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Bono on Christianity


TMS, I just reread all of your posts in this thread another time. Still can't figure out what your comment was directed at. Be more specific.

The comment about Christians think you are going to hell--I can understand your point. But it is a matter of without Christ I think you are going to hell in the same way that I think you will go splat if you jump off of a 10 story building.
Ok, but can't you atleast understand that the other person doesn't feel the same way? Maybe the other person thinks that it is you that is going to hell. It is just fine to think everyone is going to hell, but I don't see why you have to convert someone. It is my opinion that religion is one of those things that people need to make up their own minds with as few outside influences as possible. Others may think differently, but that is why I just completely ignore anyone on the street that comes up and asks me to join their religion. Just give them a blank stare until they go away, works everytime :D .

@bzk, that is how I feel about it. I don't see why it is anyone else's business about where I am going or not going after death. Maybe I don't even care, so why should you?


I don't ever get in someone's face or try to push buttons that they don't want pushed. But I also don't hide my faith, or my openness to talking about it.

I was asked something a while back that I found very compelling which has helped define my approach to my own Christianity. The question was "If Christianity became illegal today, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" A simple question, but it spoke volumes to me.


Yeah, you aren't like that. But there are lots of people who are, and if you confront one of them about it and say "I don't want to be a Christian, please stop bugging me.", they will respond with another version of that quote TMS is throwing around. It really pisses you off because there isn't much you can do about it. If you confront someone like their priest about it, they will just say "Well, they care for you and don't want you to burn in hell!". Maybe they care, but I don't. I want them to stop caring about me, why is that so much to ask?



Invite them to your home at 7:06 and have a pentagram drawn on the floor with dead chickens on it


Yeah, God forbids that someone else tries to show you their beliefs, but encourages thrusting yours upon others because you deeply care about what happens to a complete stranger after they die.....


Im concerned about the christians going to hell for the serious changes they have made to "gods" original words...


Slayer706 said:
Ok, but can't you atleast understand that the other person doesn't feel the same way?
Most of the world does not believe the way I do. My mandate from my Lord is the share with the world the good news that there is an escape possible, that the price of your salvation has been paid and all you have to do is step forward and claim it. I cannot save you, your friends cannot save you, and the bible thumpers on the street cannot save you. Only through the grace of Jesus Christ is salvation possible.

In this simple paragraph I have shared with you the essence of the Christian faith--it is up to you as to whether or not you will choose to act on it. I do pray that you will, if not today, maybe another day. You have shown that you are open to discussion and I hope that I have shown that discussion is possible without confrontation. All I ask is that you not close your mind.


Elaborate? Well, why do you think there are so many different branches of Christianity? Because each version has different principles and thinks the other ones are wrong.

@David, I never close my mind about anything. Except on the subject of Lindsay Lohan, shes a total whore.


Ok, so you have never laughed at a death before? Ever read "The Darwin Awards"? You can't tell me that you can read every one of those and not laugh. A guy that tries to weld a live hand grenade to a sweaping device or a guy that tries to make a necklace out of live ammunition with a hammer and wedge isn't funny?


It is funny, yes, but it's also very sad.

And I disagree with David on a minor point of theology. I'm sure David can guess which. But it is largely immaterial...
Ya so I just noticed this thread, anyways:

I don't really have anything against people who have a religion, faith can be a wonderful thing. To some it gives them purpose and passion and a will to continue on through the thick shitty days and a means to an end when all is said and done.

As for me, well im reluctant to follow the masses, sure I believe their is a creator, but I wont believe in any single religion because in the end all religions worship/pray to the same person, there is but one creator afterall.

It does piss me off though, to get daily doorstep calls from various religious groups proclaiming me to be damned to eternal hell unless I accept "the lord and saviour" into my heart.


Meh, I tell them to get off my porch before I bootfuck them.


What's the last thing a redneck says before he dies?
Hey you guys, watch this!

Yes, and the video of the guy that sticks his finger in a light socket is funny too. Death is a part of life--it doesn't mean I am insensitive to the state of their immortal soul, it just means I am human.


Personally. Im fine with people being concerned over my soul, but what it really comes down to in the end is what I believe and that sort of very personal choice should be my own. Seeking out a friend and asking them about their religion is quite different than a stranger showing up at your doorstep that knows nothing about you or your convictions and trying to convert you.

Regurgitated. But anyhow. When you've had those types of experiences with 'bible thumpers' or even friends who push the convertion gets easily jaded towards religion talks in general. Heard one lunatic spout verses without listening to your counter arguments, you've heard em all.

That being said..I dont think I even had an actual point to be made. Go me.