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[RunUO 2.0 RC1] Bacaw's <<_Easy Level System_>>

hmmm where can i get the a_li_n stuff for this cause as is the link aint opening the page to download it it goes to a forum but there is no download there.


Minor tweak to Age System

In the Exptest.cs file add the Following:

The Basic setup at the Top....

//Mythic DEBUG
using Server.Network;

namespace Server.Mobiles
	public class EXPValidate
        //Mythic DEBUG Begin
        public static void Initialize()
            EventSink.Login += new LoginEventHandler(AgeTest_OnLogin);

        private static void AgeTest_OnLogin(LoginEventArgs e)
            Mobile from = e.Mobile;

            if (from != null)

The add at the Bottom...

       //Mythic DEBUG Age System
        //IF Null we let AllSpells Create it
        //We only test this on each Login, NOT Every time we get experience
        //Everyone starts at 18 for now...
        //Later maybe we have different Starting Ages by Race
        //Then every Interval their Age Incs a Year.
        public static void AgeTest(Mobile from)
            Account acct = from.Account as Account;
            if (acct != null)
                PlayerModule module = (PlayerModule)CentralMemory.GetModule(from.Serial, typeof(PlayerModule));     //pm.PlayerModule;
                if (module != null)
                    if (module.Age < 18)
                        module.Age = 18;
                        TimeSpan totalTime = (DateTime.Now - acct.Created);
                        int testAge = ((int)totalTime.TotalDays % (int)AgeInterval.TotalDays) + 18;
                        if( module.Age < testAge )
                            module.Age = testAge;

I removed the Age Test from Skill test during combat..
Excessive to check account age every time we award experience.



getting some errors

We installed the files and we think that we have them all here but errors keep popping up with the file. I would post the errors exactly but i don't see how to copy them in here. we are getting 5 different errors with the Scripts from the easy lvl system all concerning the server.mobiles.playermobiles does not contain a def'n for "playermodule"

we are at a complete loss as to what to do to fix it

thanks in advance for your help
I have some similiar problems with the Central Memory in all of my systems. I am planning a major overhaul. I have recently started scripting on Second Life but plan on continuing my support here too. Second Life will be taking up a lot of my time. I am working with a team of people scripting motorcycles. I have sat back and wrote out how I can fix all these systems and what core changes need to take place. I am confident that these new changes will put me in the right direction. I ask for your patience and all ideas are always welcome. This is OUR script. Many thanks................Lucid Nagual.


i use runuo svn 200 please help me..

1. install all follow this method and run sever no problem..

2. but [acc or [getexp not

and levelcontrolston click is sever crash

what this problem .....? gump windows not appear....

only use [level or [qs

please tell me ...who success svn + this script?


so when does the leveling start?

ok i got everything to load in the server. its all there, but when i start a new character and kill a bunch of monsters, i dont get any exp, am i not doing something right?? do i have to state how much exp a monster gives? and if so could someone tell me how, also i tried killing things like rats and stuff, also i still gain skill like regular not like the system says, do i have to throw out the regular one?? and where is it located.



Enigma-Doom;706965 said:
ok i got everything to load in the server. its all there, but when i start a new character and kill a bunch of monsters, i dont get any exp, am i not doing something right?? do i have to state how much exp a monster gives? and if so could someone tell me how, also i tried killing things like rats and stuff, also i still gain skill like regular not like the system says, do i have to throw out the regular one?? and where is it located.


enigma i posted what ibelieve is the solution for your problems in your Script Support forum


RunUO - [] Version 1.0.0, Build 36918
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (12 errors, 0 warnings)
- Error: c:\Documents and Settings\Jára\Plocha\e\Scripts\Nová složka\Customs\Lu
cid's Systems\Bacaw's Easy Level System\Reward Items\Sprinkler.cs: CS1001: (line
137, column 64) Identifier expected
- Error: c:\Documents and Settings\Jára\Plocha\e\Scripts\Nová složka\Customs\Lu
cid's Systems\Bacaw's Easy Level System\Reward Items\Sprinkler.cs: CS1519: (line
137, column 81) Invalid token '>' in class, struct, or interface member declara
- Error: c:\Documents and Settings\Jára\Plocha\e\Scripts\Nová složka\Customs\Lu
cid's Systems\Bacaw's Easy Level System\Reward Items\Sprinkler.cs: CS1519: (line
137, column 88) Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member declara
- Error: c:\Documents and Settings\Jára\Plocha\e\Scripts\Nová složka\Customs\Lu
cid's Systems\Bacaw's Easy Level System\Reward Items\Sprinkler.cs: CS1520: (line
139, column 9) Class, struct, or interface method must have a return type
- Error: c:\Documents and Settings\Jára\Plocha\e\Scripts\Nová složka\Customs\Lu
cid's Systems\Bacaw's Easy Level System\Reward Items\Sprinkler.cs: CS1001: (line
139, column 36) Identifier expected
- Error: c:\Documents and Settings\Jára\Plocha\e\Scripts\Nová složka\Customs\Lu
cid's Systems\Bacaw's Easy Level System\Reward Items\Sprinkler.cs: CS1001: (line
139, column 43) Identifier expected
- Error: c:\Documents and Settings\Jára\Plocha\e\Scripts\Nová složka\Customs\Lu
cid's Systems\Bacaw's Easy Level System\Reward Items\Sprinkler.cs: CS1519: (line
140, column 29) Invalid token '(' in class, struct, or interface member declara
- Error: c:\Documents and Settings\Jára\Plocha\e\Scripts\Nová složka\Customs\Lu
cid's Systems\Bacaw's Easy Level System\Reward Items\Sprinkler.cs: CS1519: (line
140, column 35) Invalid token ',' in class, struct, or interface member declara
- Error: c:\Documents and Settings\Jára\Plocha\e\Scripts\Nová složka\Customs\Lu
cid's Systems\Bacaw's Easy Level System\Reward Items\Sprinkler.cs: CS1519: (line
140, column 48) Invalid token ')' in class, struct, or interface member declara
- Error: c:\Documents and Settings\Jára\Plocha\e\Scripts\Nová složka\Customs\Lu
cid's Systems\Bacaw's Easy Level System\Reward Items\Sprinkler.cs: CS1518: (line
144, column 19) Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
- Error: c:\Documents and Settings\Jára\Plocha\e\Scripts\Nová složka\Customs\Lu
cid's Systems\Bacaw's Easy Level System\Reward Items\Sprinkler.cs: CS1518: (line
153, column 19) Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct
- Error: c:\Documents and Settings\Jára\Plocha\e\Scripts\Nová složka\Customs\Lu
cid's Systems\Bacaw's Easy Level System\Reward Items\Sprinkler.cs: CS1022: (line
249, column 1) Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.:eek: What about it?
Hey Lucid, just a quick question. When my players choose the weapon part, it gives them a brand new weapon with an attribute that they chose. How do I change it to where they can add 3 attributes to that one weapon without it giving them a brand new weapon each time with just one of those attributes? I looked through the scripts but I couldnt find anything about the weapon it gives part. Thanks hun. This is an awesome script btw. So thanks bunches to you and Bacaw.
Not sure what is going on here. But.....
 + Custom/Distro Mods/PlayerMobile.cs:
    CS0117: Line 97: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.CountAndTimeStamp' does not co
ntain a definition for 'Serial'
    CS0117: Line 101: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.CountAndTimeStamp' does not c
ontain a definition for 'Serial'
    CS0117: Line 102: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.CountAndTimeStamp' does not c
ontain a definition for 'Serial'
 + Custom/Systems/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Gumps/Leve
    CS0117: Line 32: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definition
 for 'PlayerModule'
    CS0117: Line 50: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definition
 for 'PlayerModule'
    CS0117: Line 334: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definitio
n for 'PlayerModule'
    CS0117: Line 748: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definitio
n for 'PlayerModule'
    CS0117: Line 757: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definitio
n for 'PlayerModule'
 + Custom/Systems/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Gumps/Skil
    CS0117: Line 182: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definitio
n for 'PlayerModule'
 + Custom/Systems/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Gumps/WepU
    CS0117: Line 464: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definitio
n for 'PlayerModule'
 + Custom/Systems/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Reward Ite
    CS0117: Line 33: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definition
 for 'PlayerModule'
 + Custom/Systems/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Bacaw's Easy Level System/EXPTest.cs
    CS0117: Line 32: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definition
 for 'PlayerModule'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
 - Press return to exit, or R to try again.

I put the 2 lines in playermobile like I was suppose to:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Multis;
using Server.Engines.Help;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Spells;
using Server.Spells.Fifth;
using Server.Spells.Sixth;
using Server.Spells.Seventh;
using Server.Spells.Necromancy;
using Server.Spells.Ninjitsu;
using Server.Spells.Bushido;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Engines.Quests;
using Server.Factions;
using Server.Regions;
using Server.Accounting;
using Server.Engines.CannedEvil;
using Server.Engines.Craft;
using Server.Spells.Spellweaving;
using Server.ACC.CM;
using Server.LucidNagual;

namespace Server.Mobiles
	#region Enums
	public enum PlayerFlag // First 16 bits are reserved for default-distro use, start custom flags at 0x00010000
		None				= 0x00000000,
		Glassblowing		= 0x00000001,
		Masonry				= 0x00000002,
		SandMining			= 0x00000004,
		StoneMining			= 0x00000008,
		ToggleMiningStone	= 0x00000010,
		KarmaLocked			= 0x00000020,
		AutoRenewInsurance	= 0x00000040,
		UseOwnFilter		= 0x00000080,
		PublicMyRunUO		= 0x00000100,
		PagingSquelched		= 0x00000200,
		Young				= 0x00000400,
		AcceptGuildInvites	= 0x00000800,
		DisplayChampionTitle= 0x00001000,
		#region Mondain's Legacy
		Bedlam				= 0x00010000,
		LibraryFriend		= 0x00020000,
		Spellweaving		= 0x00040000,

	public enum NpcGuild

	public enum SolenFriendship

	public class PlayerMobile : Mobile, IHonorTarget
		private class CountAndTimeStamp
////////PlayerModule edit.
        private PlayerModule m_PlayerModule;
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public PlayerModule PlayerModule
	    PlayerModule existingModule = ( PlayerModule )CentralMemory.GetModule( this.Serial, typeof( PlayerModule ) );
	    if ( existingModule == null )
	        PlayerModule module = new PlayerModule( this.Serial );
	        CentralMemory.AppendModule( this.Serial, module, true );
	        return ( m_PlayerModule = module as PlayerModule );
	       if ( m_PlayerModule != null )
	           return m_PlayerModule;
	       return ( m_PlayerModule = existingModule as PlayerModule );
/////////PlayerModule edit.

			private int m_Count;
			private DateTime m_Stamp;

			public CountAndTimeStamp()

And not sure if this has anything to do with it...but I am using SVN 264
What it is asking for is in playermobile so I dont understand the error. Thank you. I will take this out until its fixed...but I hate doing that because I have it on my current shard and its working perfectly. So was hoping to put it in my upgrade. Thanks to all.


Arwen_NightHawk;724239 said:
Not sure what is going on here. But.....
 + Custom/Distro Mods/PlayerMobile.cs:
    CS0117: Line 97: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.CountAndTimeStamp' does not co
ntain a definition for 'Serial'
    CS0117: Line 101: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.CountAndTimeStamp' does not c
ontain a definition for 'Serial'
    CS0117: Line 102: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.CountAndTimeStamp' does not c
ontain a definition for 'Serial'
 + Custom/Systems/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Gumps/Leve
    CS0117: Line 32: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definition
 for 'PlayerModule'
    CS0117: Line 50: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definition
 for 'PlayerModule'
    CS0117: Line 334: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definitio
n for 'PlayerModule'
    CS0117: Line 748: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definitio
n for 'PlayerModule'
    CS0117: Line 757: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definitio
n for 'PlayerModule'
 + Custom/Systems/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Gumps/Skil
    CS0117: Line 182: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definitio
n for 'PlayerModule'
 + Custom/Systems/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Gumps/WepU
    CS0117: Line 464: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definitio
n for 'PlayerModule'
 + Custom/Systems/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Reward Ite
    CS0117: Line 33: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definition
 for 'PlayerModule'
 + Custom/Systems/Bacaw's Easy Level System/Bacaw's Easy Level System/EXPTest.cs
    CS0117: Line 32: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a definition
 for 'PlayerModule'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
 - Press return to exit, or R to try again.

I put the 2 lines in playermobile like I was suppose to:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Multis;
using Server.Engines.Help;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Spells;
using Server.Spells.Fifth;
using Server.Spells.Sixth;
using Server.Spells.Seventh;
using Server.Spells.Necromancy;
using Server.Spells.Ninjitsu;
using Server.Spells.Bushido;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Engines.Quests;
using Server.Factions;
using Server.Regions;
using Server.Accounting;
using Server.Engines.CannedEvil;
using Server.Engines.Craft;
using Server.Spells.Spellweaving;
using Server.ACC.CM;
using Server.LucidNagual;

namespace Server.Mobiles
	#region Enums
	public enum PlayerFlag // First 16 bits are reserved for default-distro use, start custom flags at 0x00010000
		None				= 0x00000000,
		Glassblowing		= 0x00000001,
		Masonry				= 0x00000002,
		SandMining			= 0x00000004,
		StoneMining			= 0x00000008,
		ToggleMiningStone	= 0x00000010,
		KarmaLocked			= 0x00000020,
		AutoRenewInsurance	= 0x00000040,
		UseOwnFilter		= 0x00000080,
		PublicMyRunUO		= 0x00000100,
		PagingSquelched		= 0x00000200,
		Young				= 0x00000400,
		AcceptGuildInvites	= 0x00000800,
		DisplayChampionTitle= 0x00001000,
		#region Mondain's Legacy
		Bedlam				= 0x00010000,
		LibraryFriend		= 0x00020000,
		Spellweaving		= 0x00040000,

	public enum NpcGuild

	public enum SolenFriendship

	public class PlayerMobile : Mobile, IHonorTarget
		private class CountAndTimeStamp
////////PlayerModule edit.
        private PlayerModule m_PlayerModule;
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public PlayerModule PlayerModule
	    PlayerModule existingModule = ( PlayerModule )CentralMemory.GetModule( this.Serial, typeof( PlayerModule ) );
	    if ( existingModule == null )
	        PlayerModule module = new PlayerModule( this.Serial );
	        CentralMemory.AppendModule( this.Serial, module, true );
	        return ( m_PlayerModule = module as PlayerModule );
	       if ( m_PlayerModule != null )
	           return m_PlayerModule;
	       return ( m_PlayerModule = existingModule as PlayerModule );
/////////PlayerModule edit.

			private int m_Count;
			private DateTime m_Stamp;

			public CountAndTimeStamp()

And not sure if this has anything to do with it...but I am using SVN 264
What it is asking for is in playermobile so I dont understand the error. Thank you. I will take this out until its fixed...but I hate doing that because I have it on my current shard and its working perfectly. So was hoping to put it in my upgrade. Thanks to all.

You put the lines in the wrong spot:
Try moving this

////////PlayerModule edit.
        private PlayerModule m_PlayerModule;
        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public PlayerModule PlayerModule
	    PlayerModule existingModule = ( PlayerModule )CentralMemory.GetModule( this.Serial, typeof( PlayerModule ) );
	    if ( existingModule == null )
	        PlayerModule module = new PlayerModule( this.Serial );
	        CentralMemory.AppendModule( this.Serial, module, true );
	        return ( m_PlayerModule = module as PlayerModule );
	       if ( m_PlayerModule != null )
	           return m_PlayerModule;
	       return ( m_PlayerModule = existingModule as PlayerModule );
/////////PlayerModule edit.

above this line

private class CountAndTimeStamp
Ugg that was it. I swore I had it in the right place and it looked right to me everytime I looked at it. LOL. Thank you for having better eyes then me. Also I am on Q..just hidden. I will make it where you can see me whenever you are on. Thank you again hun. *hugs*
Heya Lucid, you've got a great level system, and I thoroughly enjoy all of the features it offers.Unfortunatly, I'm running into some problems. When I use this system, none of the commands work, like [getexp, etc, and when players try to craft weapons using the skillpoints, they can only add one attribute, and the weapon gump closes. I had found what I believe is an older system, the 3.0 version I think, and this fixed the weapon gump problem, but then I realized skillpoints were not randomly dropping like they should. I've been working on it for a good 3 hours now without a clue on what could be wrong. Skillpoints is set to true in the els settings, and the data center. Any advice on this situation would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: I reinstalled, and realized I was using the wrong command, so that parts fixed. But the weapon gump still closes when you try to add an attribute. I will continue to try to fix this issue, but I noticed Arwin was having an issue similar to this, but perhaps I read it wrong.
I have a quick question...To make it where other skills gain exp points like say carpentry or tailoring...I looked in basecreature and seen this line

			EXPValidate.EXPTest(ds.m_Mobile,this);//Mod for Level System

Now if I add that line to say defcarpentry or deftailoring, would that make them gain exp points making those items?


Arwen_NightHawk;741630 said:
I have a quick question...To make it where other skills gain exp points like say carpentry or tailoring...I looked in basecreature and seen this line

			EXPValidate.EXPTest(ds.m_Mobile,this);//Mod for Level System

Now if I add that line to say defcarpentry or deftailoring, would that make them gain exp points making those items?

Well actually...She means if she added that line to say CraftItem.cs would someone who created something gain as if they killed something (provided its added to the right spot)?

Sorry I don't use this version of the system so I couldnt help her.
is there a way to edit how much a player gains in experience from a monster? i want certain creatures to give a certain amount of xp. but i cant find where it tells the system how many exp to give a player.
class and race?

ok i see whre to edit the names of classes and races but how do you implment them? [myinfo says class none race human etc etc how do i change that or allow players to select a race and class?
drgsldr69;750381 said:
is there a way to edit how much a player gains in experience from a monster? i want certain creatures to give a certain amount of xp. but i cant find where it tells the system how many exp to give a player.

Wow that would be a nice modification to the system. I'm currently updating the whole system... let me look into that for u.