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The lack of respect shown by so many to us...

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RunUO Founder
Staff member
The lack of respect shown by so many to us...

You know time and again I sit here and I have to ask myself why I even bother continuing with the RunUO project. There are times where I seriously just want to shut this place down and move on.

Truth be told it has nothing to do with loosing interest in Ulitma Online, it has to do with the ungreatful users, and why is it (yes this is a stereotype) that the majority of our problem users are Russian. Do Russian's have no morals?

I get tired of dealing with people who think they are better than me, or the other developers of RunUO and thinking that they deserve to decompile RunUO or end-around our software license.

RunUO is not illegal. It is 100% code that we have written over the past years and I am tired of people trying to tell me that it is illegal. If you write a program that emulates UO, or any other game server or application for that matter, it is not illegal, however using that program could be considered breaking the terms of service for said game/application.

As far as the decompiling of RunUO goes, I will not stand for it. I am to the point now where I dont even see a reason to continue with RunUO. We have just finished a 100% network overhaul that makes the core 500x as efficient. We have proven the core to hold over 2000 users online with no problem, yet while working on this I have come to the conclusion that it is no longer the minority of our users who are ungreatful, it is without doubt the majority.

RunUO is a free application, it is an application we considered releasing to the community under a form of open source license when we hit 1.0 however with the majority of our users being greedy and doing things like you have seen from Wyatt and others in the past, can someone give me one good reason why I should push this development team to get a release out to the public so that they can decompile it and give people what boil down to be nothing more than shitty blocks of code?

Come on people this is getting really old, now we have to deal with some asshole from Russia who wants to release a 'modified core' to the public so that they can use it... for what gain? The minute they do, they will no longer be able to come back to the stock RunUO distributions, trust me we would see to that, and I can promise you no other development team out there will ever provide you with a product the caliber we have. Sure someone can steal our work and re-publish it as their own to look cool, but that is all it boils down to, they didn't make thier version, they just pretend to be cool by modifying the core and putting something similar to this:

Console.WriteLine( "Core h4x3d by l33t Russian" );

Give me a break, I am really getting tired of this... as for the users that have the audacity to say that we are getting angry it's not about getting angry its about having an overzealous userbase who are too used to being babied and hand held through releases every month and when we decide to re-work and optimize a chunk of our software they like to jump ship, well go ahead, it wont bother me at all.

In fact I encourage all of you that supported Wyatt for whatever reason to go with him, build a website and community and release your hacked exe's to everyone because in the end I dont give a shit. If Wyatt is sooooo good at what he does why would he have to use our code and our product? A reasonable and prudent person could easily conclude that if Wyatt were such a good programmer he could have easily created his own emulator in its entirety could he have not?

See, this is where this community is headed.... its headed in a direction that is litterally driving me to loose interest in providing them the service and product that we have provided over the last few years. That in and of itself says something, but what says even more is the lack of respect these users are showing to the entire community, not just the development team.

How would you all like it if we just decided to say screw it and move to a subscriber only model.....?

Yah, I didn't think so.

So the next time you decide to support some asshole like Wyatt, remember how much we do give you for free, yet you still demand from us rather than thanking us.


All I have to say is...
Thanks to Ryan and the other Devs for not giving up (Yet!).
I appreciate your Hard Work and time.
*Hangs head in shame*

I personaly appolgise, after all it is "Your house", and this is how we behave.

*Hangs head in shame again*


Ryan people like Wyatt are just children, I really doubt if he was some super crazy programmer that he would be trying to destroy this community or post his code here. Hackers like him have no idea what is going on or can happen to them. Seriously from what I have seen on other message boards and other websites the majority of the people love RunUO. Of course in a community of this size there will be childish and immature people but think of it out of 40k+ users a handful are assholes and immature kids who think they run everything.

I will always support RunUO because its an incredible product that you guys made and continue to develope. You and the RunUO have done more for the emulation community than anyone can dream of. Dont let a few immature brats drag you down like this.


RunUO Founder
Staff member
All I can say is, at this point it really is time for me to give myself a serious gut-check as to if this is worth it or not.


Do what you need to do, all im saying is you have done more the UO Emulation community than anyone. And youve made a lot of people happy.
I do know one thing, Subscribers will be less likely to flame, and more likely to be contrite when they are wrong. From a view point outside when I run my shard auto enroll I get whiners, complainers, and trouble makers. When I close auto enroll and make them request the account I get people who stay with the server, are respectful and considerate, even helpful... I would not presume to tell you what you should do, just passing on my own observations.


Ryan said:
How would you all like it if we just decided to say screw it and move to a subscriber only model.....?
To be honest, I don't mind, I'm more than happy to pay my lifetime subscription, in my opinion, the time the RunUO Development Team has put into RunUO is worth a donation.


I agree with you that this community is getting a pain in the ass, and must be even worse for you. Maybe you should make rules more strict, or just ignore completely those guys that only cause trouble. But, in my opinion, you should not bash Russia for a bunch of users from there that suck, generalizations of that type are not nice, imagine if they said the same thing of the US each time an american did a stupid thing? I believe I am offering an outsider view, as I'm neither american nor russian, but it's just my 2 cents.


With a family base that you have built up here; you have to expect the occasional whiner, grump and yes even cheater. It is unfornate that people don't appreciate what they are given on a silver platter, they're never satisfied and want better or more. It's time for them to remember that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone, so they better start appreciating it now or RunUO will be gone. Wake up people.

On a positive note to you Sir, the size of the family that you and the others have built up here clearly reflects what an awesome product you have created and marvelous job you're doing. Thank you very much. I DO appreciate your hard work immensely. Please think hard before you shut this down.


Ryan I love your site, please hang in there.

I know running these forums and dev. porjects have left a bad taste in your mouth and I can understand well. I haven't been apart of this community long, probably about 3 months now or so. I know I dont post much either. Why do I not post much? For one I was brand new at running a server and shard and learning about emulators, but I FOUND EVERYTHING ON THIS SITE I NEEDED TO START AND TO EVEN CHANGE, ALTER, MODIY, ETC ETC AND EVERYTHING HAS ALMOST BEEN DONE AND SAID BEFORE. I HAVE MAYBE ASKED A FEW QUESTOINS IN THE BEGINNING WHICH I DID....BUT EVERYTHING IS GIVEN TO YOU HERE.

I am also disgusted in how lazy people have become. Before they ask they should shut there mouths and take their own time to search. EVERYTHING HAS BEEN GIVEN TO US ON THIS SITE!!!

Please people do not bother ryan anymore and be patient. If you people wanted SE added soooooo bad to Run UO core I advise to stop now and let him finish. I for one want to see UO developed and glorified for which has brought many years of fun and adventure.

I now rest my case. Ryan do what you feel is best and hopefully the greedy and impateint people back off for good. I m also an Orbsydia subscriber and I am glad we now have a great world/map creator. Good luck to everyone who has had fun in UO.


Ryan said:
All I can say is, at this point it really is time for me to give myself a serious gut-check as to if this is worth it or not.

Ryan, I for 1 am grateful for what YOU and your Devs have done. I seriously doubt that I'm the only one.

With all the SE stuff posted I haven't bitten on any of it. I would rather wait until you post the completed release for us to use simply because I know that it will be 100% ready. No bugs, no errors, no oops change this or that.

I would ask you to stand to your guns and not allow 1 tard and his gang to bring you down or cease what YOU have created.


I do not mind a subscriber model either. To me it would be worth the donation as well. Although I must say that it is a shame that someone who can barely speak English can cripple the will of such a vast community. I would be very dissapointed to hear that RunUO releases have ceased. In fact Ryan, I believe that ceasing updates would give more of a reason for other people to decompile, modify and release their own Hax0rzed version of RunUO in order to "further developement of the emulator."


I didnt realise that wyatt was such an ass, or i wouldnt have said anything nice about him. i read the whole situation the wrong way and offer my apology, i honestly didnt realise he was posting hacked versions of the core :mad:

It would be a shame to let wyatt bring down the whole community for a cheap thrill of using a decompiler, but, i guess that is out of our hands now.. :eek:

Whatever you decide to do, best of luck and thanks for all your hard work.
I have been with this community for quite some time now. I have not ever seen such a devoted core team work so hard for a common goal. We are all individuals, and all entitled to our own opinions, hell Ryan has even given us an area to express our right to free speach. But with free speach must also come a respect for anothers property and work.

For all those out there who "Hangs head in shame again" who questioned recent decisions. I would suggest that you read carfuly the EULA which you so hastily click to agree to. You will see that banning is actually an easy going response to a clear violation of the terms. Possibly you should consider puting in a few secondary popups that ask "Did you read it?" and "Are you really sure you read it?" ;)

To Ryan and the rest of the dev team. I must say I truly am sorry. Sorry that I even participated in such a discussion even briefly. To Phantom ;) well I still think you can be harsh at times but I most definetly respect you as you have taught me a lot, or in many cases just inspired me to figure it out :D


Ryan said:
All I can say is, at this point it really is time for me to give myself a serious gut-check as to if this is worth it or not.

Crappy feedback, complaints and noisy people will always get the attention.

Just look at UOGamers, Demise or any other shard and see players enjoying the game, decorating, monster hunting and pvping. Not to mention the number of shards on the top-shard lists that run on RunUO.
Those are the ones enjoying every minute of what you and the devs have created, no matter if its a staffmember, player or developer. But these are the ones you never hear from, but I guess there's a big "thank you" in there that makes it all worth it, thou its a silent one.

Just my 2 cents.



You do what you feel you must do for own sanity and peace of mind. I say this to anyone who wants to make any decision such as you are contemplating. That is not to say that I want to see you discontinue work here, but the bottom line is, this is a hobby. You're not gaining anything financial from this, it's not your "job." When a hobby begins to cause you real stress and/or becomes a burden, then it's time to find another hobby.

You guys have done a fabulous job with RunUO, and again I'd hate to see it shut down. The truth is that the majority of RunUO users are very happy with everything, unfortunately in these types of communities, it is the minority that is heard from most often as they scream the loudest. But you do what you need to do for you, it's not about us.


Grateful user ++

Thank you for what you guys have already done and what you may do in the future. No others have even come close to what you have brought to the uo emulation world. It has been a great adventure which I hope will continue.

Perhaps the answer is to finally go subscriber only.


I would like to say, first and foremost, thanks. RUNUO and all it encompasses has become a hobby for me. I appreciate the hard work that goes into making a quality product. If you went to 50.00 per installment, I'd be the first in line to send you a check, it's that good. And hey, it keeps me outta the bars a couple days a week! Tsunami
dstarz20 said:
I would like to say, first and foremost, thanks. RUNUO and all it encompasses has become a hobby for me. I appreciate the hard work that goes into making a quality product. If you went to 50.00 per installment, I'd be the first in line to send you a check, it's that good. And hey, it keeps me outta the bars a couple days a week! Tsunami

Here Here I whole heartedly agree. Would be the best money I have ever spent.
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