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*idea!* The War of the Four Kingdoms


Why don't people say something before they have made something?
I mean okay , wow you have idea. But why haven't you made it and then posted it?
I don't understand this... You want that some shard clones you?Or maybe somone script shard with your ideas?
What was the point?

My moto: Do it and then say it not say it before you haven't done it.


MarciXs said:
Why don't people say something before they have made something?
I mean okay , wow you have idea. But why haven't you made it and then posted it?
I don't understand this... You want that some shard clones you?Or maybe somone script shard with your ideas?
What was the point?

My moto: Do it and then say it not say it before you haven't done it.

Ummmmm...I have every intention of scripting this. I have every intention of releasing it. But I want people to critique my ideas and possibly make the game more fun for everyone.

After I get the idea totally nailed down, I'm going to make it. But the idea calls for a large number of people to help me. So I'm telling people that I'm going to need a lot of help, and seeing if anyone wants to help me. (Evidently some do). So when I'm done, I'm going to hopefully have a fun game that people will want to play.


MarciXs said:
Why don't people say something before they have made something?
I mean okay , wow you have idea. But why haven't you made it and then posted it?
I don't understand this... You want that some shard clones you?Or maybe somone script shard with your ideas?
What was the point?

My moto: Do it and then say it not say it before you haven't done it.
The reason this can be discussed withou towrry of someone else trying to do it is that it will require lotsand lots of programming to complete this. Not like anyone can cut and paste some scripts and make it happen.


It's not as if you were advertising a the shard lol, your just proposing an idea .. nothing wrong with that !

For the buy AoE 2 thing .. well .. a humonguous difference is the number of players .. and that it's a continuous game rather then a 2-8 hour one.
(+ all the stuff TMS said ..)


I think like the max number of humans that can participate in one of these is about 300. A good number would be about 100.

On another note, I think I will prioritize getting one set of buildings. From there, I'll be able to add in more sets easily enough. Also, users will be able to create buildings from the addons to replace their building sets. If they're really bored.

But anyway...


Archery Range, Archaic, Civ 1:

Archery Range, Modern, Civ 1:

Barracks, Archaic, Civ 1:

Barracks, Modern, Civ 1:

Just realized this...


you have my full support. This sounds like it'd be really fun.

you'd also have my coding hand, were it not for my planescape online project...


Thanks. Figured out that the four corner top pieces of a building will represent the team color. Here's a pic of the archaic "The Capitol". (First floor, not done)

And here's one of the Siege Workshop, Modern, Civ 1:

The Capitol, Archaic, Outside View, Civ 1:

Houses, Archaic and Modern, Outside, Civ 1: (boring)

Capitol (regional), Archaic, Outside, Civ 1:


I hate to shatter your dreams but theirs some problems with this and i'e heard many people before talk to me abotu this idea..

Basically, you'll need alot of players, and i mean alot to create two communities that are big enough to have leaders, fighters etc..

You'll need a shard population of at least 100 players online all the time or most of the time to even get this to work, and I don't think thats possible to persudae nearly everyone who plays RunUO to play on jsut one shard.

Not everyone will like it.


TMS... I guess that I am considered an exeptional coder, I'm pretty decent. I don't have tons of freetime, but the time I have, I would be greatly willing to help you. I like your idea. If you want me to help in any way, you can PM me, or email me at [email protected]. Looking forward to hearing from you.


Tomahawk said:
I hate to shatter your dreams but theirs some problems with this and i'e heard many people before talk to me abotu this idea..

Basically, you'll need alot of players, and i mean alot to create two communities that are big enough to have leaders, fighters etc..

You'll need a shard population of at least 100 players online all the time or most of the time to even get this to work, and I don't think thats possible to persudae nearly everyone who plays RunUO to play on jsut one shard.

Not everyone will like it.

me said:
We're gonna need at least 12 people to play (preferably more like 50) your buddies.
me said:
I think like the max number of humans that can participate in one of these is about 300. A good number would be about 100.

With some work, we can pull it off. There are a lot more than 100 people that play UO...note the 45,000 users here.

Thanks, slayer1ss. You're on the alpha test.
I'll be getting up with you soon, milt.

'Nuther pic: