )
			int scale = 100;

			if ( m_MaxHitPoints > 0 && m_HitPoints < m_MaxHitPoints )
				scale = 50 + ((50 * m_HitPoints) / m_MaxHitPoints);

			return ( armor * scale ) / 100;

		protected void Invalidate()
			if ( Parent is Mobile )
				((Mobile)Parent).Delta( MobileDelta.Armor ); // Tell them armor rating has changed

		public BaseArmor( Serial serial ) :  base( serial )

		private static void SetSaveFlag( ref SaveFlag flags, SaveFlag toSet, bool setIf )
			if ( setIf )
				flags |= toSet;

		private static bool GetSaveFlag( SaveFlag flags, SaveFlag toGet )
			return ( (flags & toGet) != 0 );

		private enum SaveFlag
			None				= 0x00000000,
			Attributes			= 0x00000001,
			ArmorAttributes		= 0x00000002,
			PhysicalBonus		= 0x00000004,
			FireBonus			= 0x00000008,
			ColdBonus			= 0x00000010,
			PoisonBonus			= 0x00000020,
			EnergyBonus			= 0x00000040,
			Identified			= 0x00000080,
			MaxHitPoints		= 0x00000100,
			HitPoints			= 0x00000200,
			Crafter				= 0x00000400,
			Quality				= 0x00000800,
			Durability			= 0x00001000,
			Protection			= 0x00002000,
			Resource			= 0x00004000,
			BaseArmor			= 0x00008000,
			StrBonus			= 0x00010000,
			DexBonus			= 0x00020000,
			IntBonus			= 0x00040000,
			StrReq				= 0x00080000,
			DexReq				= 0x00100000,
			IntReq				= 0x00200000,
			MedAllowance		= 0x00400000,
			SkillBonuses		= 0x00800000,
			PlayerConstructed	= 0x01000000

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );

			writer.Write( (int) 7 ); // version

			SaveFlag flags = SaveFlag.None;

			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Attributes,		!m_AosAttributes.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.ArmorAttributes,	!m_AosArmorAttributes.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.PhysicalBonus,		m_PhysicalBonus != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.FireBonus,			m_FireBonus != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.ColdBonus,			m_ColdBonus != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.PoisonBonus,		m_PoisonBonus != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.EnergyBonus,		m_EnergyBonus != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Identified,		m_Identified != false );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxHitPoints,		m_MaxHitPoints != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.HitPoints,			m_HitPoints != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Crafter,			m_Crafter != null );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Quality,			m_Quality != ArmorQuality.Regular );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Durability,		m_Durability != ArmorDurabilityLevel.Regular );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Protection,		m_Protection != ArmorProtectionLevel.Regular );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Resource,			m_Resource != DefaultResource );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.BaseArmor,			m_ArmorBase != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.StrBonus,			m_StrBonus != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.DexBonus,			m_DexBonus != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.IntBonus,			m_IntBonus != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.StrReq,			m_StrReq != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.DexReq,			m_DexReq != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.IntReq,			m_IntReq != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MedAllowance,		m_Meditate != (AMA)(-1) );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses,		!m_AosSkillBonuses.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.PlayerConstructed,	m_PlayerConstructed != false );

			writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) flags );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Attributes ) )
				m_AosAttributes.Serialize( writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.ArmorAttributes ) )
				m_AosArmorAttributes.Serialize( writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PhysicalBonus ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_PhysicalBonus );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.FireBonus ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_FireBonus );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.ColdBonus ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_ColdBonus );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PoisonBonus ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_PoisonBonus );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.EnergyBonus ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_EnergyBonus );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxHitPoints ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_MaxHitPoints );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.HitPoints ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_HitPoints );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Crafter ) )
				writer.Write( (Mobile) m_Crafter );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Quality ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_Quality );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Durability ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_Durability );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Protection ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_Protection );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resource ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_Resource );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.BaseArmor ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_ArmorBase );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.StrBonus ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_StrBonus );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DexBonus ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_DexBonus );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.IntBonus ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_IntBonus );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.StrReq ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_StrReq );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DexReq ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_DexReq );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.IntReq ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_IntReq );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MedAllowance ) )
				writer.WriteEncodedInt( (int) m_Meditate );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses ) )
				m_AosSkillBonuses.Serialize( writer );

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );

			int version = reader.ReadInt();

			switch ( version )
				case 7:
				case 6:
				case 5:
					SaveFlag flags = (SaveFlag)reader.ReadEncodedInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Attributes ) )
						m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this, reader );
						m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.ArmorAttributes ) )
						m_AosArmorAttributes = new AosArmorAttributes( this, reader );
						m_AosArmorAttributes = new AosArmorAttributes( this );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PhysicalBonus ) )
						m_PhysicalBonus = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.FireBonus ) )
						m_FireBonus = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.ColdBonus ) )
						m_ColdBonus = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PoisonBonus ) )
						m_PoisonBonus = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.EnergyBonus ) )
						m_EnergyBonus = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Identified ) )
						m_Identified = ( version >= 7 || reader.ReadBool() );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxHitPoints ) )
						m_MaxHitPoints = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.HitPoints ) )
						m_HitPoints = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Crafter ) )
						m_Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Quality ) )
						m_Quality = (ArmorQuality)reader.ReadEncodedInt();
						m_Quality = ArmorQuality.Regular;

					if ( version == 5 && m_Quality == ArmorQuality.Low )
						m_Quality = ArmorQuality.Regular;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Durability ) )
						m_Durability = (ArmorDurabilityLevel)reader.ReadEncodedInt();

						if ( m_Durability > ArmorDurabilityLevel.Indestructible )
							m_Durability = ArmorDurabilityLevel.Durable;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Protection ) )
						m_Protection = (ArmorProtectionLevel)reader.ReadEncodedInt();

						if ( m_Protection > ArmorProtectionLevel.Invulnerability )
							m_Protection = ArmorProtectionLevel.Defense;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resource ) )
						m_Resource = (CraftResource)reader.ReadEncodedInt();
						m_Resource = DefaultResource;

					if ( m_Resource == CraftResource.None )
						m_Resource = DefaultResource;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.BaseArmor ) )
						m_ArmorBase = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
						m_ArmorBase = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.StrBonus ) )
						m_StrBonus = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
						m_StrBonus = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DexBonus ) )
						m_DexBonus = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
						m_DexBonus = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.IntBonus ) )
						m_IntBonus = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
						m_IntBonus = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.StrReq ) )
						m_StrReq = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
						m_StrReq = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DexReq ) )
						m_DexReq = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
						m_DexReq = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.IntReq ) )
						m_IntReq = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
						m_IntReq = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MedAllowance ) )
						m_Meditate = (AMA)reader.ReadEncodedInt();
						m_Meditate = (AMA)(-1);

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses ) )
						m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this, reader );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PlayerConstructed ) )
						m_PlayerConstructed = true;

				case 4:
					m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this, reader );
					m_AosArmorAttributes = new AosArmorAttributes( this, reader );
					goto case 3;
				case 3:
					m_PhysicalBonus = reader.ReadInt();
					m_FireBonus = reader.ReadInt();
					m_ColdBonus = reader.ReadInt();
					m_PoisonBonus = reader.ReadInt();
					m_EnergyBonus = reader.ReadInt();
					goto case 2;
				case 2:
				case 1:
					m_Identified = reader.ReadBool();
					goto case 0;
				case 0:
					m_ArmorBase = reader.ReadInt();
					m_MaxHitPoints = reader.ReadInt();
					m_HitPoints = reader.ReadInt();
					m_Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();
					m_Quality = (ArmorQuality)reader.ReadInt();
					m_Durability = (ArmorDurabilityLevel)reader.ReadInt();
					m_Protection = (ArmorProtectionLevel)reader.ReadInt();

					AMT mat = (AMT)reader.ReadInt();

					if ( m_ArmorBase == RevertArmorBase )
						m_ArmorBase = -1;

					/*m_BodyPos = (ArmorBodyType)*/reader.ReadInt();

					if ( version < 4 )
						m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
						m_AosArmorAttributes = new AosArmorAttributes( this );

					if ( version < 3 && m_Quality == ArmorQuality.Exceptional )
						DistributeBonuses( 6 );

					if ( version >= 2 )
						m_Resource = (CraftResource)reader.ReadInt();
						OreInfo info;

						switch ( reader.ReadInt() )
							case 0: info = OreInfo.Iron; break;
							case 1: info = OreInfo.DullCopper; break;
							case 2: info = OreInfo.ShadowIron; break;
							case 3: info = OreInfo.Copper; break;
							case 4: info = OreInfo.Bronze; break;
							case 5: info = OreInfo.Gold; break;
							case 6: info = OreInfo.Agapite; break;
							case 7: info = OreInfo.Verite; break;
							case 8: info = OreInfo.Valorite; break;

						m_Resource = CraftResources.GetFromOreInfo( info, mat );

					m_StrBonus = reader.ReadInt();
					m_DexBonus = reader.ReadInt();
					m_IntBonus = reader.ReadInt();
					m_StrReq = reader.ReadInt();
					m_DexReq = reader.ReadInt();
					m_IntReq = reader.ReadInt();

					if ( m_StrBonus == OldStrBonus )
						m_StrBonus = -1;

					if ( m_DexBonus == OldDexBonus )
						m_DexBonus = -1;

					if ( m_IntBonus == OldIntBonus )
						m_IntBonus = -1;

					if ( m_StrReq == OldStrReq )
						m_StrReq = -1;

					if ( m_DexReq == OldDexReq )
						m_DexReq = -1;

					if ( m_IntReq == OldIntReq )
						m_IntReq = -1;

					m_Meditate = (AMA)reader.ReadInt();

					if ( m_Meditate == OldMedAllowance )
						m_Meditate = (AMA)(-1);

					if ( m_Resource == CraftResource.None )
						if ( mat == ArmorMaterialType.Studded || mat == ArmorMaterialType.Leather )
							m_Resource = CraftResource.RegularLeather;
						else if ( mat == ArmorMaterialType.Spined )
							m_Resource = CraftResource.SpinedLeather;
						else if ( mat == ArmorMaterialType.Horned )
							m_Resource = CraftResource.HornedLeather;
						else if ( mat == ArmorMaterialType.Barbed )
							m_Resource = CraftResource.BarbedLeather;
							m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;

					if ( m_MaxHitPoints == 0 && m_HitPoints == 0 )
						m_HitPoints = m_MaxHitPoints = Utility.RandomMinMax( InitMinHits, InitMaxHits );


			if ( m_AosSkillBonuses == null )
				m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );

			if ( Core.AOS && Parent is Mobile )
				m_AosSkillBonuses.AddTo( (Mobile)Parent );

			int strBonus = ComputeStatBonus( StatType.Str );
			int dexBonus = ComputeStatBonus( StatType.Dex );
			int intBonus = ComputeStatBonus( StatType.Int );

			if ( Parent is Mobile && (strBonus != 0 || dexBonus != 0 || intBonus != 0) )
				Mobile m = (Mobile)Parent;

				string modName = Serial.ToString();

				if ( strBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Str, modName + "Str", strBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

				if ( dexBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Dex, modName + "Dex", dexBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

				if ( intBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Int, modName + "Int", intBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

			if ( Parent is Mobile )

			if ( version < 7 )
				m_PlayerConstructed = true; // we don't know, so, assume it's crafted

		public virtual CraftResource DefaultResource{ get{ return CraftResource.Iron; } }

		public BaseArmor( int itemID ) :  base( itemID )
			m_Quality = ArmorQuality.Regular;
			m_Durability = ArmorDurabilityLevel.Regular;
			m_Crafter = null;

			m_Resource = DefaultResource;
			Hue = CraftResources.GetHue( m_Resource );

			m_HitPoints = m_MaxHitPoints = Utility.RandomMinMax( InitMinHits, InitMaxHits );

			this.Layer = (Layer)ItemData.Quality;

			m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
			m_AosArmorAttributes = new AosArmorAttributes( this );
			m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );

		public override bool CanEquip( Mobile from )
/******************Edited for Dynamic Race/Class System v2.0*******************************/
		if (from.Backpack != null) {	
			if (from.Backpack.GetAmount( typeof( RCCONTROL ) ) != 0) {
				RCCONTROL rc =  from.Backpack.FindItemByType( typeof( RCCONTROL ) ) as RCCONTROL;
				foreach (Item i in rc.A_Bag.Items) {
					if (this.GetType() == i.GetType()) {
						from.SendMessage( 6, "Your Class Cannot Wear this Item" );
						return false;
			if ( !AllowMaleWearer && from.Body.IsMale && from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster )
				if ( AllowFemaleWearer )
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1010388 ); // Only females can wear this.
					from.SendMessage( "You may not wear this." );

				return false;
			else if ( !AllowFemaleWearer && from.Body.IsFemale && from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster )
				if ( AllowMaleWearer )
					from.SendMessage( "Only males can wear this." );
					from.SendMessage( "You may not wear this." );

				return false;
				int strBonus = ComputeStatBonus( StatType.Str ), strReq = ComputeStatReq( StatType.Str );
				int dexBonus = ComputeStatBonus( StatType.Dex ), dexReq = ComputeStatReq( StatType.Dex );
				int intBonus = ComputeStatBonus( StatType.Int ), intReq = ComputeStatReq( StatType.Int );

				if ( from.Dex < dexReq || (from.Dex + dexBonus) < 1 )
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 502077 ); // You do not have enough dexterity to equip this item.
					return false;
				else if ( from.Str < strReq || (from.Str + strBonus) < 1 )
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500213 ); // You are not strong enough to equip that.
					return false;
				else if ( from.Int < intReq || (from.Int + intBonus) < 1 )
					from.SendMessage( "You are not smart enough to equip that." );
					return false;

			return base.CanEquip( from );

		public override bool CheckPropertyConfliction( Mobile m )
			if ( base.CheckPropertyConfliction( m ) )
				return true;

			if ( Layer == Layer.Pants )
				return ( m.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerLegs ) != null );

			if ( Layer == Layer.Shirt )
				return ( m.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.InnerTorso ) != null );

			return false;

		public override bool OnEquip( Mobile from )

			int strBonus = ComputeStatBonus( StatType.Str );
			int dexBonus = ComputeStatBonus( StatType.Dex );
			int intBonus = ComputeStatBonus( StatType.Int );

			if ( strBonus != 0 || dexBonus != 0 || intBonus != 0 )
				string modName = this.Serial.ToString();

				if ( strBonus != 0 )
					from.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Str, modName + "Str", strBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

				if ( dexBonus != 0 )
					from.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Dex, modName + "Dex", dexBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

				if ( intBonus != 0 )
					from.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Int, modName + "Int", intBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

			return base.OnEquip( from );

		public override void OnRemoved( object parent )
			if ( parent is Mobile )
				Mobile m = (Mobile)parent;
				string modName = this.Serial.ToString();

				m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Str" );
				m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Dex" );
				m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Int" );

				if ( Core.AOS )

				((Mobile)parent).Delta( MobileDelta.Armor ); // Tell them armor rating has changed

			base.OnRemoved( parent );

		public virtual int OnHit( BaseWeapon weapon, int damageTaken )
			double HalfAr = ArmorRating / 2.0;
			int Absorbed = (int)(HalfAr + HalfAr*Utility.RandomDouble());

			damageTaken -= Absorbed;
			if ( damageTaken < 0 ) 
				damageTaken = 0;

			if ( Absorbed < 2 )
				Absorbed = 2;

			if ( 25 > Utility.Random( 100 ) ) // 25% chance to lower durability
				if ( Core.AOS && m_AosArmorAttributes.SelfRepair > Utility.Random( 10 ) )
					HitPoints += 2;
					int wear;

					if ( weapon.Type == WeaponType.Bashing )
						wear = Absorbed / 2;
						wear = Utility.Random( 2 );

					if ( wear > 0 && m_MaxHitPoints > 0 )
						if ( m_HitPoints >= wear )
							HitPoints -= wear;
							wear = 0;
							wear -= HitPoints;
							HitPoints = 0;

						if ( wear > 0 )
							if ( m_MaxHitPoints > wear )
								MaxHitPoints -= wear;

								if ( Parent is Mobile )
									((Mobile)Parent).LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1061121 ); // Your equipment is severely damaged.

			return damageTaken;

		private string GetNameString()
			string name = this.Name;

			if ( name == null )
				name = String.Format( "#{0}", LabelNumber );

			return name;

		[Hue, CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public override int Hue
			get{ return base.Hue; }
			set{ base.Hue = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		public override void AddNameProperty( ObjectPropertyList list )
			int oreType;

			if ( Hue == 0 )
				oreType = 0;
				switch ( m_Resource )
					case CraftResource.DullCopper:		oreType = 1053108; break; // dull copper
					case CraftResource.ShadowIron:		oreType = 1053107; break; // shadow iron
					case CraftResource.Copper:			oreType = 1053106; break; // copper
					case CraftResource.Bronze:			oreType = 1053105; break; // bronze
					case CraftResource.Gold:			oreType = 1053104; break; // golden
					case CraftResource.Agapite:			oreType = 1053103; break; // agapite
					case CraftResource.Verite:			oreType = 1053102; break; // verite
					case CraftResource.Valorite:		oreType = 1053101; break; // valorite
					case CraftResource.SpinedLeather:	oreType = 1061118; break; // spined
					case CraftResource.HornedLeather:	oreType = 1061117; break; // horned
					case CraftResource.BarbedLeather:	oreType = 1061116; break; // barbed
					case CraftResource.RedScales:		oreType = 1060814; break; // red
					case CraftResource.YellowScales:	oreType = 1060818; break; // yellow
					case CraftResource.BlackScales:		oreType = 1060820; break; // black
					case CraftResource.GreenScales:		oreType = 1060819; break; // green
					case CraftResource.WhiteScales:		oreType = 1060821; break; // white
					case CraftResource.BlueScales:		oreType = 1060815; break; // blue
					default: oreType = 0; break;

			if ( m_Quality == ArmorQuality.Exceptional )
				if ( oreType != 0 )
					list.Add( 1053100, "#{0}\t{1}", oreType, GetNameString() ); // exceptional ~1_oretype~ ~2_armortype~
					list.Add( 1050040, GetNameString() ); // exceptional ~1_ITEMNAME~
				if ( oreType != 0 )
					list.Add( 1053099, "#{0}\t{1}", oreType, GetNameString() ); // ~1_oretype~ ~2_armortype~
				else if ( Name == null )
					list.Add( LabelNumber );
					list.Add( Name );

		public override bool AllowEquipedCast( Mobile from )
			if ( base.AllowEquipedCast( from ) )
				return true;

			return ( m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling != 0 );

		public virtual int GetLuckBonus()
			CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );

			if ( resInfo == null )
				return 0;

			CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;

			if ( attrInfo == null )
				return 0;

			return attrInfo.ArmorLuck;

		public override void GetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
			base.GetProperties( list );

			if ( m_Crafter != null )
				list.Add( 1050043, m_Crafter.Name ); // crafted by ~1_NAME~

			#region Factions
			if ( m_FactionState != null )
				list.Add( 1041350 ); // faction item

			m_AosSkillBonuses.GetProperties( list );

			int prop;

			if ( (prop = ArtifactRarity) > 0 )
				list.Add( 1061078, prop.ToString() ); // artifact rarity ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.WeaponDamage) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060401, prop.ToString() ); // damage increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.DefendChance) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060408, prop.ToString() ); // defense chance increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060409, prop.ToString() ); // dexterity bonus ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.EnhancePotions) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060411, prop.ToString() ); // enhance potions ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.CastRecovery) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060412, prop.ToString() ); // faster cast recovery ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.CastSpeed) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060413, prop.ToString() ); // faster casting ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.AttackChance) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060415, prop.ToString() ); // hit chance increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusHits) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060431, prop.ToString() ); // hit point increase ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060432, prop.ToString() ); // intelligence bonus ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.LowerManaCost) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060433, prop.ToString() ); // lower mana cost ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.LowerRegCost) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060434, prop.ToString() ); // lower reagent cost ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = GetLowerStatReq()) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060435, prop.ToString() ); // lower requirements ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = (GetLuckBonus() + m_AosAttributes.Luck)) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060436, prop.ToString() ); // luck ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosArmorAttributes.MageArmor) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060437 ); // mage armor

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusMana) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060439, prop.ToString() ); // mana increase ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenMana) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060440, prop.ToString() ); // mana regeneration ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.NightSight) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060441 ); // night sight

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.ReflectPhysical) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060442, prop.ToString() ); // reflect physical damage ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenStam) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060443, prop.ToString() ); // stamina regeneration ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenHits) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060444, prop.ToString() ); // hit point regeneration ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosArmorAttributes.SelfRepair) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060450, prop.ToString() ); // self repair ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060482 ); // spell channeling

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.SpellDamage) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060483, prop.ToString() ); // spell damage increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusStam) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060484, prop.ToString() ); // stamina increase ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060485, prop.ToString() ); // strength bonus ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.WeaponSpeed) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060486, prop.ToString() ); // swing speed increase ~1_val~%

			base.AddResistanceProperties( list );

			if ( (prop = GetDurabilityBonus()) > 0 )
				list.Add( 1060410, prop.ToString() ); // durability ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = ComputeStatReq( StatType.Str )) > 0 )
				list.Add( 1061170, prop.ToString() ); // strength requirement ~1_val~

			if ( m_HitPoints >= 0 && m_MaxHitPoints > 0 )
				list.Add( 1060639, "{0}\t{1}", m_HitPoints, m_MaxHitPoints ); // durability ~1_val~ / ~2_val~

		public override void OnSingleClick( Mobile from )
			ArrayList attrs = new ArrayList();

			if ( DisplayLootType )
				if ( LootType == LootType.Blessed )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038021 ) ); // blessed
				else if ( LootType == LootType.Cursed )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1049643 ) ); // cursed

			#region Factions
			if ( m_FactionState != null )
				attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1041350 ) ); // faction item

			if ( m_Quality == ArmorQuality.Exceptional )
				attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1018305 - (int)m_Quality ) );

			if ( m_Identified )
				if ( m_Durability != ArmorDurabilityLevel.Regular )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038000 + (int)m_Durability ) );

				if ( m_Protection > ArmorProtectionLevel.Regular && m_Protection <= ArmorProtectionLevel.Invulnerability )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038005 + (int)m_Protection ) );
			else if ( m_Durability != ArmorDurabilityLevel.Regular || (m_Protection > ArmorProtectionLevel.Regular && m_Protection <= ArmorProtectionLevel.Invulnerability) )
				attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038000 ) ); // Unidentified

			int number;

			if ( Name == null )
				number = LabelNumber;
				this.LabelTo( from, Name );
				number = 1041000;

			if ( attrs.Count == 0 && Crafter == null && Name != null )

			EquipmentInfo eqInfo = new EquipmentInfo( number, m_Crafter, false, (EquipInfoAttribute[])attrs.ToArray( typeof( EquipInfoAttribute ) ) );

			from.Send( new DisplayEquipmentInfo( this, eqInfo ) );
		#region ICraftable Members

		public int OnCraft( int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue )
			Quality = (ArmorQuality)quality;

			if ( makersMark )
				Crafter = from;

			Type resourceType = typeRes;

			if ( resourceType == null )
				resourceType = craftItem.Ressources.GetAt( 0 ).ItemType;

			Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType( resourceType );
			PlayerConstructed = true;

			CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext( from );

			if ( context != null && context.DoNotColor )
				Hue = 0;

			if ( quality == 2 )
				DistributeBonuses( (tool is BaseRunicTool ? 6 : 14) );

			if ( Core.AOS && tool is BaseRunicTool )
				((BaseRunicTool)tool).ApplyAttributesTo( this );

			return quality;


Base Weapon
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Spells;
using Server.Spells.Necromancy;
using Server.Factions;
using Server.Engines.Craft;

namespace Server.Items
	public abstract class BaseWeapon : Item, IWeapon, IFactionItem, ICraftable
		#region Factions
		private FactionItem m_FactionState;

		public FactionItem FactionItemState
			get{ return m_FactionState; }
				m_FactionState = value;

				if ( m_FactionState == null )
					Hue = CraftResources.GetHue( Resource );

				LootType = ( m_FactionState == null ? LootType.Regular : LootType.Blessed );

		/* Weapon internals work differently now (Mar 13 2003)
		 * The attributes defined below default to -1.
		 * If the value is -1, the corresponding virtual 'Aos/Old' property is used.
		 * If not, the attribute value itself is used. Here's the list:
		 *  - MinDamage
		 *  - MaxDamage
		 *  - Speed
		 *  - HitSound
		 *  - MissSound
		 *  - StrRequirement, DexRequirement, IntRequirement
		 *  - WeaponType
		 *  - WeaponAnimation
		 *  - MaxRange

		// Instance values. These values must are unique to each weapon.
		private WeaponDamageLevel m_DamageLevel;
		private WeaponAccuracyLevel m_AccuracyLevel;
		private WeaponDurabilityLevel m_DurabilityLevel;
		private WeaponQuality m_Quality;
		private Mobile m_Crafter;
		private Poison m_Poison;
		private int m_PoisonCharges;
		private bool m_Identified;
		private int m_Hits;
		private int m_MaxHits;
		private SlayerName m_Slayer;
		private SkillMod m_SkillMod, m_MageMod;
		private CraftResource m_Resource;
		private bool m_PlayerConstructed;

		private bool m_Cursed; // Is this weapon cursed via Curse Weapon necromancer spell? Temporary; not serialized.
		private bool m_Consecrated; // Is this weapon blessed via Consecrate Weapon paladin ability? Temporary; not serialized.

		private AosAttributes m_AosAttributes;
		private AosWeaponAttributes m_AosWeaponAttributes;
		private AosSkillBonuses m_AosSkillBonuses;

		// Overridable values. These values are provided to override the defaults which get defined in the individual weapon scripts.
		private int m_StrReq, m_DexReq, m_IntReq;
		private int m_MinDamage, m_MaxDamage;
		private int m_HitSound, m_MissSound;
		private int m_Speed;
		private int m_MaxRange;
		private SkillName m_Skill;
		private WeaponType m_Type;
		private WeaponAnimation m_Animation;

		public virtual WeaponAbility PrimaryAbility{ get{ return null; } }
		public virtual WeaponAbility SecondaryAbility{ get{ return null; } }

		public virtual int DefMaxRange{ get{ return 1; } }
		public virtual int DefHitSound{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int DefMissSound{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual SkillName DefSkill{ get{ return SkillName.Swords; } }
		public virtual WeaponType DefType{ get{ return WeaponType.Slashing; } }
		public virtual WeaponAnimation DefAnimation{ get{ return WeaponAnimation.Slash1H; } }

		public virtual int AosStrengthReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosDexterityReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosIntelligenceReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosMinDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosMaxDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosSpeed{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int AosMaxRange{ get{ return DefMaxRange; } }
		public virtual int AosHitSound{ get{ return DefHitSound; } }
		public virtual int AosMissSound{ get{ return DefMissSound; } }
		public virtual SkillName AosSkill{ get{ return DefSkill; } }
		public virtual WeaponType AosType{ get{ return DefType; } }
		public virtual WeaponAnimation AosAnimation{ get{ return DefAnimation; } }

		public virtual int OldStrengthReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldDexterityReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldIntelligenceReq{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldMinDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldMaxDamage{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldSpeed{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int OldMaxRange{ get{ return DefMaxRange; } }
		public virtual int OldHitSound{ get{ return DefHitSound; } }
		public virtual int OldMissSound{ get{ return DefMissSound; } }
		public virtual SkillName OldSkill{ get{ return DefSkill; } }
		public virtual WeaponType OldType{ get{ return DefType; } }
		public virtual WeaponAnimation OldAnimation{ get{ return DefAnimation; } }

		public virtual int InitMinHits{ get{ return 0; } }
		public virtual int InitMaxHits{ get{ return 0; } }

		public override int PhysicalResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistPhysicalBonus; } }
		public override int FireResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistFireBonus; } }
		public override int ColdResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistColdBonus; } }
		public override int PoisonResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistPoisonBonus; } }
		public override int EnergyResistance{ get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistEnergyBonus; } }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosAttributes Attributes
			get{ return m_AosAttributes; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosWeaponAttributes WeaponAttributes
			get{ return m_AosWeaponAttributes; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public AosSkillBonuses SkillBonuses
			get{ return m_AosSkillBonuses; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool Cursed
			get{ return m_Cursed; }
			set{ m_Cursed = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool Consecrated
			get{ return m_Consecrated; }
			set{ m_Consecrated = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool Identified
			get{ return m_Identified; }
			set{ m_Identified = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int Hits
			get{ return m_Hits; }
				if ( m_Hits == value )

				if ( value > m_MaxHits )
					value = m_MaxHits;

				m_Hits = value;


		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MaxHits
			get{ return m_MaxHits; }
			set{ m_MaxHits = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int PoisonCharges
			get{ return m_PoisonCharges; }
			set{ m_PoisonCharges = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public Poison Poison
			get{ return m_Poison; }
			set{ m_Poison = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponQuality Quality
			get{ return m_Quality; }
			set{ UnscaleDurability(); m_Quality = value; ScaleDurability(); InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public Mobile Crafter
			get{ return m_Crafter; }
			set{ m_Crafter = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public SlayerName Slayer
			get{ return m_Slayer; }
			set{ m_Slayer = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public CraftResource Resource
			get{ return m_Resource; }
			set{ UnscaleDurability(); m_Resource = value; Hue = CraftResources.GetHue( m_Resource ); InvalidateProperties(); ScaleDurability(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponDamageLevel DamageLevel
			get{ return m_DamageLevel; }
			set{ m_DamageLevel = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponDurabilityLevel DurabilityLevel
			get{ return m_DurabilityLevel; }
			set{ UnscaleDurability(); m_DurabilityLevel = value; InvalidateProperties(); ScaleDurability(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public bool PlayerConstructed
			get{ return m_PlayerConstructed; }
			set{ m_PlayerConstructed = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MaxRange
			get{ return ( m_MaxRange == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMaxRange : OldMaxRange : m_MaxRange ); }
			set{ m_MaxRange = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponAnimation Animation
			get{ return ( m_Animation == (WeaponAnimation)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosAnimation : OldAnimation : m_Animation ); } 
			set{ m_Animation = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponType Type
			get{ return ( m_Type == (WeaponType)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosType : OldType : m_Type ); }
			set{ m_Type = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public SkillName Skill
			get{ return ( m_Skill == (SkillName)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosSkill : OldSkill : m_Skill ); }
			set{ m_Skill = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int HitSound
			get{ return ( m_HitSound == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosHitSound : OldHitSound : m_HitSound ); }
			set{ m_HitSound = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MissSound
			get{ return ( m_MissSound == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMissSound : OldMissSound : m_MissSound ); }
			set{ m_MissSound = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MinDamage
			get{ return ( m_MinDamage == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMinDamage : OldMinDamage : m_MinDamage ); }
			set{ m_MinDamage = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int MaxDamage
			get{ return ( m_MaxDamage == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMaxDamage : OldMaxDamage : m_MaxDamage ); }
			set{ m_MaxDamage = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int Speed
			get{ return ( m_Speed == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosSpeed : OldSpeed : m_Speed ); }
			set{ m_Speed = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int StrRequirement
			get{ return ( m_StrReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosStrengthReq : OldStrengthReq : m_StrReq ); }
			set{ m_StrReq = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int DexRequirement
			get{ return ( m_DexReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosDexterityReq : OldDexterityReq : m_DexReq ); }
			set{ m_DexReq = value; }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public int IntRequirement
			get{ return ( m_IntReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosIntelligenceReq : OldIntelligenceReq : m_IntReq ); }
			set{ m_IntReq = value; }

		public virtual SkillName AccuracySkill{ get{ return SkillName.Tactics; } }

		[CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public WeaponAccuracyLevel AccuracyLevel
				return m_AccuracyLevel;
				if ( m_AccuracyLevel != value )
					m_AccuracyLevel = value;

					if ( UseSkillMod )
						if ( m_AccuracyLevel == WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
							if ( m_SkillMod != null )

							m_SkillMod = null;
						else if ( m_SkillMod == null && Parent is Mobile )
							m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5 );
							((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );
						else if ( m_SkillMod != null )
							m_SkillMod.Value = (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5;


		public void UnscaleDurability()
			int scale = 100 + GetDurabilityBonus();

			m_Hits = ((m_Hits * 100) + (scale - 1)) / scale;
			m_MaxHits = ((m_MaxHits * 100) + (scale - 1)) / scale;

		public void ScaleDurability()
			int scale = 100 + GetDurabilityBonus();

			m_Hits = ((m_Hits * scale) + 99) / 100;
			m_MaxHits = ((m_MaxHits * scale) + 99) / 100;

		public int GetDurabilityBonus()
			int bonus = 0;

			if ( m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional )
				bonus += 20;

			switch ( m_DurabilityLevel )
				case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable: bonus += 20; break;
				case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Substantial: bonus += 50; break;
				case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Massive: bonus += 70; break;
				case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified: bonus += 100; break;
				case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible: bonus += 120; break;

			if ( Core.AOS )
				bonus += m_AosWeaponAttributes.DurabilityBonus;

				CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );
				CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = null;

				if ( resInfo != null )
					attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;

				if ( attrInfo != null )
					bonus += attrInfo.WeaponDurability;

			return bonus;

		public int GetLowerStatReq()
			if ( !Core.AOS )
				return 0;

			int v = m_AosWeaponAttributes.LowerStatReq;

			CraftResourceInfo info = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );

			if ( info != null )
				CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = info.AttributeInfo;

				if ( attrInfo != null )
					v += attrInfo.WeaponLowerRequirements;

			if ( v > 100 )
				v = 100;

			return v;

		public static void BlockEquip( Mobile m, TimeSpan duration )
			if ( m.BeginAction( typeof( BaseWeapon ) ) )
				new ResetEquipTimer( m, duration ).Start();

		private class ResetEquipTimer : Timer
			private Mobile m_Mobile;

			public ResetEquipTimer( Mobile m, TimeSpan duration ) : base( duration )
				m_Mobile = m;

			protected override void OnTick()
				m_Mobile.EndAction( typeof( BaseWeapon ) );

		public override bool CheckConflictingLayer( Mobile m, Item item, Layer layer )
			if ( base.CheckConflictingLayer( m, item, layer ) )
				return true;

			if ( this.Layer == Layer.TwoHanded && layer == Layer.OneHanded )
				return true;
			else if ( this.Layer == Layer.OneHanded && layer == Layer.TwoHanded && !(item is BaseShield) && !(item is BaseEquipableLight) )
				return true;

			return false;

		public override bool CanEquip( Mobile from )
/******************Edited for Dynamic Race/Class System v2.0*******************************/
		if (from.Backpack != null) {
			if (from.Backpack.GetAmount( typeof( RCCONTROL ) ) != 0) {
				RCCONTROL rc =  from.Backpack.FindItemByType( typeof( RCCONTROL ) ) as RCCONTROL;
				foreach (Item i in rc.W_Bag.Items) {
					if (this.GetType() == i.GetType()) {
						from.SendMessage( 6, "Your Class Cannot Use this Weapon" );
						return false;
			if ( from.Dex < DexRequirement )
				from.SendMessage( "You are not nimble enough to equip that." );
				return false;
			else if ( from.Str < AOS.Scale( StrRequirement, 100 - GetLowerStatReq() ) )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500213 ); // You are not strong enough to equip that.
				return false;
			else if ( from.Int < IntRequirement )
				from.SendMessage( "You are not smart enough to equip that." );
				return false;
			else if ( !from.CanBeginAction( typeof( BaseWeapon ) ) )
				return false;
				return base.CanEquip( from );

		public virtual bool UseSkillMod{ get{ return !Core.AOS; } }

		public override bool OnEquip( Mobile from )
			int strBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr;
			int dexBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex;
			int intBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt;

			if ( (strBonus != 0 || dexBonus != 0 || intBonus != 0) )
				Mobile m = from;

				string modName = this.Serial.ToString();

				if ( strBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Str, modName + "Str", strBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

				if ( dexBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Dex, modName + "Dex", dexBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

				if ( intBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Int, modName + "Int", intBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

			from.NextCombatTime = DateTime.Now + GetDelay( from );

			if ( UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
				if ( m_SkillMod != null )

				m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5 );
				from.AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );

			if ( Core.AOS && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 30 )
				if ( m_MageMod != null )

				m_MageMod = new DefaultSkillMod( SkillName.Magery, true, -30 + m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon );
				from.AddSkillMod( m_MageMod );

			return true;

		public override void OnAdded( object parent )
			base.OnAdded( parent );

			if ( parent is Mobile )
				Mobile from = (Mobile)parent;

				if ( Core.AOS )
					m_AosSkillBonuses.AddTo( from );
				from.Delta( MobileDelta.WeaponDamage );

		public override void OnRemoved( object parent )
			if ( parent is Mobile )
				Mobile m = (Mobile)parent;
				BaseWeapon weapon = m.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

				string modName = this.Serial.ToString();

				m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Str" );
				m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Dex" );
				m.RemoveStatMod( modName + "Int" );

				if ( weapon != null )
					m.NextCombatTime = DateTime.Now + weapon.GetDelay( m );

				if ( UseSkillMod && m_SkillMod != null )
					m_SkillMod = null;

				if ( m_MageMod != null )
					m_MageMod = null;

				if ( Core.AOS )


				m.Delta( MobileDelta.WeaponDamage );

		public virtual SkillName GetUsedSkill( Mobile m, bool checkSkillAttrs )
			SkillName sk;

			if ( checkSkillAttrs && m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill != 0 )
				double swrd = m.Skills[SkillName.Swords].Value;
				double fenc = m.Skills[SkillName.Fencing].Value;
				double mcng = m.Skills[SkillName.Macing].Value;
				double val;

				sk = SkillName.Swords;
				val = swrd;

				if ( fenc > val ){ sk = SkillName.Fencing; val = fenc; }
				if ( mcng > val ){ sk = SkillName.Macing; val = mcng; }
			else if ( m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 )
				if ( m.Skills[SkillName.Magery].Value > m.Skills[Skill].Value )
					sk = SkillName.Magery;
					sk = Skill;
				sk = Skill;

				if ( sk != SkillName.Wrestling && !m.Player && !m.Body.IsHuman && m.Skills[SkillName.Wrestling].Value > m.Skills[sk].Value )
					sk = SkillName.Wrestling;

			return sk;

		public virtual double GetAttackSkillValue( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			return attacker.Skills[GetUsedSkill( attacker, true )].Value;

		public virtual double GetDefendSkillValue( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			return defender.Skills[GetUsedSkill( defender, true )].Value;

		public virtual bool CheckHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			BaseWeapon atkWeapon = attacker.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
			BaseWeapon defWeapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

			Skill atkSkill = attacker.Skills[atkWeapon.Skill];
			Skill defSkill = defender.Skills[defWeapon.Skill];

			double atkValue = atkWeapon.GetAttackSkillValue( attacker, defender );
			double defValue = defWeapon.GetDefendSkillValue( attacker, defender );

			//attacker.CheckSkill( atkSkill.SkillName, defValue - 20.0, 120.0 );
			//defender.CheckSkill( defSkill.SkillName, atkValue - 20.0, 120.0 );

			double ourValue, theirValue;

			int bonus = GetHitChanceBonus();

			if ( Core.AOS )
				if ( atkValue <= -20.0 )
					atkValue = -19.9;

				if ( defValue <= -20.0 )
					defValue = -19.9;

				// Hit Chance Increase = 45%
				int atkChance = AosAttributes.GetValue( attacker, AosAttribute.AttackChance );
				if ( atkChance > 45 )
					atkChance = 45;

				bonus += atkChance;

				if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( attacker ) )
					bonus += 10; // attacker gets 10% bonus when they're under divine fury

				if ( HitLower.IsUnderAttackEffect( attacker ) )
					bonus -= 25; // Under Hit Lower Attack effect -> 25% malus

				ourValue = (atkValue + 20.0) * (100 + bonus);

				// Defense Chance Increase = 45%
				bonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( defender, AosAttribute.DefendChance );
				if ( bonus > 45 )
					bonus = 45;

				if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( defender ) )
					bonus -= 20; // defender loses 20% bonus when they're under divine fury

				if ( HitLower.IsUnderDefenseEffect( defender ) )
					bonus -= 25; // Under Hit Lower Defense effect -> 25% malus

				double discordanceScalar = 0.0;

				if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetScalar( attacker, ref discordanceScalar ) )
					bonus += (int)(discordanceScalar * 100);

				theirValue = (defValue + 20.0) * (100 + bonus);

				bonus = 0;
				if ( atkValue <= -50.0 )
					atkValue = -49.9;

				if ( defValue <= -50.0 )
					defValue = -49.9;

				ourValue = (atkValue + 50.0);
				theirValue = (defValue + 50.0);

			double chance = ourValue / (theirValue * 2.0);

			chance *= 1.0 + ((double)bonus / 100);

			if ( Core.AOS && chance < 0.02 )
				chance = 0.02;

			WeaponAbility ability = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );

			if ( ability != null )
				chance *= ability.AccuracyScalar;

			return attacker.CheckSkill( atkSkill.SkillName, chance );

			//return ( chance >= Utility.RandomDouble() );

		public virtual TimeSpan GetDelay( Mobile m )
			int speed = this.Speed;

			if ( speed == 0 )
				return TimeSpan.FromHours( 1.0 );

			double delayInSeconds;

			if ( Core.AOS )
				int v = (m.Stam + 100) * speed;

				int bonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( m, AosAttribute.WeaponSpeed );

				if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( m ) )
					bonus += 10;

				double discordanceScalar = 0.0;

				if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetScalar( m, ref discordanceScalar ) )
					bonus += (int)(discordanceScalar * 100);

				v += AOS.Scale( v, bonus );

				if ( v <= 0 )
					v = 1;

				delayInSeconds = Math.Floor( 40000.0 / v ) * 0.5;

				// Maximum swing rate capped at one swing per second 
				if ( delayInSeconds < 1.0 )
					delayInSeconds = 1.0;
				int v = (m.Stam + 100) * speed;

				if ( v <= 0 )
					v = 1;

				delayInSeconds = 15000.0 / v;

			return TimeSpan.FromSeconds( delayInSeconds );

		public virtual TimeSpan OnSwing( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			bool canSwing = true;

			if ( Core.AOS )
				canSwing = ( !attacker.Paralyzed && !attacker.Frozen );

				if ( canSwing )
					Spell sp = attacker.Spell as Spell;

					canSwing = ( sp == null || !sp.IsCasting || !sp.BlocksMovement );

			if ( canSwing && attacker.HarmfulCheck( defender ) )

				if ( attacker.NetState != null )
					attacker.Send( new Swing( 0, attacker, defender ) );

				if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)attacker;
					WeaponAbility ab = bc.GetWeaponAbility();

					if ( ab != null )
						if ( bc.WeaponAbilityChance > Utility.RandomDouble() )
							WeaponAbility.SetCurrentAbility( bc, ab );
							WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( bc );

				if ( CheckHit( attacker, defender ) )
					OnHit( attacker, defender );
					OnMiss( attacker, defender );

			return GetDelay( attacker );

		public virtual int GetHitAttackSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			int sound = attacker.GetAttackSound();

			if ( sound == -1 )
				sound = HitSound;

			return sound;

		public virtual int GetHitDefendSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			return defender.GetHurtSound();

		public virtual int GetMissAttackSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( attacker.GetAttackSound() == -1 )
				return MissSound;
				return -1;

		public virtual int GetMissDefendSound( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			return -1;

		public virtual int AbsorbDamageAOS( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )
			double positionChance = Utility.RandomDouble();
			BaseArmor armor;

			if ( positionChance < 0.07 )
				armor = defender.NeckArmor as BaseArmor;
			else if ( positionChance < 0.14 )
				armor = defender.HandArmor as BaseArmor;
			else if ( positionChance < 0.28 )
				armor = defender.ArmsArmor as BaseArmor;
			else if ( positionChance < 0.43 )
				armor = defender.HeadArmor as BaseArmor;
			else if ( positionChance < 0.65 )
				armor = defender.LegsArmor as BaseArmor;
				armor = defender.ChestArmor as BaseArmor;

			if ( armor != null )
				armor.OnHit( this, damage ); // call OnHit to lose durability

			if ( defender.Player || defender.Body.IsHuman )
				BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded ) as BaseShield;

				bool blocked = false;

				// Dexterity below 80 reduces the chance to parry 
				double chance = ( defender.Skills[SkillName.Parry].Value * 0.0030 );
				if ( defender.Dex < 80 )
					chance = chance * (20 + defender.Dex) / 100;

				if ( shield != null )
					blocked = defender.CheckSkill( SkillName.Parry, chance );
				else if ( !(defender.Weapon is Fists) && !(defender.Weapon is BaseRanged) )
					chance /= 2;

					blocked = ( chance > Utility.RandomDouble() ); // Only skillcheck if wielding a shield

				if ( blocked )
					defender.FixedEffect( 0x37B9, 10, 16 );
					damage = 0;

					if ( shield != null )
						double halfArmor = shield.ArmorRating / 2.0;
						int absorbed = (int)(halfArmor + (halfArmor*Utility.RandomDouble()));

						if ( absorbed < 2 )
							absorbed = 2;

						int wear;

						if ( Type == WeaponType.Bashing )
							wear = (absorbed / 2);
							wear = Utility.Random( 2 );

						if ( wear > 0 && shield.MaxHitPoints > 0 )
							if ( shield.HitPoints >= wear )
								shield.HitPoints -= wear;
								wear = 0;
								wear -= shield.HitPoints;
								shield.HitPoints = 0;

							if ( wear > 0 )
								if ( shield.MaxHitPoints > wear )
									shield.MaxHitPoints -= wear;

									if ( shield.Parent is Mobile )
										((Mobile)shield.Parent).LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1061121 ); // Your equipment is severely damaged.

			return damage;

		public virtual int AbsorbDamage( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )
			if ( Core.AOS )
				return AbsorbDamageAOS( attacker, defender, damage );

			double chance = Utility.RandomDouble();
			BaseArmor armor;

			if ( chance < 0.07 )
				armor = defender.NeckArmor as BaseArmor;
			else if ( chance < 0.14 )
				armor = defender.HandArmor as BaseArmor;
			else if ( chance < 0.28 )
				armor = defender.ArmsArmor as BaseArmor;
			else if ( chance < 0.43 )
				armor = defender.HeadArmor as BaseArmor;
			else if ( chance < 0.65 )
				armor = defender.LegsArmor as BaseArmor;
				armor = defender.ChestArmor as BaseArmor;

			if ( armor != null )
				damage = armor.OnHit( this, damage );

			BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.TwoHanded ) as BaseShield;
			if ( shield != null )
				damage = shield.OnHit( this, damage );

			int virtualArmor = defender.VirtualArmor + defender.VirtualArmorMod;

			if ( virtualArmor > 0 )
				double scalar;

				if ( chance < 0.14 )
					scalar = 0.07;
				else if ( chance < 0.28 )
					scalar = 0.14;
				else if ( chance < 0.43 )
					scalar = 0.15;
				else if ( chance < 0.65 )
					scalar = 0.22;
					scalar = 0.35;

				int from = (int)(virtualArmor * scalar) / 2;
				int to = (int)(virtualArmor * scalar);

				damage -= Utility.Random( from, (to - from) + 1 );

			return damage;

		public virtual int GetPackInstinctBonus( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( attacker.Player || defender.Player )
				return 0;

			BaseCreature bc = attacker as BaseCreature;

			if ( bc == null || bc.PackInstinct == PackInstinct.None || (!bc.Controled && !bc.Summoned) )
				return 0;

			Mobile master = bc.ControlMaster;

			if ( master == null )
				master = bc.SummonMaster;

			if ( master == null )
				return 0;

			int inPack = 1;

			foreach ( Mobile m in defender.GetMobilesInRange( 1 ) )
				if ( m != attacker && m is BaseCreature )
					BaseCreature tc = (BaseCreature)m;

					if ( (tc.PackInstinct & bc.PackInstinct) == 0 || (!tc.Controled && !tc.Summoned) )

					Mobile theirMaster = tc.ControlMaster;

					if ( theirMaster == null )
						theirMaster = tc.SummonMaster;

					if ( master == theirMaster && tc.Combatant == defender )

			if ( inPack >= 5 )
				return 100;
			else if ( inPack >= 4 )
				return 75;
			else if ( inPack >= 3 )
				return 50;
			else if ( inPack >= 2 )
				return 25;

			return 0;

		private static bool m_InDoubleStrike;

		public static bool InDoubleStrike
			get{ return m_InDoubleStrike; }
			set{ m_InDoubleStrike = value; }

		public virtual void OnHit( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			PlaySwingAnimation( attacker );
			PlayHurtAnimation( defender );

			attacker.PlaySound( GetHitAttackSound( attacker, defender ) );
			defender.PlaySound( GetHitDefendSound( attacker, defender ) );

			int damage = ComputeDamage( attacker, defender );

			CheckSlayerResult cs = CheckSlayers( attacker, defender );

			if ( cs != CheckSlayerResult.None )
				if ( cs == CheckSlayerResult.Slayer )
					defender.FixedEffect( 0x37B9, 10, 5 );

				damage *= 2;

			if ( !attacker.Player )
				if ( defender is PlayerMobile )
					PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)defender;

					if ( pm.EnemyOfOneType != null && pm.EnemyOfOneType != attacker.GetType() )
						damage *= 2;
			else if ( !defender.Player )
				if ( attacker is PlayerMobile )
					PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)attacker;

					if ( pm.WaitingForEnemy )
						pm.EnemyOfOneType = defender.GetType();
						pm.WaitingForEnemy = false;

					if ( pm.EnemyOfOneType == defender.GetType() )
						defender.FixedEffect( 0x37B9, 10, 5, 1160, 0 );
						damage += AOS.Scale( damage, 50 );

			int packInstinctBonus = GetPackInstinctBonus( attacker, defender );

			if ( packInstinctBonus != 0 )
				damage += AOS.Scale( damage, packInstinctBonus );

			if ( m_InDoubleStrike )
				damage -= AOS.Scale( damage, 10 ); // 10% loss when attacking with double-strike

			TransformContext context = TransformationSpell.GetContext( defender );

			if ( m_Slayer == SlayerName.Silver && context != null && context.Type != typeof( HorrificBeastSpell ) )
				damage += AOS.Scale( damage, 25 ); // Every necromancer transformation other than horrific beast take an additional 25% damage

			if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
				((BaseCreature)attacker).AlterMeleeDamageTo( defender, ref damage );

			if ( defender is BaseCreature )
				((BaseCreature)defender).AlterMeleeDamageFrom( attacker, ref damage );

			WeaponAbility a = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );

			damage = AbsorbDamage( attacker, defender, damage );

			if ( !Core.AOS && damage < 1 )
				damage = 1;
			else if ( Core.AOS && damage == 0 ) // parried
				if ( a != null && a.Validate( attacker ) /*&& a.CheckMana( attacker, true )*/ ) // Parried special moves have no mana cost 
					a = null;
					WeaponAbility.ClearCurrentAbility( attacker );

					attacker.SendLocalizedMessage( 1061140 ); // Your attack was parried!

			AddBlood( attacker, defender, damage );

			int phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy;

			GetDamageTypes( attacker, out phys, out fire, out cold, out pois, out nrgy );

			if ( m_Consecrated )
				phys = defender.PhysicalResistance;
				fire = defender.FireResistance;
				cold = defender.ColdResistance;
				pois = defender.PoisonResistance;
				nrgy = defender.EnergyResistance;

				int low = phys, type = 0;

				if ( fire < low ){ low = fire; type = 1; }
				if ( cold < low ){ low = cold; type = 2; }
				if ( pois < low ){ low = pois; type = 3; }
				if ( nrgy < low ){ low = nrgy; type = 4; }

				phys = fire = cold = pois = nrgy = 0;

				if ( type == 0 ) phys = 100;
				else if ( type == 1 ) fire = 100;
				else if ( type == 2 ) cold = 100;
				else if ( type == 3 ) pois = 100;
				else if ( type == 4 ) nrgy = 100;

			int damageGiven = damage;

			AOS.ArmorIgnore = ( a is ArmorIgnore );

			damageGiven = AOS.Damage( defender, attacker, damage, phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy );

			AOS.ArmorIgnore = false;

			if ( Core.AOS )
				int lifeLeech = 0;//m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits;
				int stamLeech = 0;//m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam;
				int manaLeech = 0;//m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana;

				if ( m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					lifeLeech += 30; // HitLeechHits% chance to leech 30% of damage as hit points

				if ( m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					stamLeech += 100; // HitLeechStam% chance to leech 100% of damage as stamina

				if ( m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					manaLeech += 40; // HitLeechMana% chance to leech 40% of damage as mana

				if ( m_Cursed )
					lifeLeech += 50; // Additional 50% life leech for cursed weapons (necro spell)

				context = TransformationSpell.GetContext( attacker );

				if ( context != null && context.Type == typeof( VampiricEmbraceSpell ) )
					lifeLeech += 20; // Vampiric embrace gives an additional 20% life leech

				if ( context != null && context.Type == typeof( WraithFormSpell ) )
					manaLeech += (5 + (int)((15 * attacker.Skills.SpiritSpeak.Value) / 100)); // Wraith form gives an additional 5-20% mana leech

				if ( lifeLeech != 0 )
					attacker.Hits += AOS.Scale( damageGiven, lifeLeech );

				if ( stamLeech != 0 )
					attacker.Stam += AOS.Scale( damageGiven, stamLeech );

				if ( manaLeech != 0 )
					attacker.Mana += AOS.Scale( damageGiven, manaLeech );

				if ( lifeLeech != 0 || stamLeech != 0 || manaLeech != 0 )
					attacker.PlaySound( 0x44D );

			if ( m_MaxHits > 0 && ((MaxRange <= 1 && (defender is Slime || defender is ToxicElemental)) || Utility.Random( 25 ) == 0) ) // Stratics says 50% chance, seems more like 4%..
				if ( MaxRange <= 1 && (defender is Slime || defender is ToxicElemental) )
					attacker.LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500263 ); // *Acid blood scars your weapon!*

				if ( Core.AOS && m_AosWeaponAttributes.SelfRepair > Utility.Random( 10 ) )
					Hits += 2;
					if ( m_Hits > 0 )
					else if ( m_MaxHits > 1 )

						if ( Parent is Mobile )
							((Mobile)Parent).LocalOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1061121 ); // Your equipment is severely damaged.

			if ( attacker is VampireBatFamiliar )
				BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)attacker;
				Mobile caster = bc.ControlMaster;

				if ( caster == null )
					caster = bc.SummonMaster;

				if ( caster != null && caster.Map == bc.Map && caster.InRange( bc, 2 ) )
					caster.Hits += damage;
					bc.Hits += damage;

			if ( Core.AOS )
				int physChance = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPhysicalArea;
				int fireChance = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireArea;
				int coldChance = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitColdArea;
				int poisChance = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPoisonArea;
				int nrgyChance = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitEnergyArea;

				if ( physChance != 0 && physChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x10E,   50, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

				if ( fireChance != 0 && fireChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x11D, 1160, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );

				if ( coldChance != 0 && coldChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x0FC, 2100, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0 );

				if ( poisChance != 0 && poisChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x205, 1166, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0 );

				if ( nrgyChance != 0 && nrgyChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoAreaAttack( attacker, defender, 0x1F1,  120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100 );

				int maChance = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitMagicArrow;
				int harmChance = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitHarm;
				int fireballChance = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireball;
				int lightningChance = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLightning;
				int dispelChance = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitDispel;

				if ( maChance != 0 && maChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoMagicArrow( attacker, defender );

				if ( harmChance != 0 && harmChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoHarm( attacker, defender );

				if ( fireballChance != 0 && fireballChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoFireball( attacker, defender );

				if ( lightningChance != 0 && lightningChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoLightning( attacker, defender );

				if ( dispelChance != 0 && dispelChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoDispel( attacker, defender );

				int laChance = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack;
				int ldChance = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend;

				if ( laChance != 0 && laChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoLowerAttack( attacker, defender );

				if ( ldChance != 0 && ldChance > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
					DoLowerDefense( attacker, defender );

			if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
				((BaseCreature)attacker).OnGaveMeleeAttack( defender );

			if ( defender is BaseCreature )
				((BaseCreature)defender).OnGotMeleeAttack( attacker );

			if ( a != null )
				a.OnHit( attacker, defender, damage );

		public virtual double GetAosDamage( Mobile attacker, int min, int random, double div )
			double scale = 1.0;

			scale += attacker.Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Value * 0.001;

			if ( attacker.Player )
				scale += attacker.Int * 0.001;
				scale += AosAttributes.GetValue( attacker, AosAttribute.SpellDamage ) * 0.01;

			int baseDamage = min + (int)(attacker.Skills[SkillName.EvalInt].Value / div);

			double damage = Utility.RandomMinMax( baseDamage, baseDamage + random );

			return damage * scale;

		public virtual void DoMagicArrow( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )

			attacker.DoHarmful( defender );

			double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 3, 1, 10.0 );

			attacker.MovingParticles( defender, 0x36E4, 5, 0, false, true, 3006, 4006, 0 );
			attacker.PlaySound( 0x1E5 );

			SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ), defender, attacker, damage, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );

		public virtual void DoHarm( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )

			attacker.DoHarmful( defender );

			double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 6, 3, 6.5 );

			if ( !defender.InRange( attacker, 2 ) )
				damage *= 0.25; // 1/4 damage at > 2 tile range
			else if ( !defender.InRange( attacker, 1 ) )
				damage *= 0.50; // 1/2 damage at 2 tile range

			defender.FixedParticles( 0x374A, 10, 30, 5013, 1153, 2, EffectLayer.Waist );
			defender.PlaySound( 0x0FC );

			SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.Zero, defender, attacker, damage, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0 );

		public virtual void DoFireball( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )

			attacker.DoHarmful( defender );

			double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 6, 3, 5.5 );

			attacker.MovingParticles( defender, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 9502, 4019, 0x160 );
			attacker.PlaySound( 0x15E );

			SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 ), defender, attacker, damage, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0 );

		public virtual void DoLightning( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )

			attacker.DoHarmful( defender );

			double damage = GetAosDamage( attacker, 6, 3, 5.0 );

			defender.BoltEffect( 0 );

			SpellHelper.Damage( TimeSpan.Zero, defender, attacker, damage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100 );

		public virtual void DoDispel( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			bool dispellable = false;

			if ( defender is BaseCreature )
				dispellable = ((BaseCreature)defender).Summoned && !((BaseCreature)defender).IsAnimatedDead;

			if ( !dispellable )

			if ( !attacker.CanBeHarmful( defender, false ) )

			attacker.DoHarmful( defender );

			Spells.Spell sp = new Spells.Sixth.DispelSpell( attacker, null );

			if ( sp.CheckResisted( defender ) )
				defender.FixedEffect( 0x3779, 10, 20 );
				Effects.SendLocationParticles( EffectItem.Create( defender.Location, defender.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration ), 0x3728, 8, 20, 5042 );
				Effects.PlaySound( defender, defender.Map, 0x201 );


		public virtual void DoLowerAttack( Mobile from, Mobile defender )
			if ( HitLower.ApplyAttack( defender ) )
				defender.PlaySound( 0x28E );
				Effects.SendTargetEffect( defender, 0x37BE, 1, 4, 0xA, 3 );

		public virtual void DoLowerDefense( Mobile from, Mobile defender )
			if ( HitLower.ApplyDefense( defender ) )
				defender.PlaySound( 0x28E );
				Effects.SendTargetEffect( defender, 0x37BE, 1, 4, 0x23, 3 );

		public virtual void DoAreaAttack( Mobile from, Mobile defender, int sound, int hue, int phys, int fire, int cold, int pois, int nrgy )
			Map map = from.Map;

			if ( map == null )

			ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

			foreach ( Mobile m in from.GetMobilesInRange( 10 ) )
				if ( from != m && defender != m && SpellHelper.ValidIndirectTarget( from, m ) && from.CanBeHarmful( m, false ) && from.InLOS( m ) )
					list.Add( m );

			if ( list.Count == 0 )

			Effects.PlaySound( from.Location, map, sound );

			// TODO: What is the damage calculation?

			for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i )
				Mobile m = (Mobile)list[i];

				double scalar = (11 - from.GetDistanceToSqrt( m )) / 10;

				if ( scalar > 1.0 )
					scalar = 1.0;
				else if ( scalar < 0.0 )

				from.DoHarmful( m, true );
				m.FixedEffect( 0x3779, 1, 15, hue, 0 );
				AOS.Damage( m, from, (int)(GetBaseDamage( from ) * scalar), phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy );

		public virtual CheckSlayerResult CheckSlayers( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			BaseWeapon atkWeapon = attacker.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
			SlayerEntry atkSlayer = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( atkWeapon.Slayer );

			if ( atkSlayer != null && atkSlayer.Slays( defender ) )
				return CheckSlayerResult.Slayer;

			BaseWeapon defWeapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
			SlayerEntry defSlayer = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( defWeapon.Slayer );

			if( defSlayer != null && defSlayer.Group.OppositionSuperSlays( attacker ))
				return CheckSlayerResult.Opposition;

			return CheckSlayerResult.None;

		public virtual void AddBlood( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage )
			if ( damage > 0 )
				new Blood().MoveToWorld( defender.Location, defender.Map );

				if ( Utility.RandomBool() )
					new Blood().MoveToWorld( new Point3D(
						defender.X + Utility.RandomMinMax( -1, 1 ),
						defender.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax( -1, 1 ),
						defender.Z ), defender.Map );

			/* if ( damage <= 2 )

			Direction d = defender.GetDirectionTo( attacker );

			int maxCount = damage / 15;

			if ( maxCount < 1 )
				maxCount = 1;
			else if ( maxCount > 4 )
				maxCount = 4;

			for( int i = 0; i < Utility.Random( 1, maxCount ); ++i )
				int x = defender.X;
				int y = defender.Y;

				switch( d )
					case Direction.North:
						x += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
						y += Utility.Random( 2 );
					case Direction.East:
						y += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
						x += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
					case Direction.West:
						y += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
						x += Utility.Random( 2 );
					case Direction.South:
						x += Utility.Random( -1, 3 );
						y += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
					case Direction.Up:
						x += Utility.Random( 2 );
						y += Utility.Random( 2 );
					case Direction.Down:
						x += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
						y += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
					case Direction.Left:
						x += Utility.Random( 2 );
						y += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
					case Direction.Right:
						x += Utility.Random( -1, 2 );
						y += Utility.Random( 2 );

				new Blood().MoveToWorld( new Point3D( x, y, defender.Z ), defender.Map );

		public virtual void GetDamageTypes( Mobile wielder, out int phys, out int fire, out int cold, out int pois, out int nrgy )
			if ( wielder is BaseCreature )
				BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)wielder;

				phys = bc.PhysicalDamage;
				fire = bc.FireDamage;
				cold = bc.ColdDamage;
				pois = bc.PoisonDamage;
				nrgy = bc.EnergyDamage;
				CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );

				if ( resInfo != null )
					CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;

					if ( attrInfo != null )
						fire = attrInfo.WeaponFireDamage;
						cold = attrInfo.WeaponColdDamage;
						pois = attrInfo.WeaponPoisonDamage;
						nrgy = attrInfo.WeaponEnergyDamage;
						phys = 100 - fire - cold - pois - nrgy;

				phys = 100;
				fire = 0;
				cold = 0;
				pois = 0;
				nrgy = 0;

		public virtual void OnMiss( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			PlaySwingAnimation( attacker );
			attacker.PlaySound( GetMissAttackSound( attacker, defender ) );
			defender.PlaySound( GetMissDefendSound( attacker, defender ) );

			WeaponAbility ability = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );

			if ( ability != null )
				ability.OnMiss( attacker, defender );

		public virtual void GetBaseDamageRange( Mobile attacker, out int min, out int max )
			if ( attacker is BaseCreature )
				BaseCreature c = (BaseCreature)attacker;

				if ( c.DamageMin >= 0 )
					min = c.DamageMin;
					max = c.DamageMax;

				if ( this is Fists && !attacker.Body.IsHuman )
					min = attacker.Str / 28;
					max = attacker.Str / 28;

			min = MinDamage;
			max = MaxDamage;

		public virtual double GetBaseDamage( Mobile attacker )
			int min, max;

			GetBaseDamageRange( attacker, out min, out max );

			return Utility.RandomMinMax( min, max );

		public virtual double GetBonus( double value, double scalar, double threshold, double offset )
			double bonus = value * scalar;

			if ( value >= threshold )
				bonus += offset;

			return bonus / 100;

		public virtual int GetHitChanceBonus()
			if ( !Core.AOS )
				return 0;

			int bonus = 0;

			switch ( m_AccuracyLevel )
				case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate:		bonus += 02; break;
				case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly:	bonus += 04; break;
				case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently:		bonus += 06; break;
				case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Exceedingly:	bonus += 08; break;
				case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely:		bonus += 10; break;

			return bonus;

		public virtual int GetDamageBonus()
			int bonus = VirtualDamageBonus;

			switch ( m_Quality )
				case WeaponQuality.Low:			bonus -= 20; break;
				case WeaponQuality.Exceptional:	bonus += 20; break;

			switch ( m_DamageLevel )
				case WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin:	bonus += 15; break;
				case WeaponDamageLevel.Might:	bonus += 20; break;
				case WeaponDamageLevel.Force:	bonus += 25; break;
				case WeaponDamageLevel.Power:	bonus += 30; break;
				case WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq:	bonus += 35; break;

			return bonus;

		public virtual void GetStatusDamage( Mobile from, out int min, out int max )
			int baseMin, baseMax;

			GetBaseDamageRange( from, out baseMin, out baseMax );

			if ( Core.AOS )
				min = (int)ScaleDamageAOS( from, baseMin, false, false );
				max = (int)ScaleDamageAOS( from, baseMax, false, false );
				min = (int)ScaleDamageOld( from, baseMin, false, false );
				max = (int)ScaleDamageOld( from, baseMax, false, false );

			if ( min < 1 )
				min = 1;

			if ( max < 1 )
				max = 1;

		public virtual double ScaleDamageAOS( Mobile attacker, double damage, bool checkSkills, bool checkAbility )
			if ( checkSkills )
				attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check tactics for gain
				attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Anatomy, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check Anatomy for gain

				if ( Type == WeaponType.Axe )
					attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Lumberjacking, 0.0, 100.0 ); // Passively check Lumberjacking for gain

			double strengthBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Str,										0.300, 100.0,  5.00 );
			double  anatomyBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Value,			0.500, 100.0,  5.00 );
			double  tacticsBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Skills[SkillName.Tactics].Value,			0.625, 100.0,  6.25 );
			double   lumberBonus = GetBonus( attacker.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Value,	0.200, 100.0, 10.00 );

			if ( Type != WeaponType.Axe )
				lumberBonus = 0.0;

			// Damage Increase = 100%
			int damageBonus = AosAttributes.GetValue( attacker, AosAttribute.WeaponDamage );
			if ( damageBonus > 100 )
				damageBonus = 100;

			double totalBonus = strengthBonus + anatomyBonus + tacticsBonus + lumberBonus + ((double)(GetDamageBonus() + damageBonus) / 100);

			if ( TransformationSpell.UnderTransformation( attacker, typeof( HorrificBeastSpell ) ) )
				totalBonus += 0.25;

			if ( Spells.Chivalry.DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect( attacker ) )
				totalBonus += 0.1;

			double discordanceScalar = 0.0;

			if ( SkillHandlers.Discordance.GetScalar( attacker, ref discordanceScalar ) )
				totalBonus += discordanceScalar * 2;

			damage += (damage * totalBonus);

			WeaponAbility a = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );

			if ( checkAbility && a != null )
				damage *= a.DamageScalar;

			return damage;

		public virtual int VirtualDamageBonus{ get{ return 0; } }

		public virtual int ComputeDamageAOS( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			return (int)ScaleDamageAOS( attacker, GetBaseDamage( attacker ), true, true );

		public virtual double ScaleDamageOld( Mobile attacker, double damage, bool checkSkills, bool checkAbility )
			if ( checkSkills )
				attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check tactics for gain
				attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Anatomy, 0.0, 120.0 ); // Passively check Anatomy for gain

				if ( Type == WeaponType.Axe )
					attacker.CheckSkill( SkillName.Lumberjacking, 0.0, 100.0 ); // Passively check Lumberjacking for gain

			/* Compute tactics modifier
			 * :   0.0 = 50% loss
			 * :  50.0 = unchanged
			 * : 100.0 = 50% bonus
			double tacticsBonus = (attacker.Skills[SkillName.Tactics].Value - 50.0) / 100.0;

			/* Compute strength modifier
			 * : 1% bonus for every 5 strength
			double strBonus = (attacker.Str / 5.0) / 100.0;

			/* Compute anatomy modifier
			 * : 1% bonus for every 5 points of anatomy
			 * : +10% bonus at Grandmaster or higher
			double anatomyValue = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Value;
			double anatomyBonus = (anatomyValue / 5.0) / 100.0;

			if ( anatomyValue >= 100.0 )
				anatomyBonus += 0.1;

			/* Compute lumberjacking bonus
			 * : 1% bonus for every 5 points of lumberjacking
			 * : +10% bonus at Grandmaster or higher
			double lumberBonus;

			if ( Type == WeaponType.Axe )
				double lumberValue = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Value;

				lumberBonus = (lumberValue / 5.0) / 100.0;

				if ( lumberValue >= 100.0 )
					lumberBonus += 0.1;
				lumberBonus = 0.0;

			// New quality bonus:
			double qualityBonus = ((int)m_Quality - 1) * 0.2;

			// Apply bonuses
			damage += (damage * tacticsBonus) + (damage * strBonus) + (damage * anatomyBonus) + (damage * lumberBonus) + (damage * qualityBonus) + ((damage * VirtualDamageBonus) / 100);

			// Old quality bonus:
#if false
			/* Apply quality offset
			 * : Low         : -4
			 * : Regular     :  0
			 * : Exceptional : +4
			damage += ((int)m_Quality - 1) * 4.0;

			/* Apply damage level offset
			 * : Regular : 0
			 * : Ruin    : 1
			 * : Might   : 3
			 * : Force   : 5
			 * : Power   : 7
			 * : Vanq    : 9
			if ( m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular )
				damage += (2.0 * (int)m_DamageLevel) - 1.0;

			// Halve the computed damage and return
			damage /= 2.0;

			WeaponAbility a = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );

			if ( checkAbility && a != null )
				damage *= a.DamageScalar;

			return ScaleDamageByDurability( (int)damage );

		public virtual int ScaleDamageByDurability( int damage )
			int scale = 100;

			if ( m_MaxHits > 0 && m_Hits < m_MaxHits )
				scale = 50 + ((50 * m_Hits) / m_MaxHits);

			return AOS.Scale( damage, scale );

		public virtual int ComputeDamage( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			if ( Core.AOS )
				return ComputeDamageAOS( attacker, defender );

			return (int)ScaleDamageOld( attacker, GetBaseDamage( attacker ), true, true );

		public virtual void PlayHurtAnimation( Mobile from )
			int action;
			int frames;

			switch ( from.Body.Type )
				case BodyType.Sea:
				case BodyType.Animal:
					action = 7;
					frames = 5;
				case BodyType.Monster:
					action = 10;
					frames = 4;
				case BodyType.Human:
					action = 20;
					frames = 5;
				default: return;

			if ( from.Mounted )

			from.Animate( action, frames, 1, true, false, 0 );

		public virtual void PlaySwingAnimation( Mobile from )
			int action;

			switch ( from.Body.Type )
				case BodyType.Sea:
				case BodyType.Animal:
					action = Utility.Random( 5, 2 );
				case BodyType.Monster:
					switch ( Animation )
						case WeaponAnimation.Wrestle:
						case WeaponAnimation.Bash1H:
						case WeaponAnimation.Pierce1H:
						case WeaponAnimation.Slash1H:
						case WeaponAnimation.Bash2H:
						case WeaponAnimation.Pierce2H:
						case WeaponAnimation.Slash2H: action = Utility.Random( 4, 3 ); break;
						case WeaponAnimation.ShootBow:  return; // 7
						case WeaponAnimation.ShootXBow: return; // 8

				case BodyType.Human:
					if ( !from.Mounted )
						action = (int)Animation;
						switch ( Animation )
							case WeaponAnimation.Wrestle:
							case WeaponAnimation.Bash1H:
							case WeaponAnimation.Pierce1H:
							case WeaponAnimation.Slash1H: action = 26; break;
							case WeaponAnimation.Bash2H:
							case WeaponAnimation.Pierce2H:
							case WeaponAnimation.Slash2H: action = 29; break;
							case WeaponAnimation.ShootBow: action = 27; break;
							case WeaponAnimation.ShootXBow: action = 28; break;

				default: return;

			from.Animate( action, 7, 1, true, false, 0 );

		private static void SetSaveFlag( ref SaveFlag flags, SaveFlag toSet, bool setIf )
			if ( setIf )
				flags |= toSet;

		private static bool GetSaveFlag( SaveFlag flags, SaveFlag toGet )
			return ( (flags & toGet) != 0 );

		public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
			base.Serialize( writer );

			writer.Write( (int) 7 ); // version

			SaveFlag flags = SaveFlag.None;

			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel,		m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel,		m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel,	m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Quality,			m_Quality != WeaponQuality.Regular );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Hits,				m_Hits != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits,			m_MaxHits != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Slayer,			m_Slayer != SlayerName.None );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Poison,			m_Poison != null );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges,		m_PoisonCharges != 0 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Crafter,			m_Crafter != null );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Identified,		m_Identified != false );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.StrReq,			m_StrReq != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.DexReq,			m_DexReq != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.IntReq,			m_IntReq != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage,			m_MinDamage != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage,			m_MaxDamage != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.HitSound,			m_HitSound != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MissSound,			m_MissSound != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Speed,				m_Speed != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange,			m_MaxRange != -1 );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Skill,				m_Skill != (SkillName)(-1) );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Type,				m_Type != (WeaponType)(-1) );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Animation,			m_Animation != (WeaponAnimation)(-1) );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.Resource,			m_Resource != CraftResource.Iron );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes,		!m_AosAttributes.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes,	!m_AosWeaponAttributes.IsEmpty );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.PlayerConstructed,	m_PlayerConstructed );
			SetSaveFlag( ref flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses,		!m_AosSkillBonuses.IsEmpty );

			writer.Write( (int) flags );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_DamageLevel );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_AccuracyLevel );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_DurabilityLevel );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Quality ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Quality );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Hits ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Hits );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_MaxHits );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Slayer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Poison ) )
				Poison.Serialize( m_Poison, writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_PoisonCharges );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Crafter ) )
				writer.Write( (Mobile) m_Crafter );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.StrReq ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_StrReq );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DexReq ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_DexReq );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.IntReq ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_IntReq );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_MinDamage );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_MaxDamage );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.HitSound ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_HitSound );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MissSound ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_MissSound );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Speed ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Speed );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_MaxRange );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Skill ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Skill );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Type ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Type );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Animation ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Animation );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resource ) )
				writer.Write( (int) m_Resource );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes ) )
				m_AosAttributes.Serialize( writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes ) )
				m_AosWeaponAttributes.Serialize( writer );

			if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses ) )
				m_AosSkillBonuses.Serialize( writer );

		private enum SaveFlag
			None					= 0x00000000,
			DamageLevel				= 0x00000001,
			AccuracyLevel			= 0x00000002,
			DurabilityLevel			= 0x00000004,
			Quality					= 0x00000008,
			Hits					= 0x00000010,
			MaxHits					= 0x00000020,
			Slayer					= 0x00000040,
			Poison					= 0x00000080,
			PoisonCharges			= 0x00000100,
			Crafter					= 0x00000200,
			Identified				= 0x00000400,
			StrReq					= 0x00000800,
			DexReq					= 0x00001000,
			IntReq					= 0x00002000,
			MinDamage				= 0x00004000,
			MaxDamage				= 0x00008000,
			HitSound				= 0x00010000,
			MissSound				= 0x00020000,
			Speed					= 0x00040000,
			MaxRange				= 0x00080000,
			Skill					= 0x00100000,
			Type					= 0x00200000,
			Animation				= 0x00400000,
			Resource				= 0x00800000,
			xAttributes				= 0x01000000,
			xWeaponAttributes		= 0x02000000,
			PlayerConstructed		= 0x04000000,
			SkillBonuses			= 0x08000000

		public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
			base.Deserialize( reader );

			int version = reader.ReadInt();

			switch ( version )
				case 7:
				case 6:
				case 5:
					SaveFlag flags = (SaveFlag)reader.ReadInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel ) )
						m_DamageLevel = (WeaponDamageLevel)reader.ReadInt();

						if ( m_DamageLevel > WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq )
							m_DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel ) )
						m_AccuracyLevel = (WeaponAccuracyLevel)reader.ReadInt();

						if ( m_AccuracyLevel > WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely )
							m_AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel ) )
						m_DurabilityLevel = (WeaponDurabilityLevel)reader.ReadInt();

						if ( m_DurabilityLevel > WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible )
							m_DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Quality ) )
						m_Quality = (WeaponQuality)reader.ReadInt();
						m_Quality = WeaponQuality.Regular;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Hits ) )
						m_Hits = reader.ReadInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits ) )
						m_MaxHits = reader.ReadInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Slayer ) )
						m_Slayer = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Poison ) )
						m_Poison = Poison.Deserialize( reader );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges ) )
						m_PoisonCharges = reader.ReadInt();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Crafter ) )
						m_Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Identified ) )
						m_Identified = ( version >= 6 || reader.ReadBool() );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.StrReq ) )
						m_StrReq = reader.ReadInt();
						m_StrReq = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.DexReq ) )
						m_DexReq = reader.ReadInt();
						m_DexReq = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.IntReq ) )
						m_IntReq = reader.ReadInt();
						m_IntReq = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage ) )
						m_MinDamage = reader.ReadInt();
						m_MinDamage = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage ) )
						m_MaxDamage = reader.ReadInt();
						m_MaxDamage = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.HitSound ) )
						m_HitSound = reader.ReadInt();
						m_HitSound = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MissSound ) )
						m_MissSound = reader.ReadInt();
						m_MissSound = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Speed ) )
						m_Speed = reader.ReadInt();
						m_Speed = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange ) )
						m_MaxRange = reader.ReadInt();
						m_MaxRange = -1;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Skill ) )
						m_Skill = (SkillName)reader.ReadInt();
						m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Type ) )
						m_Type = (WeaponType)reader.ReadInt();
						m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Animation ) )
						m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)reader.ReadInt();
						m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.Resource ) )
						m_Resource = (CraftResource)reader.ReadInt();
						m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes ) )
						m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this, reader );
						m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes ) )
						m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this, reader );
						m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this );

					if ( UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular && Parent is Mobile )
						m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5 );
						((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );

					if ( version < 7 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 )
						m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon = 30 - m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon;

					if ( Core.AOS && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 30 && Parent is Mobile )
						m_MageMod = new DefaultSkillMod( SkillName.Magery, true, -30 + m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon );
						((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_MageMod );

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.PlayerConstructed ) )
						m_PlayerConstructed = true;

					if ( GetSaveFlag( flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses ) )
						m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this, reader );

				case 4:
					m_Slayer = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();

					goto case 3;
				case 3:
					m_StrReq = reader.ReadInt();
					m_DexReq = reader.ReadInt();
					m_IntReq = reader.ReadInt();

					goto case 2;
				case 2:
					m_Identified = reader.ReadBool();

					goto case 1;
				case 1:
					m_MaxRange = reader.ReadInt();

					goto case 0;
				case 0:
					if ( version == 0 )
						m_MaxRange = 1; // default

					if ( version < 5 )
						m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;
						m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
						m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this );

					m_MinDamage = reader.ReadInt();
					m_MaxDamage = reader.ReadInt();

					m_Speed = reader.ReadInt();

					m_HitSound = reader.ReadInt();
					m_MissSound = reader.ReadInt();

					m_Skill = (SkillName)reader.ReadInt();
					m_Type = (WeaponType)reader.ReadInt();
					m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)reader.ReadInt();
					m_DamageLevel = (WeaponDamageLevel)reader.ReadInt();
					m_AccuracyLevel = (WeaponAccuracyLevel)reader.ReadInt();
					m_DurabilityLevel = (WeaponDurabilityLevel)reader.ReadInt();
					m_Quality = (WeaponQuality)reader.ReadInt();

					m_Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();

					m_Poison = Poison.Deserialize( reader );
					m_PoisonCharges = reader.ReadInt();

					if ( m_StrReq == OldStrengthReq )
						m_StrReq = -1;

					if ( m_DexReq == OldDexterityReq )
						m_DexReq = -1;

					if ( m_IntReq == OldIntelligenceReq )
						m_IntReq = -1;

					if ( m_MinDamage == OldMinDamage )
						m_MinDamage = -1;

					if ( m_MaxDamage == OldMaxDamage )
						m_MaxDamage = -1;

					if ( m_HitSound == OldHitSound )
						m_HitSound = -1;

					if ( m_MissSound == OldMissSound )
						m_MissSound = -1;

					if ( m_Speed == OldSpeed )
						m_Speed = -1;

					if ( m_MaxRange == OldMaxRange )
						m_MaxRange = -1;

					if ( m_Skill == OldSkill )
						m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);

					if ( m_Type == OldType )
						m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);

					if ( m_Animation == OldAnimation )
						m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);

					if ( UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular && Parent is Mobile )
						m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod( AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5);
						((Mobile)Parent).AddSkillMod( m_SkillMod );


			if ( m_AosSkillBonuses == null )
				m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );

			if ( Core.AOS && Parent is Mobile )
				m_AosSkillBonuses.AddTo( (Mobile)Parent );

			int strBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr;
			int dexBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex;
			int intBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt;

			if ( this.Parent is Mobile && (strBonus != 0 || dexBonus != 0 || intBonus != 0) )
				Mobile m = (Mobile)this.Parent;

				string modName = this.Serial.ToString();

				if ( strBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Str, modName + "Str", strBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

				if ( dexBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Dex, modName + "Dex", dexBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

				if ( intBonus != 0 )
					m.AddStatMod( new StatMod( StatType.Int, modName + "Int", intBonus, TimeSpan.Zero ) );

			if ( Parent is Mobile )

			if ( m_Hits <= 0 && m_MaxHits <= 0 )
				m_Hits = m_MaxHits = Utility.RandomMinMax( InitMinHits, InitMaxHits );

			if ( version < 6 )
				m_PlayerConstructed = true; // we don't know, so, assume it's crafted

		public BaseWeapon( int itemID ) : base( itemID )
			Layer = (Layer)ItemData.Quality;

			m_Quality = WeaponQuality.Regular;
			m_StrReq = -1;
			m_DexReq = -1;
			m_IntReq = -1;
			m_MinDamage = -1;
			m_MaxDamage = -1;
			m_HitSound = -1;
			m_MissSound = -1;
			m_Speed = -1;
			m_MaxRange = -1;
			m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);
			m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);
			m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);

			m_Hits = m_MaxHits = Utility.RandomMinMax( InitMinHits, InitMaxHits );

			m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;

			m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes( this );
			m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes( this );
			m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses( this );

		public BaseWeapon( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

		private string GetNameString()
			string name = this.Name;

			if ( name == null )
				name = String.Format( "#{0}", LabelNumber );

			return name;

		[Hue, CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
		public override int Hue
			get{ return base.Hue; }
			set{ base.Hue = value; InvalidateProperties(); }

		public override void AddNameProperty( ObjectPropertyList list )
			int oreType;

			if ( Hue == 0 )
				oreType = 0;
				switch ( m_Resource )
					case CraftResource.DullCopper:		oreType = 1053108; break; // dull copper
					case CraftResource.ShadowIron:		oreType = 1053107; break; // shadow iron
					case CraftResource.Copper:			oreType = 1053106; break; // copper
					case CraftResource.Bronze:			oreType = 1053105; break; // bronze
					case CraftResource.Gold:			oreType = 1053104; break; // golden
					case CraftResource.Agapite:			oreType = 1053103; break; // agapite
					case CraftResource.Verite:			oreType = 1053102; break; // verite
					case CraftResource.Valorite:		oreType = 1053101; break; // valorite
					case CraftResource.SpinedLeather:	oreType = 1061118; break; // spined
					case CraftResource.HornedLeather:	oreType = 1061117; break; // horned
					case CraftResource.BarbedLeather:	oreType = 1061116; break; // barbed
					case CraftResource.RedScales:		oreType = 1060814; break; // red
					case CraftResource.YellowScales:	oreType = 1060818; break; // yellow
					case CraftResource.BlackScales:		oreType = 1060820; break; // black
					case CraftResource.GreenScales:		oreType = 1060819; break; // green
					case CraftResource.WhiteScales:		oreType = 1060821; break; // white
					case CraftResource.BlueScales:		oreType = 1060815; break; // blue
					default: oreType = 0; break;

			if ( oreType != 0 )
				list.Add( 1053099, "#{0}\t{1}", oreType, GetNameString() ); // ~1_oretype~ ~2_armortype~
			else if ( Name == null )
				list.Add( LabelNumber );
				list.Add( Name );

		public override bool AllowEquipedCast( Mobile from )
			if ( base.AllowEquipedCast( from ) )
				return true;

			return ( m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling != 0 );

		public virtual int ArtifactRarity
			get{ return 0; }

		public virtual int GetLuckBonus()
			CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo( m_Resource );

			if ( resInfo == null )
				return 0;

			CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;

			if ( attrInfo == null )
				return 0;

			return attrInfo.WeaponLuck;

		public override void GetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
			base.GetProperties( list );

			if ( m_Crafter != null )
				list.Add( 1050043, m_Crafter.Name ); // crafted by ~1_NAME~

			#region Factions
			if ( m_FactionState != null )
				list.Add( 1041350 ); // faction item

			if ( m_AosSkillBonuses != null )
				m_AosSkillBonuses.GetProperties( list );

			if ( m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional )
				list.Add( 1060636 ); // exceptional

			if ( ArtifactRarity > 0 )
				list.Add( 1061078, ArtifactRarity.ToString() ); // artifact rarity ~1_val~

			if ( this is IUsesRemaining && ((IUsesRemaining)this).ShowUsesRemaining )
				list.Add( 1060584, ((IUsesRemaining)this).UsesRemaining.ToString() ); // uses remaining: ~1_val~

			if ( m_Poison != null && m_PoisonCharges > 0 )
				list.Add( 1062412 + m_Poison.Level, m_PoisonCharges.ToString() );

			if ( m_Slayer != SlayerName.None )
				list.Add( SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer ).Title );

			base.AddResistanceProperties( list );

			int prop;

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060400 ); // use best weapon skill

			if ( (prop = (GetDamageBonus() + m_AosAttributes.WeaponDamage)) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060401, prop.ToString() ); // damage increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.DefendChance) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060408, prop.ToString() ); // defense chance increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060409, prop.ToString() ); // dexterity bonus ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.EnhancePotions) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060411, prop.ToString() ); // enhance potions ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.CastRecovery) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060412, prop.ToString() ); // faster cast recovery ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.CastSpeed) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060413, prop.ToString() ); // faster casting ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = (GetHitChanceBonus() + m_AosAttributes.AttackChance)) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060415, prop.ToString() ); // hit chance increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitColdArea) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060416, prop.ToString() ); // hit cold area ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitDispel) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060417, prop.ToString() ); // hit dispel ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitEnergyArea) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060418, prop.ToString() ); // hit energy area ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireArea) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060419, prop.ToString() ); // hit fire area ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireball) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060420, prop.ToString() ); // hit fireball ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitHarm) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060421, prop.ToString() ); // hit harm ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060422, prop.ToString() ); // hit life leech ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLightning) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060423, prop.ToString() ); // hit lightning ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060424, prop.ToString() ); // hit lower attack ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060425, prop.ToString() ); // hit lower defense ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitMagicArrow) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060426, prop.ToString() ); // hit magic arrow ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060427, prop.ToString() ); // hit mana leech ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPhysicalArea) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060428, prop.ToString() ); // hit physical area ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPoisonArea) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060429, prop.ToString() ); // hit poison area ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060430, prop.ToString() ); // hit stamina leech ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusHits) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060431, prop.ToString() ); // hit point increase ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060432, prop.ToString() ); // intelligence bonus ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.LowerManaCost) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060433, prop.ToString() ); // lower mana cost ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.LowerRegCost) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060434, prop.ToString() ); // lower reagent cost ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = GetLowerStatReq()) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060435, prop.ToString() ); // lower requirements ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = (GetLuckBonus() + m_AosAttributes.Luck)) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060436, prop.ToString() ); // luck ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060438, (30 - prop).ToString() ); // mage weapon -~1_val~ skill

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusMana) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060439, prop.ToString() ); // mana increase ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenMana) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060440, prop.ToString() ); // mana regeneration ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.NightSight) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060441 ); // night sight

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.ReflectPhysical) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060442, prop.ToString() ); // reflect physical damage ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenStam) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060443, prop.ToString() ); // stamina regeneration ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenHits) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060444, prop.ToString() ); // hit point regeneration ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.SelfRepair) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060450, prop.ToString() ); // self repair ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060482 ); // spell channeling

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.SpellDamage) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060483, prop.ToString() ); // spell damage increase ~1_val~%

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusStam) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060484, prop.ToString() ); // stamina increase ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060485, prop.ToString() ); // strength bonus ~1_val~

			if ( (prop = m_AosAttributes.WeaponSpeed) != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060486, prop.ToString() ); // swing speed increase ~1_val~%

			int phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy;

			GetDamageTypes( null, out phys, out fire, out cold, out pois, out nrgy );

			if ( phys != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060403, phys.ToString() ); // physical damage ~1_val~%

			if ( fire != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060405, fire.ToString() ); // fire damage ~1_val~%

			if ( cold != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060404, cold.ToString() ); // cold damage ~1_val~%

			if ( pois != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060406, pois.ToString() ); // poison damage ~1_val~%

			if ( nrgy != 0 )
				list.Add( 1060407, nrgy.ToString() ); // energy damage ~1_val~%

			list.Add( 1061168, "{0}\t{1}", MinDamage.ToString(), MaxDamage.ToString() ); // weapon damage ~1_val~ - ~2_val~
			list.Add( 1061167, Speed.ToString() ); // weapon speed ~1_val~

			if ( MaxRange > 1 )
				list.Add( 1061169, MaxRange.ToString() ); // range ~1_val~

			int strReq = AOS.Scale( StrRequirement, 100 - GetLowerStatReq() );

			if ( strReq > 0 )
				list.Add( 1061170, strReq.ToString() ); // strength requirement ~1_val~

			if ( Layer == Layer.TwoHanded )
				list.Add( 1061171 ); // two-handed weapon
				list.Add( 1061824 ); // one-handed weapon

			if ( m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill == 0 )
				switch ( Skill )
					case SkillName.Swords:  list.Add( 1061172 ); break; // skill required: swordsmanship
					case SkillName.Macing:  list.Add( 1061173 ); break; // skill required: mace fighting
					case SkillName.Fencing: list.Add( 1061174 ); break; // skill required: fencing
					case SkillName.Archery: list.Add( 1061175 ); break; // skill required: archery

			if ( m_Hits >= 0 && m_MaxHits > 0 )
				list.Add( 1060639, "{0}\t{1}", m_Hits, m_MaxHits ); // durability ~1_val~ / ~2_val~

		public override void OnSingleClick( Mobile from )
			ArrayList attrs = new ArrayList();

			if ( DisplayLootType )
				if ( LootType == LootType.Blessed )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038021 ) ); // blessed
				else if ( LootType == LootType.Cursed )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1049643 ) ); // cursed

			#region Factions
			if ( m_FactionState != null )
				attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1041350 ) ); // faction item

			if ( m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional )
				attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1018305 - (int)m_Quality ) );

			if ( m_Identified )
				if ( m_Slayer != SlayerName.None )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName( m_Slayer ).Title ) );

				if ( m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038000 + (int)m_DurabilityLevel ) );

				if ( m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038015 + (int)m_DamageLevel ) );

				if ( m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
					attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038010 + (int)m_AccuracyLevel ) );
			else if ( m_Slayer != SlayerName.None || m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular || m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular || m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular )
				attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1038000 ) ); // Unidentified

			if ( m_Poison != null && m_PoisonCharges > 0 )
				attrs.Add( new EquipInfoAttribute( 1017383, m_PoisonCharges ) );

			int number;

			if ( Name == null )
				number = LabelNumber;
				this.LabelTo( from, Name );
				number = 1041000;

			if ( attrs.Count == 0 && Crafter == null && Name != null )

			EquipmentInfo eqInfo = new EquipmentInfo( number, m_Crafter, false, (EquipInfoAttribute[])attrs.ToArray( typeof( EquipInfoAttribute ) ) );

			from.Send( new DisplayEquipmentInfo( this, eqInfo ) );

		private static BaseWeapon m_Fists; // This value holds the default--fist--weapon

		public static BaseWeapon Fists
			get{ return m_Fists; }
			set{ m_Fists = value; }

		#region ICraftable Members

		public int OnCraft( int quality, bool makersMark, Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, Type typeRes, BaseTool tool, CraftItem craftItem, int resHue )
			Quality = (WeaponQuality)quality;

			if ( makersMark )
				Crafter = from;

			PlayerConstructed = true;

			Type resourceType = typeRes;

			if ( resourceType == null )
				resourceType = craftItem.Ressources.GetAt( 0 ).ItemType;

			if ( Core.AOS )
				Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType( resourceType );

				CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext( from );

				if ( context != null && context.DoNotColor )
					Hue = 0;

				if ( tool is BaseRunicTool )
					((BaseRunicTool)tool).ApplyAttributesTo( this );

				if ( quality == 2 )
					if ( Attributes.WeaponDamage > 35 )
						Attributes.WeaponDamage -= 20;
						Attributes.WeaponDamage = 15;
			else if ( tool is BaseRunicTool )
				CraftResource thisResource = CraftResources.GetFromType( resourceType );

				if ( thisResource == ((BaseRunicTool)tool).Resource )
					Resource = thisResource;

					CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext( from );

					if ( context != null && context.DoNotColor )
						Hue = 0;

					switch ( thisResource )
						case CraftResource.DullCopper:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate;
						case CraftResource.ShadowIron:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;
						case CraftResource.Copper:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly;
						case CraftResource.Bronze:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Might;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly;
						case CraftResource.Gold:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Force;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently;
						case CraftResource.Agapite:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Power;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently;
						case CraftResource.Verite:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Power;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Exceedingly;
						case CraftResource.Valorite:
							Identified = true;
							DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
							DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq;
							AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely;

			return quality;


	public enum CheckSlayerResult

What is wrong? :p


Nataq: Are you sure you havent deleted anything to do with factions?

Also make sure you have the latest version of RunUO.

No Faction information was editted in my system, so the only other solution I can think of is to copy and paste the changes I made to BaseArmour and BaseWeapon into your original scripts.


what is the easiest way to do a bypass with this system?? i want to make a human race, with no edits to skills or caps or anything...pretty much a default OSI character.

also, is there a way to make it where you don't set their current stats when selecting a class?? or better yet, have the number you enter simply add to whatever they select at character creation??

i am using this as just simply a "Race" system and i don't like the idea of having to decide their starting stats for old Race system i did use was the dov race system and i liked how they added to what you selected and changed your caps (skill and stat) and that is kinda what im trying to pull off here.


if i make an item set to equip on a character, will all attributes go with it? e.g. if i make an orc race set to equip an orc mask on the earring layer and make it blessed and unmovable, will the item created follow all this?

EDIT: Also, what if you set it to where a certain race/class had the hair/beards in them to restric them from wearing them?? what would happen?


where do you have to edit how many primary skill you can take?? i want to change it where i can just set the cap for every skill on the table

thank you


I tried to do the edits myself with the number of primary crashed once i hit 10....

so can you tell me where the edits are??


I think i found the edits for the skills figured out...i think i just can't set it over 54 (number of skills)...i had it set to like 60

but i want to know how to change it to where a class adds to stats instead of setting do i go about that?

I can't find the method where you are actually applying the class and stat changes to a character

thank you


This is a great script :D Thanks for sharing it.

I'm just curious however, if you allocate items to a race, say a special race armour, and then items to a class, say like a spellbook. When they click the stone, will the class item delete the race item or vice versa when they use both stones?

Lets say a player logs in and must choose a race and a class before they enter the game proper. They would start in a room where they would choose their race, then get transported to another room where they choose their class. From here they get transported to the starting point.In this example would say a human mage receive both the human items AND the mage items or would using the class stone delete the items added by the race stone?


Sarin said:
This is a great script :D Thanks for sharing it.

I'm just curious however, if you allocate items to a race, say a special race armour, and then items to a class, say like a spellbook. When they click the stone, will the class item delete the race item or vice versa when they use both stones?

Lets say a player logs in and must choose a race and a class before they enter the game proper. They would start in a room where they would choose their race, then get transported to another room where they choose their class. From here they get transported to the starting point.In this example would say a human mage receive both the human items AND the mage items or would using the class stone delete the items added by the race stone?

there is only one stone that handles the whole race/class thing...why would you need two seperate areas?


Maby I am missing something, there is nothing in the RC chest except 2 bags and a stone, none of which do anything.

Also when I type [rcremove or try to make myself a race I get this crash.

Server Crash Report

RunUO Version 1.0.0, Build 36918
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 5.0.2195.0
.NET Framework: 1.1.4322.2032
Time: 11/23/2005 12:58:18 PM
Mobiles: 4688
Items: 97025
- Count: 1
+ (account = admin) (mobile = 0x1 'Antitheus')

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Server.Gumps.RaceGump..ctor(Mobile from)
   at Server.Gumps.RaceGump.OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
   at Server.Network.PacketHandlers.DisplayGumpResponse(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc)
   at Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns)
   at Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice()
   at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)