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The Nobel Peace Prize

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I haven't heard of Gore having any plans what so ever to run for election again so I fail to see what this has to do with political drive.

I think him having been awarded it, drags the reputation of the award down.

Does this happen when other awards are given and you don't like the winner?

Besides the other half of the award was given to another organization that is working on similar principles.


As f'd up as most of them are, being a politician doesn't automatically make someone a slimebag who does everything for personal gain.

Maybe, just maybe, this is something he truly believes in as a valuable cause that he can use his clout to help make a better world for the future.

Honestly, it's not a topic or a position on it that is likely to earn him any favors from most of his political friends.


Too bad you're not on the council asshole. Here's an idea:

Make your own award, call it the Asshole Award, and give it to yourself. Happy birthday, you've won something awesome asshole!


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Staff member
WarAngel;718232 said:
Too bad you're not on the council asshole. Here's an idea:

Make your own award, call it the Asshole Award, and give it to yourself. Happy birthday, you've won something awesome asshole!

You're a real cocksucker lately... you should direct your posts to in the future...

Al Gore would definately not be my first choice and I dont know that it does anything good for the award but I wills ay this... it's good to have an American win.
Kiwi;718249 said:
If we don't care the first time around, we certainly don't the second time.
WarAngel certainly seemed to care. After all, apparently I'm an asshole, and evidentally he must be too for me suggesting that he deserves the award.


To Damn Funny!

I guess he should get something for creating the web too! The man never cared for the enviroment while in office when he could do something about it. He only cares now because it keeps his name in the public and he makes good money off it. He started the whole enviroment impact offsets company that gets money for nothing! Also, How come all these great scientist never ever mention the SUN when they talk about global warming? Bah he doesnt deserve it like carter didnt deserve it. It's just a left wing pat on the back prize.


Why do I somehow suspect that if a "right winger" had won, the conservatives would be jumping all over themselves patting HIM on the back.


Anti-Basic;718251 said:
WarAngel certainly seemed to care. After all, apparently I'm an asshole, and evidentally he must be too for me suggesting that he deserves the award.

You're being a big fucking baby. First it was try and write off Al Gore because you don't like him and don't think he deserved it because he doesn't really care, and then people post and knock that shit out, you just whine that the guy you like didn't make it and try to still invalidate Gore because you don't think what he did has anything to do with peace, as if a man who "killed too many people to count" does. Maybe he turned his life around, great (if you want to be picky, what the fuck did HE do that promotes WORLD peace besides show up to the Daily Show, write a book, and give a speech at a youth convention?). But big fucking deal; stop crying and posting bullshit.

Ryan said:
You're a real cocksucker lately...

Uh no. He didn't just 'turn his life around' That implies that he was doing something wrong in the first place. He was used and abused as a child soldier who now works for various organizations to try and end the use of child soldiers around the world. That is helping peace.

Helping the environment has absolutely nothing to do with peace.


I'd argue differently, and apparently so does the damn NOBEL PEACE PRIZE. Owned, bye.

Sidenote: The picture in the fucking top of the forum is pathetic. Force your fucking bullshit candidate on people, that's great.


So. While Ryan should always tread with care regarding his forum users, what one poster neglected to consider is that this is sort of Ryan's "house". If you don't like his political opinion, that's fine, but you don't curse out someone in their house. Unless you don't want to be in the house for a while, of course.



Doesn't mean we should continue living the way we currently do. Even if it is a crock of shit I will support social change based on the lie...


disclaimer on previous post:
This is not to say we should go out and TRY to pollute. Or that we should NOT try to improve things. But we shouldn't go absolutely apeshit about it, either.


TMSTKSBK;718326 said:
Climate change due to human action is a crock of shit.

I'm not too sure where I actually am on this issue. For every published report that says that humans are the main factor in Climate change, there is at least one that says that we aren't.
Where I live, Theres two very common ways of making money:

A) Work offshore on oil rigs.
B) Be a Personal Injury Attorney who represents those who get injured offshore on oil rigs.

Now, I believe in Global Warming. I do NOT Believe there is any immediate danger to the planet or us at this point and time. Gore is an alarmist. He wants you to think that if we don't switch to alternative fuels this second, the planet will explode. He needs that to get people to follow him. He wants the hero factor.

In actuality, switching to alternative fuels this early will be disastrous. Most people think of the oil business and they think of rich tycoons. Businessmen. The fact is, so many common people rely on oil to make a living, it isn't even funny. Living where I do, that ratio would be devastating. Not a single family would be unaffected. everyone is related to someone or is friends with somebody who works on a rig. Seemingly unrelated businesses would also be affected. So many things are tied into oil. PHI would go out of business, the aforementioned lawyers, the geologists and such, the engineers who design the drills, etc.

The switch to alternative fuels should be very very very gradual. Unless you want everyone to be poor.

Al Gore does not realize the economical impact the switch would have if done too soon. We are simply not ready for alternative fuels at this time.

*waits for someone to make a joke about lawyers deserving the loss of money*
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