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RunUO with Mondain's Legacy


what do you mean by update the server files? im running the latest patches..not sure what you "compile a new core" do u mean emptying output first?
Download the Run UO source code then merge the code with your source files.

Paste this into a text file:

@echo off
del Server.exe
goto compile
SET PATH=C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
csc.exe /optimize /unsafe /define:Framework_4_0 /reference:Ultima.dll /out:Server.exe /recurse:Server\*.cs /win32icon:Server\runuo.ico
IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto error

Then save it as compiler.bat

Depending on your scripts you may have to make a few edits, but most are minor name reference changes.

Ryan boyle

Ok so i know this started many years ago and the last post was in 2011.. so is the person who made this initial post still around??? trying to figure out how i can get this into there? and make it work ?


i hope i can get a response to this question but i downloaded the the svn files as told on page one but then it says visit download section to get exe and dll that i need where is this located?


thanks you Alpha dragon for the help with my first question but it has caused me to run into another. ok i downloaded the exe for 64 bit and the two dll files but i now get a tiledata.mul not found error which causes runuo to crash can you help me with this issue? i put the dll files and the exe inside my runuo folder for the server are the dll files supposed to be in another folder other than the root folder? i would give the message but i dont know how to copy and paste it from runuo server window.


thanks you Alpha dragon for the help with my first question but it has caused me to run into another. ok i downloaded the exe for 64 bit and the two dll files but i now get a tiledata.mul not found error which causes runuo to crash can you help me with this issue? i put the dll files and the exe inside my runuo folder for the server are the dll files supposed to be in another folder other than the root folder? i would give the message but i dont know how to copy and paste it from runuo server window.
Sent you a few messages, no responce. :rolleyes:

On a side note - messing with the server and got frustrated on a couple things, will start posting patches I guess. :oops:

Not sure if the patches are good for you all, or should I post the actual script itself, if anything just let me know either way.

Notes on what I have patched:
RuneBook and Gump - Added Sound.patch = RuneBook.cs and RuneBookGump.cs were edited and added sound effects so when you open and close the books and do certain things in them. I could not figure out how to make the sound effect happen when you actualy turn the pages thoe. =(
PremiumSpawner.cs.patch - Since last update, the water mobs all spawned ontop of the spawner and would not run around. Moded so it doesnt do that atm.(Thanks to Nerun)
Fishing .cs.patch - Is a fix for some of the fish displaying var~ and not the correct name, and also added a code to make Sos-Chest to show ShipReckedItem(Thanks to Uome and RedSnow).


  • PremiumSpawner.cs.patch
    2.7 KB · Views: 6
  • RuneBook and Gump - Added sound.patch
    1.8 KB · Views: 2
  • Fishing.cs.patch
    1.6 KB · Views: 1
I just downloaded this tonight, fired it up, and here's the result. Any advice ?

Thank you

RunUO - [] Version 2.1, Build 4272.35047
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Optimizing for 2 processors
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)
+ Misc/Poison.cs:
    CS0115: Line 88: 'Server.PoisonImpl.RealLevel': no suitable method found to
    CS0115: Line 101: 'Server.PoisonImpl.LabelNumber': no suitable method found
to override
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.


usually the not responding thing has to do with a client/server mismatch on client version.

As for your issues with the not compiling, did you drag and drop? Is your 2.1 version of runuo a base install or have you made edits?

I use 2.2 and i know when I merged I had to edit every file that had a reference to poison because the MalGanis/Callandor release uses RealLevel while the runuo base does not.

Post your poison.cs


Hi all,

1) Greate job Callandor2k and MalGanis, you are awesome guys!

2) Everybody knows that Callandor2k distro includes a MalGanis SVN 53 (Mondain's Legacy stuff) inside an already outdated RunUO SVN 663 (this is a little more than RunUO 2.1 that is SVN 605, and a lot less of RunUO 2.2 that is SVN 752), plus a lot of other custom systems, like mine Nerun's Distro.

3) All we want to update Callandor2k's release to RunUO 2.2 and maybe SVN 874 (actual) too. But nobody made it already. So I decided to start.

4) The first thing to do is discover what changes Callandor2k distro have when compared to RunUO SVN 663. There are two kinds of changes: (a) custom files (totally new files, non-existent in RunUO SVN 663, scripted by MalGanis or Callandor2k, or other guys); and, (b) modified files (the RunUO SVN 663 original scripts, edited by MalGanis or Callandor2k, or other guys).

5) This difference is important because, when we update it to 2.2 or SVN 874+, the custom files just need to be copy and pasted (maybe with a really few changes), but modified files need to be merged with the most updated files of 2.2 or SVN 874+. And merge is the real hard work.

6) So i downloaded WinDiff, a very usefull program to compare trees and files, that allows to read the changes inside each file. This allowed me to discover which files were custom files and which were modified ones. This was the first step. And i discovered that Callandor distro has around 344 modified files...

So here i am sharing this first step with you. In th 7-zip file bellow, if you extracted, you will find two folders: Modified Files and New Files. Use it as you wish, but does not require nor expect nothing from me, do not want to create false expectations.


  • Callandor2k-r143 - Pure Source.7z
    1,021.1 KB · Views: 34


Hi all,

1) Greate job Callandor2k and MalGanis, you are awesome guys!

2) Everybody knows that Callandor2k distro includes a MalGanis SVN 53 (Mondain's Legacy stuff) inside an already outdated RunUO SVN 663 (this is a little more than RunUO 2.1 that is SVN 605, and a lot less of RunUO 2.2 that is SVN 752), plus a lot of other custom systems, like mine Nerun's Distro.

3) All we want to update Callandor2k's release to RunUO 2.2 and maybe SVN 874 (actual) too. But nobody made it already. So I decided to start.

4) The first thing to do is discover what changes Callandor2k distro have when compared to RunUO SVN 663. There are two kinds of changes: (a) custom files (totally new files, non-existent in RunUO SVN 663, scripted by MalGanis or Callandor2k, or other guys); and, (b) modified files (the RunUO SVN 663 original scripts, edited by MalGanis or Callandor2k, or other guys).

5) This difference is important because, when we update it to 2.2 or SVN 874+, the custom files just need to be copy and pasted (maybe with a really few changes), but modified files need to be merged with the most updated files of 2.2 or SVN 874+. And merge is the real hard work.

6) So i downloaded WinDiff, a very usefull program to compare trees and files, that allows to read the changes inside each file. This allowed me to discover which files were custom files and which were modified ones. This was the first step. And i discovered that Callandor distro has around 344 modified files...

So here i am sharing this first step with you. In th 7-zip file bellow, if you extracted, you will find two folders: Modified Files and New Files. Use it as you wish, but does not require nor expect nothing from me, do not want to create false expectations.

Nice work Nerun.
I'm gonna start working on merging it now. Will release once I have it done. Hopefully it won't be `too` difficult, and mainly just time consuming.

Unless, this is straight plug and play?


The idea is to do a plug and play "patch": you copy and paste the files to a current server like RunUO 2.2 or SVN 874+. Actually, the Callandor2k-r143 - Pure Source.7z file above can work only with SVN 663! This is just the first step to update to 2.2 or SVN 874. As you said, need to merge files first.


Ahh right - I'll start working on a merge tomorrow, but will probably release the whole RunUO rather than a `patch`.


Both? :rolleyes: Please :p

I started with copying the files I had over the ver that was last updated on this svn, and then did update, seem to be going good but then with the merging of some files and some that were not placed in the same dir - IE had dup files. Which wasnt to hard, but then it was all the additional errors I had received, after working all night on it I got frustrated and deleted the whole thing.. I still got some backups of the begining stuff but when I feel in the mood I was gona try it again... But of course it is not something I realy am a PRO at, :(... And I was trying to keep the mods that I had made threw out all the updates and changes. Ect ect... :confused:Drove me nuts! lol


Well, I'm going to start on this today at some point. Just sorting stuff out first.

Will either release as a package or an SVN that can be publicly updated.


I have sort of done this already, i made a patch for svn864 directly from malganis53
the only modification i made was to remove the need for a core edit

might give you a good leg up start tho

[edit]re-uploaded file (didnt include AI changes)


  • malganis53-svn864.7z
    379.6 KB · Views: 27


I just downloaded this tonight, fired it up, and here's the result. Any advice ?

Thank you

RunUO - [] Version 2.1, Build 4272.35047
Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Core: Optimizing for 2 processors
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed (1 errors, 0 warnings)
+ Misc/Poison.cs:
    CS0115: Line 88: 'Server.PoisonImpl.RealLevel': no suitable method found to
    CS0115: Line 101: 'Server.PoisonImpl.LabelNumber': no suitable method found
to override
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

u need the client for this version of runuo, so u can:
complile ur own or download the last version offered by author on his page.


Hi guys I have a question, is posible to run client with the lastet version of this release?

becouse I've tried and no sucess so far.



I have sort of done this already, i made a patch for svn864 directly from malganis53
the only modification i made was to remove the need for a core edit

might give you a good leg up start tho

Thx for sharing! I am working with MalGanis SVN 53 too, but to RunUO 2.2. Merge is not so hard as i expected and i had updated most of the files now. Some of them was deleted because RunUO team already included them in RunUO 2.2! Just 66 files to update now, it was +200!


I've found that many of the `merges` are not merges at all. It happens to be a space or bracket slightly out of place, which then gets read as a file difference.


Any status on getting it up and running for RunUO 2.2? I am sort of holding off kick starting my shard until this is done :)

Anything I can do to help?