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Tired of whiners on privacy infiltration...


Congrats on IE7 :)
But the war in Iraq IS a defense of our borders!

Let's take it down to a different set of terms -- let's say you're playing an RTS game. Which is the better option?:
1) Fend off the enemy when he attacks your city. Never go on the offensive.
2) Aggresively engage the enemy in his own city, keeping a small force at home to beat off any stragglers that get by.

As you can see, the situation really does parallel your average RTS game -- instead of beating off the terrorists when they attack, why don't we wipe them out at their base of operations?
Here's another analogy for you. The home team always has the advantage;) But then again there is the analogy of the best defense is a good offense.
Do I agree that Saddam was a bad dude and needed to be taken out? Of course I do. We did that, now let's move on to other things that need to be taken care of since our country is so good at policing the world. How about that Osama guy? Let's go find him now. What about good ol Kim Jong Il? What are we doing about him. The Iraqi people are not the only one's suffering in this world. If we are going to be the saving grace of the world we can't just pick and choose which dictators we are going to oust, and which dictators would be in our best interests to be left in power. You see, if we do go the route of world police, we will be spreading ourselves very very thin, and then how secure is our own country going to be?


Congrats on IE7 :)
But the war in Iraq IS a defense of our borders!

Let's take it down to a different set of terms -- let's say you're playing an RTS game. Which is the better option?:
1) Fend off the enemy when he attacks your city. Never go on the offensive.
2) Aggresively engage the enemy in his own city, keeping a small force at home to beat off any stragglers that get by.

As you can see, the situation really does parallel your average RTS game -- instead of beating off the terrorists when they attack, why don't we wipe them out at their base of operations?

The problem is you will never wipe out terrorism...


Look, guys, the thing is, it's going to be a WHILE before troops can come back home without risking the loss of everything we've done.

S'been 60 years since we won WWII, but we were NEEDED in Germany until about 15 years ago. It's been...2 or 3 since we won in Iraq...we're not done yet. Now learn some patience and stfu.


I'm not saying to pull all of our troops tomorrow. I agree that we must maintain some form of presence in Iraq. We just don't need such a large presence there any more. Right now, the way I see it, is we are more of an occupation force than a peacekeeping force, and that will only breed more resentment and hatred toward us.


A lot of Iraqis see us a protectors, not invaders...
I'd be willing to bet that characterizes the majority, even.


Well, if so, let's hope they don't change their minds as human beings often do. Remember, it was a majority that kept President Bush in the White House, and his approval rating is down to 33%


Hey, I'm not particularly pleased with Pres. Bush. He lets whackos carry on like he's going to blow up the world, and hasn't tried to present the truth to the American people.


Hey, I'm not particularly pleased with Pres. Bush. He lets whackos carry on like he's going to blow up the world, and hasn't tried to present the truth to the American people.
Crap, and here I thought bringing up his approval rating was going to get under your skin:D


Johabius said:
I think you are mistaken WarAngel, the attack at the World Trade Center happened on our soil, not the soil of Iraq. It's time to bring our troops home so that they can defend our borders. Bush declared mission accomplished how long ago? The longer our troops stay in their (the terrorists and insurgents) territory, the more of our troops are going to die.

2500 over the course of 3 years or 2500 in a single day. Your choice.


bzk90 said:
we would save billions???

Honestly, having a huge army is the DUMBEST thing to do in this day...ever wonder why Japans economy is so good? They don't have a large military

We could easily save three times as much as we are spending on the military by getting rid of bloated liberal programs. There's no reason to say the military is the reason why we have such a huge budget, or that it's dumb at all.

You wanna know why the Japanese economy is so good?
1) It's not that great.
2) When was the last terrorist attack or threat towards Japan?
3) They actually have value for companies and working.


How about accept our loss of 2500 in a single day and carry on with our lives...while we build the great wall on our northern and southern borders and bump the security up in immigration into the US.


bzk90 said:
How about accept our loss of 2500 in a single day and carry on with our lives...while we build the great wall on our northern and southern borders and bump the security up in immigration into the US.

You think border security is going to stop terrorist attacks? We don't even know who 2% of the terrorists in the world are because they are random, "normal" people. Any one of them could come live here saying they are here to work, or just to enjoy the country, while plotting to blow up something while they're here. Border security isn't going to do a thing.


Dude, none of us are arguing that what happened on that day was not a horrible thing that happened. It was truly the most devestating thing that has happened in most of our lifetimes (barring acts of nature). You trying to call us unpatriotic, or demonstrating seditionist behavior just because we'd rather our troops be protecting our borders and handling our security here at home so something like that is not going to happen again is stretching it.


Johabius said:
Dude, none of us are arguing that what happened on that day was not a horrible thing that happened. It was truly the most devestating thing that has happened in most of our lifetimes (barring acts of nature). You trying to call us unpatriotic, or demonstrating seditionist behavior just because we'd rather our troops be protecting our borders and handling our security here at home so something like that is not going to happen again is stretching it.

My comment has nothing to do with you. Why would you take offense to something that is obviously not posted towards you?


Ironically, all empires that built a "Great Wall" (Hadrian's Wall, The Great Wall of China) eventually fell to those the walls were trying to keep out.