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FS Shrink System w/ Taming Craft


Ok i just posted a new update... You only need to update your ShrinkItem.cs
This should fix that crash everyone is getting. Sorry for the problems. Thanks to ArteGordon for all his help once again.

Darksky this should fix your problem too :)



paladineD Ummm that would be because the shrink system was never meant to shrink bio pets... If you have edited it so they can this will be why. However i added this why to give them a disatvantage. LoL

If you have not edited them so they can be shrunk ill look into this and fix it.



Just installed this to test it and it looks great, one issue though when I save after making a bio creature then I restart the server it asks to delete all of the bio creatures any ideas?

I have only edited one of your files the hitching post but that should have nothing to do with the biocreatures.

The creature was made by my admin character after adding a bio pet deed from the add menu.


I think I figured it out

If I change
case 1:
					m_CometAttack = reader.ReadBool();
					goto case 1;


case 1:
					m_CometAttack = reader.ReadBool();
					goto case 0;
in the deserialization process in biocreature.cs it loads fine.

Was that just a typo?


Yes sorry ill fix it now. sorry for that been working none stop on this and other things. Sorry for the error.



Problem Fixed Thanks for Reporting man. I am working on a new update for the system to change Bio around a bit so its works a lot better so its based more on the char making the creature rather than random loot drops. Also Working on another system However atm it wont be worth the trouble for anyone to install. Cause it will change the base of every tamable creature and in doing so will ask that you delete all tamed creatures in the game thus far. Its a Pet level, Breeding, and Evo system that will let any pet be able to level and grow stronger. And then breed the pets to make higher max level pets (Spawned tamables will only max at level 30) thus far making the babies from the mating stronger. and possible to have a higher max level than stock tamables and more level more bonus to stats and etc. With out unbalancing tamables in the prossess, Also letting admins make there own custom tamables that can evo and can change form and basesounds up to 9 times or less all customizable. The system is working fine now on my public test if anyone wishes to get on just pm me and ill send you the info. If anyone wishes to help your more than welcome to..



Ok thanks that helps alot in tracking it down. However i had one more question.. Does the pets go unowned by them selfs? (Owned by nobody) or are they being made that why by staff?


EDIT: Also are you using the most latest ver of this system? i think i fix this problem a while but double checking now



No, I will upgrade it so we will see if these problems are fixed, "nobody" is no body own the pet. Great job!


Yea bro i just tested it on my public test, and its running the latest ver here on site. and i nullifed the owner of a beetle and tried to claim. so try updating to the latest verison and see if that dont help If not let me know ill see what i can do.



Injall said:
when we use "Drop" command on our animals, they drop they loot if they are monster. The problem is when deshrink and reshrink the pet, he drop again his loot !

Very bad bug :/

ok i will try to reexplain it :

Try to control a dragon and say it to Drop, with the context menu. The dragon drop some gold....
After this, use a shrink potion on it, and claim it.
retry to say it to drop, and it will angain give you gold... :eek:


Ok thank you Injall for re reporting that major bug sorry i missed it the first time bro. its all fixed Now when i pet is unshrunk it will delete all items in its pack. And sence you cant shrink pack animals with items in there pack this should not be an issue just let players know to use drop command before shrinking if they want its gold. cause after that it wont have any.

Also fixed the problem in the Large Taming BODs where it was not showing "Amount To Tame: amount" in its context window. Now it will correctly display this and the amount.

Happy new years in advance all and i hope you all have a good night dont drink to much... LoL




okay im getting a crash everytime i get small taming bod when i add it to my pack it crash teh server any idea?

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Server.Engines.BulkOrders.SmallMobileBOD.GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)
at Server.Item.get_PropertyList()
at Server.Item.InvalidateProperties()
at Server.Item.set_Map(Map value)
at Server.Item.AddItem(Item item)
at Server.Items.Container.DropItem(Item dropped)
at Server.Items.BaseContainer.TryDropItem(Mobile from, Item dropped, Boolean sendFullMessage)
at Server.Items.Container.OnDragDrop(Mobile from, Item dropped)
at Server.Item.OnDroppedOnto(Mobile from, Item target)
at Server.Item.DropToItem(Mobile from, Item target, Point3D p)
at Server.Mobile.Drop(Item to, Point3D loc)
at Server.Network.PacketHandlers.DropReq(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc)
at Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns)
at Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice()
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args)

otehr than that good work and np for the potion help


Darkness? Did you move the folder "Taming" to the DIR "Data/Bulk Orders"?
If you have not do that.

If you have and still getting the crash please send me more details on how it happen and etc.



Everything is perfect

for now everything is perfect hanx for that :p:D hehehehe i closed teh read me file when i was done with the player mobile awasome work man


ok i'm havin big probs with errors i replaced all the old files with the distros. now i get 97 namespace errors any one have any ideas


piggysmc said:
ok i'm havin big probs with errors i replaced all the old files with the distros. now i get 97 namespace errors any one have any ideas
did u mod ur player mobile and moved the files to the right place and modded all the distro files deed make sure you didnt mod them b4