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[RunUO 2.0 RC1] XmlSpawner2

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Hello im Using XML too but i get an Error when i want too add an LOOTPACK to a mob or chest , The Spawner says cant find LOOTPACK .

i editet my LootPack.cs whit lines from the Turtorial

LootPack.cs Line 571
return Mutate( from, luckChance, item.Construct( IsInTokuno( from ) ) );
					private static bool IsInTokuno(Mobile m)
            				// ARTEGORDONMOD
            				// allow lootpack construction without a mobile
           					 if (m == null) return false;
            				if (m.Region.IsPartOf("Fan Dancer's Dojo"))
                			return true;
           				 if (m.Region.IsPartOf("Yomotsu Mines"))
           				     return true;


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My question is, how can give a skill point bonus as a quest reward. Such as, NPC says "Show me you are worthy and slay somecritter and I'll teach you my combat techniques." And on completion of the quest the player gets a +2 to tactics or some thing. This could either be as a quest reward, or in dialog.


I got a question about quests using xml. When using a kill mob type quest, how do I stop a player from just renaming a tamed animal and killing it to complete the quest? also, is there a complete guide with all the options on quests? Sorry if I overlooked it.


Make the Killnamed 2 words, players can't name something with a space in the name
/objective1/KILLNAMED,Young Bear,20/

look at my hunterquest to get some idea's

There are some links on XmlSpawner but as for a complete guide, don't think so.


Make the Killnamed 2 words, players can't name something with a space in the name
/objective1/KILLNAMED,Young Bear,20/

look at my hunterquest to get some idea's

There are some links on XmlSpawner but as for a complete guide, don't think so.
Wow, how did I miss this flaw. This screws up everything. If my memory is correct, a player can rename "a rabbit" to "young bear" by putting the cursor over the "a" and typing "young", then putting the cursor over "rabbit" and typing "bear". The player never has to hit the space bar.


Wow, how did I miss this flaw. This screws up everything. If my memory is correct, a player can rename "a rabbit" to "young bear" by putting the cursor over the "a" and typing "young", then putting the cursor over "rabbit" and typing "bear". The player never has to hit the space bar.
seems to work. And only seems to work on the correct mob type. ALSO in the quest book it says as objective something like "kill 1 ogre(s) named Smasher (1 left) which looks cooler than "Killmob(s) named Smasher"


You can also in the book type out the description, this works better for collecting items cuz it'll say
Collect 20 Mob(s) apple

/objective1/COLLECTNAMED,apple,20/description1/Collect some apples
/objective1/GIVENAMED,apple,20/description1/Give me some apples

And in the book it'll say

Collect some apples (20 left)
Give me some apples (20 left)


Well, this is the script I originally used:

GIVE/<questholder/name/Kill Bobo/notestring/Bobo must go. Find him and kill him/objective1/KILLNAMED,Bobo,1/autoreward/true/rewardstring/@bag/ADD/gold,200

This script allows anything named Bobo to count as a quest point. How would I word it so it has to be Bobo and the correct creature type? I tried the ideas suggested, It didn't seem to work for me. I could be doing something wrong though.

I got this script from a tutorial, which is here

Thanks again


GIVE/<questholder/name/Kill Bobo/notestring/Bobo must go. Find him and kill him/objective1/KILLNAMED,Bobo,"whatever type of monster",1/autoreward/true/rewardstring/@bag/ADD/gold,200
GIVE/<questholder/name/Kill Bobo/notestring/Bobo must go. Find him and kill him/objective1/KILLNAMED,Bobo,ogre,1/autoreward/true/rewardstring/@bag/ADD/gold,200


Thanks. That helped a lot. quick question how do I change the gold to a check? If you have a bigger quest, I'd hate to burden the player with 5k or something as an autoaward. It could over weight them and get them killed. I tried turning the autoreward to false, but when I clicked collect, it gave me a cursor and no matter where I clicked I didn't get the gold.


GIVE/<questholder/name/Kill Bobo/notestring/Bobo must go. Find him and kill him/objective1/KILLNAMED,Bobo,ogre,1/autoreward/true/rewardstring/@bag/ADD/bankcheck,5000


bankcheck, wow, I feel foolish for not thinking of that. I thought tried it though. Maybe I used two words. Can't remember. Either way, it worked.

Thank you


Accessing the SA map crashed the server because there is no definition for the new map in XML. This I am sure is no easy task, prehaps someone has a thought on this, will keep checking it out, I know you can add custom maps to XML, will keep looking into this but hopefully someone can point to a post that tells you how to do this, thanks.



Accessing the SA map crashed the server because there is no definition for the new map in XML. This I am sure is no easy task, prehaps someone has a thought on this, will keep checking it out, I know you can add custom maps to XML, will keep looking into this but hopefully someone can point to a post that tells you how to do this, thanks.


This is actually a very easy fix :).

In XmlSpawner2.cs find:
        // sector hashtable for each map
        private static Hashtable[] GlobalSectorTable = new Hashtable[5];

and replace it with:
        // sector hashtable for each map
        private static Hashtable[] GlobalSectorTable = new Hashtable[Map.Maps.Length];

The spawner crashes the server because a map is being accessed that exceeds the number of maps it knows exists.
Replacing the Hashtable with the Maps.Maps.Length variables means that if more maps are ever added then this problem won't happen again as it will automatically increase the size of the Hashtable :).
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