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UO's Next expansion pack...



I dont care about the upgrades. If they are stupid enought to give us stuff to toy around with and make us better than them, so be it, I am totally up for it.
I don't care what they add as long as they don't go JUST 3D.
There was a game called runescape it wasn't all that bad till they went 3D and abbonded the origional, sure they still have it as calssic but they don't do any upgrades with it.

If you want to see what I mean go to go to the bottom and find RS-Classic play it then play the one on the first web page.

It just went all to hell, Your guy looks like hes made of fucking marshmellows.


I know of Runescape; I have too much time invested (money too in purchasing UO discs) to even think of trying RS. My kids have played it, I've watched them and really don't much care for it. My kids have since quit playing it and have opted to play Final Fantasy and Mana on their Gameboys.


this osi people are just making things more difficult now a new version elf who cares for elf thats my thought to make RunUO team work harder to make new elfs for runuo its like osi wants us not to have things easy here bah hate them


Thraxus said:
You can't fault Blizzard for wanting to keep their intellectual property from being used without their consent. You don't have to like it, but it doesn't make them "anal".

I don't fault them, it's their excessive obstinacy about the situation that irks me.


Erica said:
this osi people are just making things more difficult now a new version elf who cares for elf thats my thought to make RunUO team work harder to make new elfs for runuo its like osi wants us not to have things easy here bah hate them

That is plain silly; in all honesty, if EA had really wanted to make things difficult for the freelanders, they would have simply run down every player run shard and everyone that produced the software for those shards and shut them down.


My info for a runuo server

Im not sure how every one els thinks about this. I think that there should be more than one server we can download. Leave the original one and THEN make one for some sick a** archdevils and demygods. Kinda like a RPG thing but still PVP ext..maybe base it off like the nine hells with each hell having a archdevil or demygod. This would replace the "factions". Have the maps split some how for evil and good kinda like they r now.
Well has anyone heard of the DnD book called "The bood of vile innocents"?
if some how we could base the other server off that a lil. Well thats my info on runuo making there own.

if nobody want me to keep giving my info on this just tell me to shut up!!!! LOL well see yall latter :rolleyes:


kage1234 said:
I don't fault them, it's their excessive obstinacy about the situation that irks me.
So you're saying they should make it illegal, but then let everyone do it anyway, just to be nice?

Right... :rolleyes:


When i first heard about this expansion my first thought was "GREAT finally some new paperdoll art to go along with a race instead of just a change of color.." Then i started thinking "Oh wait this is OSI/EA what are they gonna mess up in doin this.." Well i waited and saw the screen shots and allmost cried at how sad the paperdolls looked.. Just another human dyed a different color.. Oh but wait.. They gave them SPIKED hair. Well hell that just makes up for the crappy work put into the paperdoll.. Dont you agree?? LOL soo sad..

As much as i hate the little work they put into the actualy "Look" of the elves i am glad they are putting in some new stuff for me to play with.. but as everyone knows OSI/EA has to meanings.. "OSI/EA = If its not broke then break it.." "OSI/EA = If its broke. release an expansion so people forget about it for a while.." Thats just my 2 cents on the whole thing..


Where did you see these screen shots for the new elves? I don't think they can screw UO up anymore than they already have... it's really sad that what they've done to the expansions so far... it's like they're killing the game with each Expansion... >.<" Let it die out stop kicking it.


Samurai Empire was pretty much a failure anyways, it only drew in about 5-7k of new accounts and shortly after that, they lost a further 10k+

I think this new expansion will be a relatively decent one, no more land masses, thankgod.


Deimos said:
I think this new expansion will be a relatively decent one, no more land masses, thankgod.
I think you're mistaken on that.

Mysterious and powerful, a playable race of Elves will deliver a whole new way to explore and rediscover Sosaria. Along with a New Elf city,

* New Elven City
* Nine new dungeons to explore
They gotta put those somewhere, I doubt they'd fit anywhere with existing themes/lands, so I'd guess if you buy the expansion, the public moongates will have another option on them to new Elven lands as yet unnamed.



Okay this is the prime example of how EA has slowly gone off track from "UO". Instead of making the grafix better, fixing the mem leaks, and fixing glitches that have been in the game since the original UO... 1st LBR a expansion about a techno freak. :confused: Then SE about Ninjas... (well okay, kinda cool.) And Now elfs lol... :eek: I love the idea of the RunUO team doin there own magic to UO! Good to see some ppl have their minds in the right direction for UO lol. Btw nice servers, I play Demise and one other. But it doesn't compair to Demise.


Wow, people sure are hostile to this new expansion. :confused: It seems to me like some people should take a step back for a minute.

1. "EA/OSI just wants to make money!"

Well, yes. They're a business. If people don't buy their games and play on their servers, they can't pay the developers, writers and artists, and then there will be no more expansions at all. Most of us do UO stuff as a hobby; I know I do. EA isn't doing UO as a hobby; they've got a lot of paychecks to distribute. What, you thought they were doing it for fun, or out of the goodness of their hearts?

2. "I can't believe they're coming out with a new expansion right after SE!"/"They don't come out with expansions fast enough!"

Isn't it great that we're getting a new expansion so soon after SE?

3. "They're stealing from player-shards!"

First of all, elves are hardly unique to player-run shards or to MMORPGS (doesn't WoW have around 6 elf races one can play now? That's what I heard...) Now, that being said, I will grant that it does look like EA is going to the player shards for ideas, or at least inspiration. That's great! Don't the fans always come up with the best stuff? Wouldn't you like to see something you came up with integrated on a large scale? No? Why not?

The way I see it, EA and the freeshards have kind of a symbiotic - or perhaps, a mutaually parasitic - relationship. We leech off of them. Do we really have a leg to stand on in complaining that they leech off of us? Why do you think they haven't worked harder to shut down the freeshard community? I, for one, am grateful for the tolerance they've shown to programs like RunUO.

4. "RunUO should just make their own game."

Why in the heck would they want to do that??? By emulating an existing program as exactly as they can, they give everyone a familiar base to work from. The very fact that RunUO runs UO so closely to OSI means that I can go to the Stratics site and look up just about anything I need to know. There are tons of resources in existence for UO; and everyone that's played the original will be able to recognize how things are supposed to work when they get their shard running. This universally familiar structure serves as a wonderful base. Freeshard operators can take the base and add in whatever modifications they desire - can customize it completely, in fact. Even if you're not a scriptor, simply using the scripts released here on RunUO will allow you to customize your shard to a high degree. But that universally recognizable base is critical.

Besides, if the RunUO team were to make an independent game, do you think they'd give it away out of the goodness of their hearts? ;)

Now, having said all this, I will mention that I found the new art available in SE to be...disappointing, to say the least. It's pretty clear that they just took the 3D art and stuck it on the 2D paperdolls. But I'm still glad to have it, because the new animations give me the flexibility to add my own, custom art. I've already made three new kimonos (which I'll be releasing soon) to go with the kimono animation, for example. And I'll be using other art that came with it, everything from sakura trees to wind chimes to origami animals.

I don't pay a monthly membership to play on EA's servers because I would never use it. I've found that I'm not so interested in playing. For me, a new expansion means a new add-on for my favorite world-building kit. It means lots of new art that I don't have to patch or script myself (thanks to the terrific RunUO team), it means new animations and new skills to modify, it means a new map to add to the already extensive lands I can design and build on. The new expansion may end up sucking, but if I get even one thing out of it that I can use, then it'll be worth it. Until then, I'll be reserving judgement. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it! ^_^

My two and a half cents.
aka kirax2


DoZeR007 said:
Okay this is the prime example of how EA has slowly gone off track from "UO". Instead of making the grafix better, fixing the mem leaks, and fixing glitches that have been in the game since the original UO... 1st LBR a expansion about a techno freak. :confused: Then SE about Ninjas... (well okay, kinda cool.) And Now elfs lol... :eek: I love the idea of the RunUO team doin there own magic to UO! Good to see some ppl have their minds in the right direction for UO lol. Btw nice servers, I play Demise and one other. But it doesn't compair to Demise.

well OSI was coming up with a new graphics engine til' EA bought over look:

(if it doesn't show up here is link to pic):

All my saying in this


You know what would be good? Is if some one grabed one of the 3d games that allow moding, figure out how the map files are coded, then figured out how to parse the map files of uo and made a world converter. Next make it so that we can link that engine up with Run uo. If the 3d engine is half the problem with graphics, go out and buy a game like say... Unreal 2004. 3d enigne problem solved, now you can just create a mod and send it out. And if admins want a custom world, all the easier, because games like UT already have an internal download function. Just write code so that the server can send the data for a map file, should the the client be able to handle it.

This creates a problem that might not be to hard to solve. 2d maps in uo make it so the player has to move a full step to move on screen, in 26 (your basic cube of (3^3)-1=26 the) different dirrections. in a true 3d, like in Ultima IX, you can move less than a full step, and in > thousand different dirrections (a sphere based on true cardinal dirrections). Now depending on the precision you want you might make it so that the 3d client moves in one of 26 dirrections, and the camera turns smoothly to the cubic dirrections allowed in uo. The other solution is to make the server send out 2 different signals for walking, one for 2d clients and one for 3d clients. The one for 2d clients rounds up and down to get the correct tile and dirrection of the char, then sends out the normal x,y,z of uo. The 3d client gets the normal x,y,z of a full 3d game. Now as far as view point, the use of a 3d client, like the formentioned programs, makes it so now the sever owner or who ever is in control, can adjust it to what ever they like. The third is simply ignore one of the clients and either stick to 2d or stick to 3d.

Now the first option will probably only work if your gonna develope another better "AOS" (make what ever rude acronym you like). Should you want to make an engine that allows first person, where you want them to look through the eyes of the charactor, or you want them to be able to pickwhere they are looking at in a 3rd pearson, you'll probably have to go with sending out 2 different signals, should you wish to support both 2d and 3d. More calculations for the server to do (not that it matters with how Runuo can now support xthousand clients).
But anyway I'm not programer, so instead I'll simply leave this as an open dare.:D