RunUO Community

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Who is oldest member?


Hey, I just realized that I have been here over a year! Everyone come to my house, I'm havin' cheese and wine!!!
Dragon Slayer said:
I Join soon as beta one got released i been here since beta 1 and before there was runuo i was with uox/wolfpack/lonewolf soon as first webpage was made for runuo i was here.

No you weren't. For a while you were using that emulator Frazurbluu was working on.


Dragon Slayer said:
I Join soon as beta one got released i been here since beta 1 and before there was runuo i was with uox/wolfpack/lonewolf soon as first webpage was made for runuo i was here.

You have not been a member since Beta 1, considering your join date was in July.

Like I said Aug 2002 is when Ryan put up these forums, I joined in 2002. You joined 8 months later.

Beta 1 release I believe in Sept or end of Aug.


I joined when Beta 18 was the latest. I want to say around Apr 2003... at least thats the distro I was using at the time messing around with. And the shard I belonged to was using.

And no this isn't my original account as this accounts Join date is Dec 2004 =P


Formerly DontdroptheSOAD
Beta 12 or 14 for me... I had two accounts before anyone tries to say I didnt join until blah blah blah
if i dont have beta one hmm let me look i got every beta released all the way up to 1.0 so dont tell me i havent been around just cause i didnt use the emu dont mean i wasnt here see what tyou guys are missing i collect emus i have about all i could find for uo everhting in UO emu history i got but i will never release due to the fact i dont want people to be at me cause i got them.


I joined quite a bit ago not the oldest, but i'm known around here.



I think this whole forum should base on senority the oldest people should get most respect and most privlleges =]
like in high school

Personally..... i laugh at anyone who joined later then me :p


Your talent and capabilities has nothing to do with your join date (or post count, for that matter). People deserve respect when they earn it... if a person is just an ass and never helps/submits anything to the community, they haven't earned my respect. If someone is like ArteGordon or daat99, extremely helpful and sharing their work, then I do respect them.

I also believe the same for high school... although that's not how it actually works :(


no it should be the opposite of that u should get respect for being an elder member... pfft u speak like the lil newbie u r(newbie=new to forums)

lol ur only saying that because u joined recently if ujoined in 03 u'd side with me


losernot88 said:
no it should be the opposite of that u should get respect for being an elder member... pfft u speak like the lil newbie u r(newbie=new to forums)

lol ur only saying that because u joined recently if ujoined in 03 u'd side with me
Right, I'm a newbie... What have you submitted to the community? How have you helped at all? To me, you're nothing more than a lurker.

I say this because people look down on me all the time because of my age and discount be because of it. If there weren't any of those people in my life, I'd be a lot farther and better off than I am now. YOU sound like one of those "postcount = e-penis" people. Age doesn't matter, ability and significance matters.

I only side with what I believe is right, not what I believe benefits me.


losernot88 said:
no it should be the opposite of that u should get respect for being an elder member... pfft u speak like the lil newbie u r(newbie=new to forums)

lol ur only saying that because u joined recently if ujoined in 03 u'd side with me

Hey, cut the bullshit we don't need little punks like you in this community besides bitching so far what have you brought to this community other people like Joeku have brought wonderful scripts to this community so until you do somthing good I suggest you shut your mouth. :mad:

I have only joined in 2004 am I a newb? I bet i'm better know around here than you are, either way we joined later than you AND have more posts than you.


losernot88 said:
wtf do you mean e-penis? lol

lol that just proves my point 2005 joiner u listen to emoh
And now you're making obviously false accusations about me... you're just unhappy that barely anyone cares when you joined. If you are going to try to insult me, at least try to do so intelligently. Go fornicate yourself on a fire poker.


wow im truley amazed its like revenge of the nerds with Joeku and savaal.

1st of all i dont care if have 10000 posts or 0 posts
2nd ur totally leaving the part of what i said b4 which was the senority system
3rd no one knows what an e-penis is
4th savaal u have a very dirty mouth and i think you should be banned from the forum for using those words
5th lil punk? lol i'd lay you out with a slap. I've done no such "bitching" unless bitching is pimping your mother to foreign japanese businessmen for money
6th Joeku is a Joke

Last of all No one cares about you. So what you have posted like 1 horrible script. Oooooo you want a cookie?


losernot88 said:
wow im truley amazed its like revenge of the nerds with Joeku and savaal.

1st of all i dont care if have 10000 posts or 0 posts
2nd ur totally leaving the part of what i said b4 which was the senority system
3rd no one knows what an e-penis is
4th savaal u have a very dirty mouth and i think you should be banned from the forum for using those words
5th lil punk? lol i'd lay you out with a slap. I've done no such "bitching" unless bitching is pimping your mother to foreign japanese businessmen for money
6th Joeku is a Joke

Last of all No one cares about you. So what you have posted like 1 horrible script. Oooooo you want a cookie?
Heh... I've submitted 6 popular scripts, I don't see you contributing anything at all. The "e-penis" thing was a joke, and if you knew 'net lingo then you'd know what I meant by that. Who's the newb? Hmm... Again, making baseless insults just makes you look like you are attempting to act witty...

You still have yet to insult me with something that you can actually prove... And yes, all you have been doing so far in this thread is bitching and flaming.


my insults have 1 basis... the basis that your a dooche bag who sits around all day and posts things on the starbucks forum because thats all the socail activity u can get because in the real world your an ugly fat slob with an incredibly small penis :( i pity a foo like yoo