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Everyone wants to be admin or gm


I agree with bzk; a lot of people automatically assume that people are incompetent because of their age. While this may be true for the majority of the younger age group, there are still many young people who really know their stuff (like my friend David.) I remember that a year ago I didn't know anything about being staff. Since I had a lot of free time on my hands, I taught myself a lot about UO/RunUO. The same goes for a lot of people who don't have much responsibility to take care of :p

Note that by David I didn't mean the moderator David... :D
On our shard we even had it on our "MOTD" and they seen it everytime they logged on *We are not hiring and don't ask*, but still asked. I don't think there is a answer to that problem. :(


DreamCatcher said:
On our shard we even had it on our "MOTD" and they seen it everytime they logged on *We are not hiring and don't ask*, but still asked. I don't think there is a answer to that problem. :(

That may be because they're foreign and don't understand english. If only there was a cliloc that said, "We aren't hiring any staff at this time" so they could definately understand.

Speaking of which, do countries have specific IP ranges? If so, you may be able to limit access to your shard to your country or specific countries you want (that's assuming they aren't skilled).


Seems to be the normal trend. About every other new user that logs into my shard immediately pages me and asks to be promoted to a GM. I patiently answer that we're not hiring, that we only hand-pick from personal friends or established players, and direct them to the web site for our hiring policy. Most of them don't even want to look at the site, get angry, and log off. :rolleyes:


Courageous said:

That may be because they're foreign and don't understand english.

If that's true, how did they ask to be admin?


Good question... The foreigners could memorize a question and then wait for a yes or no or be dumb enough to think they'll get it immediately.


Phoric said:
Seems to be the normal trend. About every other new user that logs into my shard immediately pages me and asks to be promoted to a GM. I patiently answer that we're not hiring, that we only hand-pick from personal friends or established players, and direct them to the web site for our hiring policy. Most of them don't even want to look at the site, get angry, and log off. :rolleyes:

By get angry I assume you mean:

"Your shard sucks" <- Some guy named 'ToLeetForJoo'
"I'm going to DDoS your shard" <- Supposed Admin of some major shard I can't remember
"You should make your shard like <insert publish and/or expansion here>, or no one will play it 'cause its n00b." <- Can't remember who said this...
"Insta-killing guards aren't carebear you stupid n00b admin" <- I'm probably the only one that has that last one...

And my shard has been up all of 2 days....Fun Times.


... for your information, carebears rock...


KGodwin said:
By get angry I assume you mean:

"Your shard sucks" <- Some guy named 'ToLeetForJoo'
"I'm going to DDoS your shard" <- Supposed Admin of some major shard I can't remember
"You should make your shard like <insert publish and/or expansion here>, or no one will play it 'cause its n00b." <- Can't remember who said this...
"Insta-killing guards aren't carebear you stupid n00b admin" <- I'm probably the only one that has that last one...

And my shard has been up all of 2 days....Fun Times.

Exactly.. and I just stay polite and professional the whole time, that seems to piss them off even more. :)


I just politely ask them to leave if they have no interest in playing. =)

Go tell him that, I'm just putting up the quotes I remember.
KGodwin said:
I just politely ask them to leave if they have no interest in playing. =)

Go tell him that, I'm just putting up the quotes I remember.

Yeah being polite is good at first. Lol But when they keep on when you tell them no it gets irratating...You'll hear why its a good reason to hire them on. Like "I can build,script, I'm good at helping people, I can I can I can..Lol I personally think hiring from the player base is the best way for hiring staff. You can't trust a lot and why would you give them power on your shard... But some just doesn't understand the concept of what No means...Lol


Agreed, the problem is you never really know how people handle power until you give it to them. Oh well, at this rate I'll have 1 player for every 10 or so people looking for a staff position (or less).


"I'm going to DDoS your shard"

Felony. Punishment: PRISON.

Now the question that various people doing this sort of stuff should be asking themselves is this: do people who work for the government in digital forensics, also sometimes, rarely, have a gaming hobby?

See, the consequences of getting the answer to this question wrong are truly and genuinely negative. Try, for example, getting a job in the software business when you have to fill out a job application in the section that says "have you ever been convicted of a felony?" with "YES".



Courageous said:
"I'm going to DDoS your shard"

Felony. Punishment: PRISON.

Now the question that various people doing this sort of stuff should be asking themselves is this: do people who work for the government in digital forensics, also sometimes, rarely, have a gaming hobby?

See, the consequences of getting the answer to this question wrong are truly and genuinely negative. Try, for example, getting a job in the software business when you have to fill out a job application in the section that says "have you ever been convicted of a felony?" with "YES".


The point is, these are minors you don't have the skill (usually) to pull it off. Even if they were convicted in a juvenile court, they wouldn't get a felony count. Of course if your still like this when your 17-18, thats a whole different problem known as a failure to grow up.


...a juvenile court, they wouldn't get a felony count...

No, but their parents will strip their ass bare of skin when you sue their parents. Lawsuits subsequent to any kind of criminal conviction are simply impossible to escape, on the grounds that criminal courts use tougher standards of proof than the civil courts. That's... like their house, man.
