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Young Player System BETA 1.0


Hmm ok, i only added that part for quests as someone mentioned in this thread that only youngs could do them, ill leave it in for now , if you dont want this feature simply dont replace or edit questsystem.cs.


jaynigs said:
Not for me there isn't, maybe you have added the code to show the gump twice in the same script. check your playermobile under the onspeech method.

Here is onspeech method. Anything unusual ?

public override void OnSpeech( SpeechEventArgs e )
Mobile m = e.Mobile;
PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)m;

if ( pm.YoungPlayer )
if (e.Speech.ToLower() == "i renounce my young player status" )
pm.SendGump( new RenounceGump( (Mobile)pm) );



No it seems to be ok, unless you have this code repeated in the playermobile twice, noone else has reported a double gump for renounce and ive even tested it myself and its just one gump. Very odd.

Version 2.01 now available, with some additions to the young system.


First I would like to say great work on implementing the Young System. I have had it running on my shard for two weeks now and it has really helped out the players that have never truely played UO before.

With that being said, I would like to know how to change it so that when a player dies, they are always teleported to a certain location, not just the closest healer. Most of the ppl that use this (on my shard at least) are completely new to UO and end up getting teleported to somewhere they have never been before, get lost, and then get frustrated ( I had one person transported to Wind :rolleyes: ). Most of the experienced players usually renounce their young status within their first hour of gameplay. So I want the players to be teleported back to a city they are already familiar with.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


-When entering the game, a new player will get an invitation to Haven, unless he has more than 10k gold in his bank.

using System; 
using System.Collections; 
using Server; 
using Server.Gumps; 
using Server.Network; 
using Server.Items; 
using Server.Mobiles; 
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Menus;
using Server.Menus.Questions;
using Server.Accounting; 
using Server.Young;

namespace Server.Gumps 
    public class Young2 : Gump 
        private Mobile m_From; 
        public Mobile From{ get{ return m_From; } set{ m_From = value; } } 
        public static void Initialize() 
            EventSink.Login += new LoginEventHandler( EventSink_Login ); 		
        private static void EventSink_Login( LoginEventArgs args ) 
            Mobile from = args.Mobile;        
	    BankBox box = args.Mobile.BankBox;

	    int amount = 0;

		Item[] gold = box.FindItemsByType( typeof( Gold ), true );
		for (int i = 0; i < gold.Length; i++)
			amount += gold[i].Amount;
	if ( from is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)from).YoungPlayer && from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.Counselor && from.Hits == from.HitsMax && !from.Criminal && from.Kills < 5 && from.Region.Name != "Haven" && from.Region.Name != "Jail") // staff kontrol
	if (amount < 10000)
		args.Mobile.SendGump( new Young2( args.Mobile ) );

        public Young2(Mobile from) : base( 10, 10 ) 
            AddBackground( 100, 25, 440, 110, 5054 );

	    AddImageTiled( 110, 35, 418, 92, 2624 );
	    AddAlphaRegion( 110, 35, 418, 92 );

            AddPage( 0 ); 
            Add( new GumpButton( 120, 50, 4005, 4006, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 2 ) ); 
	    Add( new GumpHtml( 150, 50, 350, 58, "<BODY><BODY><BASEFONT COLOR=BLACK><u>Young Player Haven Transport.</u> Select this option if you want to be transported to Haven.</BODY>", true, true );
        public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info ) 
            Mobile from = state.Mobile; 

	switch ( info.ButtonID )
				case 0: // Close/Cancel
				case 1: // General question
						if ( from.Region is Regions.Jail )
							from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1041530, "", 0x35 ); // You'll need a better jailbreak plan then that!
						else if ( from.Region.Name == "Haven" )
							from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1041529 );// You're already in Haven
							from.Map = Map.Trammel;
							from.Location = new Point3D( 3618, 2587, 0 );



now everything seems okay but you can attack to a young player with your animals or monsters, i mean i've tested myself and i give an all kill order to my horse and it attacked to a young player. :confused:


Faraway said:
now everything seems okay but you can attack to a young player with your animals or monsters, i mean i've tested myself and i give an all kill order to my horse and it attacked to a young player. :confused:

Well, to start with, you cannot do this in trammel with or without the young system, so, you must be in felucca or in a guild. Also, since youngs are not allowed into felucca then i dont see your confusion, i have added checks for allow harmful to youngs although ive not fully tested everything. This system is an osi style system, osi has trammel and new players start in trammel. If you have a shard where your players start in felucca then the current version of this system is not recommended for your shard at this time.

If its trammel where you have the problem, then you obviously havent added all the scripts such as notoriety.cs.

You can try to add this in notoriery.cs (the code in bold) which should fix this for felucca also

		public static bool Mobile_AllowHarmful( Mobile from, Mobile target )
			if ( from == null || target == null )
				return true;

			Map map = from.Map;

			if ( target is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)target).YoungPlayer && from is PlayerMobile )
				from.SendMessage( "You cannot bring yourself to attack this young warrior" );
				return false;

			[B]else if ( target is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)target).YoungPlayer && from is BaseCreature )
				return false;


Ok I have another question now regarding the Young System. Actually its more along the lines of I screwed up one of my scripts and couldnt find the backup copy. Anyways, on my help menu, everything is working fine except for being able to page a GM now. You can choose the option, but after you click on it, nothing will happen. I tried going back and comparing the base file with what I had, but since I had already made a few changes, found it hard to pinpoint the problem. Now I ask some of the super scripters out there to help me track the problem. I believe it lies in my helpgump.cs file, but like I said before, don't know the exact problem.

using System;
using Server;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Menus;
using Server.Menus.Questions;
using Server.Accounting;
using Server.Mobiles;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO; 
using System.Text; 

namespace Server.Engines.Help
	public class ContainedMenu : QuestionMenu
		private Mobile m_From;

		public ContainedMenu( Mobile from ) : base( "You already have an open help request. We will have someone assist you as soon as possible.  What would you like to do?", new string[]{ "Leave my old help request like it is.", "Remove my help request from the queue." } )
			m_From = from;

		public override void OnCancel( NetState state )
			m_From.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005306, "", 0x35 ); // Help request unchanged.

		public override void OnResponse( NetState state, int index )
			if ( index == 0 )
				m_From.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005306, "", 0x35 ); // Help request unchanged.
			else if ( index == 1 )
				PageEntry entry = PageQueue.GetEntry( m_From );

				if ( entry != null && entry.Handler == null )
					m_From.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005307, "", 0x35 ); // Removed help request.
					PageQueue.Remove( entry );
					m_From.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005306, "", 0x35 ); // Help request unchanged.

	public class HelpGump : Gump
		public static void Initialize()
			EventSink.HelpRequest += new HelpRequestEventHandler( EventSink_HelpRequest );

		private static void EventSink_HelpRequest( HelpRequestEventArgs e )
			foreach ( Gump g in e.Mobile.NetState.Gumps )
				if ( g is HelpGump )

			if ( PageQueue.Contains( e.Mobile ) )
				e.Mobile.SendMenu( new ContainedMenu( e.Mobile ) );
				e.Mobile.SendGump( new HelpGump( e.Mobile ) );

		private static bool IsYoung( Mobile m )
			return ( m is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)m).YoungPlayer );	

		public static bool CheckCombat( Mobile m )
			for ( int i = 0; i < m.Aggressed.Count; ++i )
				AggressorInfo info = (AggressorInfo)m.Aggressed[i];

				if ( DateTime.Now - info.LastCombatTime < TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 30.0 ) )
					return true;

			return false;

		public HelpGump( Mobile from ) : base( 0, 0 )
			from.CloseGump( typeof( HelpGump ) );

			bool isYoung = IsYoung( from );

			AddBackground( 50, 25, 540, 430, 2600 );

			AddPage( 0 );

			AddHtmlLocalized( 150, 50, 360, 40, 1001002, false, false ); // <CENTER><U>Ascendence Help Menu</U></CENTER>
			AddButton( 425, 415, 2073, 2072, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 ); // Close

			AddPage( 1 );

			if ( isYoung )
				AddButton( 80, 75, 5540, 5541, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
				AddHtml( 110, 75, 450, 58, @"<u>My character is physically stuck in the game.</u> This choice only covers cases where your character is physically stuck in a location they cannot move out of. This option will only work two times in 24 hours.", true, true );

				AddButton( 80, 170, 5540, 5541, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 2 );
				AddHtml( 110, 170, 450, 58, @"<u>Page a Game Master (GM).</font></u> If you are experiencing a problem in the game and requires in-game assistance, use this option.", true, true );

				AddButton( 80, 265, 5540, 5541, 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
				AddHtml( 110, 265, 450, 58, @"<u>Ascendence Web Site</u> Go to the Ascendence website!", true, true );

				AddButton( 80, 340, 5540, 5541, 11, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
				AddHtml( 110, 340, 450, 58, @"<u>Help</u> Lists all commands available to players.", true, true );


				AddButton( 80, 75, 5540, 5541, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
				AddHtml( 110, 75, 450, 74, @"<u>My character is physically stuck in the game.</u> This choice only covers cases where your character is physically stuck in a location they cannot move out of. This option will only work two times in 24 hours.", true, true );

				AddButton( 80, 170, 5540, 5541, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 2 );
				AddHtml( 110, 170, 450, 74, @"<u>Page a Game Master (GM).</font></u> If you are experiencing a problem in the game and requires in-game assistance, use this option.", true, true );

				AddButton( 80, 265, 5540, 5541, 10, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
				AddHtml( 110, 265, 450, 58, @"<u>Ascendence Web Site</u> Go to the Ascendence website!!", true, true );

				AddButton( 80, 340, 5540, 5541, 11, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
				AddHtml( 110, 340, 450, 58, @"<u>Help</u> Lists all commands available to players.", true, true );

			AddPage( 2 );

			AddButton( 80, 90, 5540, 5541, 6, GumpButtonType.Reply, 2 );
			AddHtml( 110, 90, 450, 74, @"<u>Page a Game Master (GM).</u> If you are experiencing a problem in the game and requires in-game assistance, use this option. ", true, true );

			AddPage( 3 );


		public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info )
			Mobile from = state.Mobile;

			PageType type = (PageType)(-1);

			switch ( info.ButtonID )
				case 0: // Close/Cancel
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 501235, "", 0x35 ); // Help request aborted.

				case 1: // General question
					type = PageType.Question;
				case 2: // Stuck
					if ( from.Region is Server.Regions.Jail )
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1041530, "", 0x35 ); // You'll need a better jailbreak plan then that!
					else if ( from.CanUseStuckMenu() && from.Region.CanUseStuckMenu( from ) && !CheckCombat( from ) && !from.Frozen && !from.Criminal && from.Kills < 5 )
						StuckMenu menu = new StuckMenu( from, from, true );


						from.SendGump( menu );
						type = PageType.Stuck;

				case 3: // Report bug or contact Origin
					type = PageType.Bug;
				case 4: // Game suggestion
					type = PageType.Suggestion;
				case 5: // Account management
					type = PageType.Account;
				case 6: // Other
					type = PageType.Other;
				case 7: // Harassment: verbal/exploit
					type = PageType.Harassment;
				case 8: // Harassment: physical
					type = PageType.PhysicalHarassment;
				case 9: // Young player transport
					if ( IsYoung( from ) )
						if ( from.Region is Regions.Jail )
							from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1041530, "", 0x35 ); // You'll need a better jailbreak plan then that!
						else if ( from.Region.Name == "Haven" )
							from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1041529 ); // You're already in Haven
							from.Map = Map.Trammel;
							from.Location = new Point3D( 3618, 2587, 0 );

				case 10: // Launch your web site <-### By Cl0n3 ###->
					state.LaunchBrowser( "" );
				case 11: // List of commands
            Mobile m = from; 
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); 

            foreach ( CommandEntry entry in Server.Commands.Entries.Values ) 
               if ( m.AccessLevel >= entry.AccessLevel ) 
                  list.Add( entry ); 


            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 

            if ( list.Count > 0 ) 
               sb.Append( ((CommandEntry)list[0]).Command ); 

            for ( int i = 1; i < list.Count; ++i ) 
               string v = ((CommandEntry)list[i]).Command; 
               if ( (sb.Length + 1 + v.Length) >= 256 ) 
               m.SendAsciiMessage( 0x482, sb.ToString() ); 
               sb = new StringBuilder(); 
               sb.Append( v ); 
                  sb.Append( ' ' ); 
                  sb.Append( v ); 

            if ( sb.Length > 0 ) 
               m.SendAsciiMessage( 0x482, sb.ToString() ); 



			if ( type != (PageType)(-1) && PageQueue.CheckAllowedToPage( from ) )
				from.SendGump( new PagePromptGump( from, type ) );


jaynigs said:
Well, to start with, you cannot do this in trammel with or without the young system, so, you must be in felucca or in a guild. Also, since youngs are not allowed into felucca then i dont see your confusion, i have added checks for allow harmful to youngs although ive not fully tested everything. This system is an osi style system, osi has trammel and new players start in trammel. If you have a shard where your players start in felucca then the current version of this system is not recommended for your shard at this time.[/B][/CODE]

Thank you for your helps, i've removed the trammmel in the begining and i've changed some settings in my shard. Young System works perfect and i really want to thank you for sharing this and helping a lot. But changes also comes with some troubles, is there a way to prevent that young players can not enter to champion areas, i will do some region settings for champion areas because most of young players are using this system for champions and i got a lot of complains.


Faraway said:
Thank you for your helps, i've removed the trammmel in the begining and i've changed some settings in my shard. Young System works perfect and i really want to thank you for sharing this and helping a lot. But changes also comes with some troubles, is there a way to prevent that young players can not enter to champion areas, i will do some region settings for champion areas because most of young players are using this system for champions and i got a lot of complains.

If you download the latest version ( 2.02 ) this should resolve some issues with champion spawns. It will stop there being any young players in felucca.

As for ilshenar champ spawns, im working on that.

Crackerjack said:
Ok I have another question now regarding the Young System. Actually its more along the lines of I screwed up one of my scripts and couldnt find the backup copy. Anyways, on my help menu, everything is working fine except for being able to page a GM now. You can choose the option, but after you click on it, nothing will happen. I tried going back and comparing the base file with what I had, but since I had already made a few changes, found it hard to pinpoint the problem. Now I ask some of the super scripters out there to help me track the problem. I believe it lies in my helpgump.cs file, but like I said before, don't know the exact problem.

There is an edited helpgump.cs included with the youngsystem files. Why not just Use that?


ponch said:
-When entering the game, a new player will get an invitation to Haven, unless he has more than 10k gold in his bank.

using System; 
using System.Collections; 
using Server; 
using Server.Gumps; 
using Server.Network; 
using Server.Items; 
using Server.Mobiles; 
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Menus;
using Server.Menus.Questions;
using Server.Accounting; 
using Server.Young;

namespace Server.Gumps 
    public class Young2 : Gump 
        private Mobile m_From; 
        public Mobile From{ get{ return m_From; } set{ m_From = value; } } 
        public static void Initialize() 
            EventSink.Login += new LoginEventHandler( EventSink_Login ); 		
        private static void EventSink_Login( LoginEventArgs args ) 
            Mobile from = args.Mobile;        
	    BankBox box = args.Mobile.BankBox;

	    int amount = 0;

		Item[] gold = box.FindItemsByType( typeof( Gold ), true );
		for (int i = 0; i < gold.Length; i++)
			amount += gold[i].Amount;
	if ( from is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)from).YoungPlayer && from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.Counselor && from.Hits == from.HitsMax && !from.Criminal && from.Kills < 5 && from.Region.Name != "Haven" && from.Region.Name != "Jail") // staff kontrol
	if (amount < 10000)
		args.Mobile.SendGump( new Young2( args.Mobile ) );

        public Young2(Mobile from) : base( 10, 10 ) 
            AddBackground( 100, 25, 440, 110, 5054 );

	    AddImageTiled( 110, 35, 418, 92, 2624 );
	    AddAlphaRegion( 110, 35, 418, 92 );

            AddPage( 0 ); 
            Add( new GumpButton( 120, 50, 4005, 4006, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 2 ) ); 
	    Add( new GumpHtml( 150, 50, 350, 58, "<BODY><BODY><BASEFONT COLOR=BLACK><u>Young Player Haven Transport.</u> Select this option if you want to be transported to Haven.</BODY>", true, true );
        public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info ) 
            Mobile from = state.Mobile; 

	switch ( info.ButtonID )
				case 0: // Close/Cancel
				case 1: // General question
						if ( from.Region is Regions.Jail )
							from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1041530, "", 0x35 ); // You'll need a better jailbreak plan then that!
						else if ( from.Region.Name == "Haven" )
							from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1041529 );// You're already in Haven
							from.Map = Map.Trammel;
							from.Location = new Point3D( 3618, 2587, 0 );


Cool ponch , thanks for this, i will add it to the system, just one questoin tho. is this how it is on osi?


jaynigs said:
There is an edited helpgump.cs included with the youngsystem files. Why not just Use that?

As I said before, there were some changes made to the original. It seemed to be working ok before the upgrade, but not anymore. :(


Well, it would have been easier for you to post your errors, but i think its here

make your on response method look like this

public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info )
			Mobile from = state.Mobile;

			PageType type = (PageType)(-1);

			switch ( info.ButtonID )
				case 0: // Close/Cancel
					from.SendLocalizedMessage( 501235, "", 0x35 ); // Help request aborted.

				case 1: // General question
					type = PageType.Question;
				case 2: // Stuck
					if ( from.Region is Server.Regions.Jail )
						from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1041530, "", 0x35 ); // You'll need a better jailbreak plan then that!
					else if ( from.CanUseStuckMenu() && from.Region.CanUseStuckMenu( from ) && !CheckCombat( from ) && !from.Frozen && !from.Criminal && from.Kills < 5 )
						StuckMenu menu = new StuckMenu( from, from, true );


						from.SendGump( menu );
						type = PageType.Stuck;

				case 3: // Report bug or contact Origin
					type = PageType.Bug;
				case 4: // Game suggestion
					type = PageType.Suggestion;
				case 5: // Account management
					type = PageType.Account;
				case 6: // Other
					type = PageType.Other;
				case 7: // Harassment: verbal/exploit
					type = PageType.Harassment;
				case 8: // Harassment: physical
					type = PageType.PhysicalHarassment;
				case 9: // Young player transport
					if ( IsYoung( from ) )
						if ( from.Region is Regions.Jail )
							from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1041530, "", 0x35 ); // You'll need a better jailbreak plan then that!
						else if ( from.Region.Name == "Haven" )
							from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1041529 ); // You're already in Haven
							from.Map = Map.Trammel;
							from.Location = new Point3D( 3618, 2587, 0 );

				case 10: // Launch your web site <-### By Cl0n3 ###->
					state.LaunchBrowser( "" );
				case 11: // List of commands

Then further down i think you need to remove some of these brackets "}"


Hi again and thanks for your great script. There's some flaws I've noticed and need assistance on how to fix them.

Firstly you can get teleported to Wind when you die even though there's a 52 int and 72 magery requirement to get there. Is it possible to change so you only get teleported to the Haven healer and if so, how?

Secondly Young players doesn't start out in Haven, if it's possible, how can it be done?

Thirdly You can abuse the Haven transport menu under critical conditions e.g. fighting several monsters. This is not of main priority for me though.

Thanks for any help in advance.


Hi there.

Yes, i will fix the issue with wind, but a temporary fix would be to remove the wandering healers from wind for now.

You can set the character starting locations in charactercreation.cs , this isnt really part of the young player system. A forum search will reveal this answer.

As for the transport abuse it is noted, i would like to know what happens on osi, but since it is meant to aid young players who are a bit stuck, i dont see the real issue with that.


jaynigs said:
Hi there.

Yes, i will fix the issue with wind, but a temporary fix would be to remove the wandering healers from wind for now.

You can set the character starting locations in charactercreation.cs , this isnt really part of the young player system. A forum search will reveal this answer.

As for the transport abuse it is noted, i would like to know what happens on osi, but since it is meant to aid young players who are a bit stuck, i dont see the real issue with that.

Thanks for your fast reply. Well, is it possible to make it so they will get send to Haven when they die? I mean, only to Haven. And about the starting locations.. If I set it to Haven everyone will start there, not only the youngplayers.


Saxum said:
Thanks for your fast reply. Well, is it possible to make it so they will get send to Haven when they die? I mean, only to Haven. And about the starting locations.. If I set it to Haven everyone will start there, not only the youngplayers.

Well, since thats not what happens on osi, thats why my script doesnt do that. You can just change the ondeath method in playermobile to set the location as haven.

Also in charactercreation you do checks if they are young before sending them to haven.


jaynigs said:
Well, since thats not what happens on osi, thats why my script doesnt do that. You can just change the ondeath method in playermobile to set the location as haven.

Also in charactercreation you do checks if they are young before sending them to haven.

And how exactly would I do that? :p
I found the OnDeath method but don't know what it should be changed too.


Well, it needs to be scripted and im certainly not going to do it for you, my system is as per osi, if its not satisfactory in these areas then i suggest that you look at some base scripts and make it work as you want it to.


jaynigs said:
Well, it needs to be scripted and im certainly not going to do it for you, my system is as per osi, if its not satisfactory in these areas then i suggest that you look at some base scripts and make it work as you want it to.
Okay I'm fine with that. Just wanted to let you know I found another bug and that's that the whole name of the ticket is not displayed in AoS. The message breaks after Ticket Marked NEW.

Thought I'd let you know.