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Lets get some input from you!


Xero said:
No.. because then everyone on the server will have to use it.. i was saying if we had a function like that.. u can use the "go xyz" command.. and u can get the XYZ of a player.. if we had a UOAM Type map in the RunUO GUI.. then it'd be cool :)

This can be done with a simple command script [go <player>


Oh yeah,I almpost! In sphere I was able to create hair, color it, dbl click and change my hair color. As of now, if I use the hair item, nothing happens so Im just assuming it hasnt been scritpted for use yet rather than thinking it is a bug. Yeah, so anyway, hair! :D
Personally I would think a AI rewrite to a more accurate OSI AI would be priceless.

Since it is a OSI replicate, still so far a lich does not act as tough as the RunUO ones, so by changin the AI to OSI standard, you will increase your 'replicate' % greatly.


RunUO's AI is not the same as OSI's AI. This is not a bad thing. OSI AI are stupid and have been up for a change since the game first came out :rolleyes:

I think AI should be the last thing to be changed to OSI "standards" because RunUO can make really smart AI, really easily. Smart Ai = good. :D
Flare said:
Finish implementing the rest of the OSI core features that aren't already in...and squash bugs.

juka, meer dragoons lordblackthorne juka lord juka mage meer eternal meer captain finish cooking (grindable flour growable foods) finish fishing so when sos is used there is chance of recovering shipwreck items tweak current systems to OSI standard (some are still lacking in that area.

RUNUO out does the competition 3 to one but i would like to see it fiinished there is still much to be added. for some reason the whole LBR senario seems to be forgotten.

Juka bows orcish bows bolas orcish scouts ( where oh where are those sneaky little bastards or are they so sneaky that i just havent seen them yet.) on osi when making potion kegs after first potion is added to a keg all potions made after that will automaticaly be put in the the keg until it is full. also a water pitcher on ose has 5 drinks not one. how about adopting the plant growing system from UTO or the reward system from Rokam.

enslaved gargoyles heck the whole gargoyle comunity from the shop vendors to the enslaved bears re looking. juggarnaugts the list goes on and on... those are but a few


Make it easier to edit

I have noticed gobs of questions regarding how to edit the scripts (all of them) and for every question there are at least 2 answers and 3 more questions... I say an add on for the code for editing the scripts would be nice, one that knows which scripts to edit and how.

a GUI for the more common changes like disabling the test status, spawns, ore and well you know better than I what gets changed the most.

It would be nice to be able to open the GUI and uncheck the box next to teleport to disable the spell entirely, instead of the trial and error I seem to be using now going though multiple scripts trying to find the area I need to change (still havent been able to disable the teleport spell or the test server status... although I was able to reduce the number of starting supplies and also was able to disable the setskill command)

As you might have noticed I'm quite new to C, but I am learning fast and I can be quite stubborn when I want to change something. (='.'=)


hmmmm you all do a great good

but I'll have to go with BONDING PETS!!! :rolleyes:

It's all about the pet ;)

Thanks you all for such a great program.


Scripts: Compiling...done (0 errors, 0 warnings)
Scripts: Verifying...done (957 items, 266 mobiles)
World: Loading...An error was encountered while loading a saved object
- Type: Server.Mobiles.Mage
- Serial: 0x00000235
Delete the object? (y/n)
Delete all objects of that type? (y/n)

Some kind of setting to override the replies with "Y" and continue. For remote admining purposes, when you attempt to restart the shard, there's no way, currently that I'm aware of, to enter the values. Thus Co-Admins have to wait on the Head Admin to Remote Admin to the server and enter "Y" for both values.
I'm aware of the service that will handle these problems for RC1, however, a lot of people are already putting up shards that would benefit greatly from either an early release of the WatchDog or a temporary way to override these errors.

I'm actually hoping for a reply on if we can expect a solution within say, the next (or next after that) beta.


A GUI would mean more than life itself. I think :D So my priority list follows:

1. a new GUI
2. LBR things, what happened to em??
3. Skills in ALPHABETICAL order in the [skills list..

I might aswell do point 3 if I just get a little clue where I can edit that gump. And how :D I mean who wants to go 3 pages to find a skill (archery for example) that should in all logical ways be on the first page, near the top? I might be a pedant (dunno if that's an english word at all :p ) but that really annoys me :shock:

Regards n00b-Ante


Well, I don´t see the point asking for something I can do with script.

That is extactly what I pray for: Don´t have things that can´t be made due to any hardcore implementation.

I think, you guy, are doing a great job.

Flexibility is just what we want :)

Example: John wants AOS, Peter want no-AOS, but mary want just AOS resistance sys, and Paul wants just to have custom house.

I think I don´t even need to explain this, people (specially shards admin), have so different "tastes", that there is nothing that will make everybody happy, all the times. So is this where the flexibility come up.

By what I've seem, what is waiting for us with RunUO 1.0, I decided wich emulator I´m going to use :D


First finish implementing core features like plant system, solen hives, all the quests, add all the npcs that are way overdue especially hirelings, fix all the incorrect AI for existing npcs not only do they run like hell when they near death but getting away from them in a tight spot is almost impossble if you'll notice on osi creatures weaker than yourself run away stronger stand there ground others naturally run others naturally stand there ground humanoids and elementals run most others don't! also on osi you can keep a creature from running away by continuosly clicking its health bar. Pets follow way to slowly and seem to stop if you get farther than 8 tiles away from them it aint like that on osi they keep coming as fast as they can from 3 screens away. tailoring bod system and blacksmith bod systems that function properly, implement the 3dsound and creature noises in the world like osi not just while engaged in battle. fix animal taming and pets. taming is nothing like on osi, vet rewards system, fully functioning virtue system, rougue chest spawns in dungeons, and rares spawns for shops and other rares locations for thieves, currently being a thief is nearly worthless and there is no good way to gain skill and level advancement. thieving sucks. all the aos weapon properties need to be corrected to work properly. where is the jewelry and clothing with stat and skill altering properties? folks I could write a book on all the unfinished areas of just the core features that have'nt been implemented. theres much to be done! It sounded like a rant but its not I'm just anxious you guys are doing a wonderful job and at breakneck speed you have slowed down a little lately but damn you guys deserve a break afterall you've only created the grandaddy emu of all time! Thanks keep up the great work!
Hey I almost forgot a young player system.

If you want to talk new ideas how about a datbase style static spawning system with a gump that lists all the spawners and an list view gump for each spawner that you could add as many creatures to as you like. the spawners would be placed strategically throughout the world to maximize flexibility. it would have editable individual props for each creature type. I have designed my own spawner scripts and if you are a osi subscriber i garauntee you would swear it was the chesapeake shard if you did'nt know better. Unlike the numerous scripts found in the submissions area claiming to be osi standard its quite obvious the authors don't have osi accounts and use utilities and information from the web that have been outdated since the release of T2A. The problem with my scripts is after the world is spawned I still have to visit about 300 of nearly 700 spawner locations to adjust ranges spawn times, i sometimes have to addadditional spawners for just individual cretures for light, med or heavy etc.. its a real pain right now but suppose once we get v1.0 it wont be so bad hopefully all the core features will be implemented before release and this constant upgrading to the newest beta and editing my scripts to comply with new changes will end. I have to say "my scripts" are slowly disappearing as the features and creatures I've scripted for myself are no longer needed.


rougue chest spawns in dungeons, and rares spawns for shops and other rares locations for thieves, currently being a thief is nearly worthless and there is no good way to gain skill and level advancement. thieving sucks.

Yup, yup, yup.


Durability on weapons would really rock- right now I don;t have a need for any new weapons at all.
I also would like to see Pet Bonding, the plant system added, and would LOVE something that lets me remove accounts that have been banned etc. and all their items.
Would also like to see items spawned on the monsters they need to be spawned on auto. (example- Solen items on ants, ClockWorks on Golems, etc.

But I do want to say over all you all rock and are doing a GREAT job. Thank you very much for giving us what you have so far.

Lady Rogue