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Why don't you play on OSI?

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i never played Osi because i'm starting UO with a sphere shards .

in some point i have never played UO just administering free shards .


I hav played a Lot of MMORPG ( EQ , DaoC,AO ,Lineage ), on each of this games i have friends tired about the games waiting for the "New Add-on or package or Patch " and every time it's the same result

they protest : "this new things ruined the game"

i don't think it's a ruined games , just a tired player .

UO have a rebirth with the emulator , you make Your world with YOUR rules .

Ultima is the last 3D iso mmorpg games and the basic concept (skill by learning) is the stronger never made. ( i don't think "a tales in desert" is a mmorpg games, just a crafting games and lineage go to 3D FPS and T4C die too )

@krazy : player base on private shards can be boring too ^^ it's not relative to a games but to people playing the games :)

P.S:Check on Lineage 2 it's made by a creator of UO but i don't know who it is .


I always thought he looked more like Geek than God...

Actually, he looks like the guy who played King Arthur in Evil Dead 3/Army Of Darkness.

Side-note, I missed not one but TWO chances to go to an OSI party in Austin at The Castle between 1996 and 2001 :-<

I was just looking through some old photos of a freind of mine who used to hang out with RG and co (Her dad did legal stuff for OSI, and she's also in UDIC), and realised my ex was invited to a couple of parties (And thus I was too).



Bonfire, dance, drink... Think mideaval style/ren-fest kinda things.

On top of which it was also a "corporate" meeting, so you had the Year In Review points, and the What Does The Future Hold kinda things.

Aside to the business talk, they were apparently quite fun, and there were a LOT of dev people (not just OSI) there... A couple of people I know got easter eggs in U5 (including the above mentioned friend).

Dr. Cat used to be cool to hang out with, too.

He and some of the other OSI-ites used to get input from the UDIC from time to time... That all died out after Serpent Isle, though.

Well, cept that short stint where Carly (nice lady) was trying to procure the U7 source code for the UDIC (In the same manner she got EA to allow the UDIC to distribute Ultima 4 for free... Yes, TECHNICALLY to get U4 for free, you must DL it from a UDIC member's website ONLY).

Bit o' trivia: John Caramak (from id) is also a UDIC member. Apple ][ Dragon.


Personally I played until a month after AOS came out. The release of that brought about a whole new player base. I didnt like the fact that there were more players age 13 and younger than there were adults. There were always immature people and that is the nature of the beast i know..but..this was rediculous. I sold what I had accumulated in the 4+ years I had been playing and moved on to freeshards. I still love the game I just prefer to be with people closer to my own age and playing on player run shards gives me the opportunity to do that.
The fact is, if you play this game you are roleplaying. Simple as that.

Why do I say this? Simple. "Role Playing" is playing a role of something/someone, other than yourself. Thats it. I can make a guild called "the deadly blood sucking penguins" and roleplay a deadly blood sucking penguin. I could role play a bum, i could roleplay a mass murderer, hell i could roleplay a bowl of cereal if i wanted to.

You dont nessecarily have to be grammatically correct to roleplay. When we think of roleplaying, we think of "Hail sir, may I buy some of thy wares"
You dont have to talk like that to be officially roleplaying :? Even though that IS roleplaying, since your playing the game anyways, im just saying. :eek:


aesandilas said:
Age of Shadows is the reason for my finally deciding to leave. They ruined pvp, they ruined monsters and their loot, they annihilated rares, they destroyed character templates, they shattered a medieval theme with happy-go-lucky colors of the rainbow, they gave us a trailer park as a poor excuse for additional land, and in every sense, they destroyed that magical feeling that Ultima Online once had where everything was new and exciting. Now, there's just talk of +10 this and +20 that... all these numbers and resistances that even a mathematician would be bored by just sicken me. Age of Shadows finalized the shallowness and greed that was slowly growing over the years. Ultima Online was great for it's uniqueness, and as it has tried to unsuccessfully copy games like Diablo, OSI has nothing good going for them anymore. And where did that loyalty and encouragement towards veteran players go? Obvious demands are still being made to fix old bugs and give the players things that are actually ASKED for, but they continuously ignore their players and add things that no one was even thinking of changing! Ahhh...... My reasons for NOT playing on OSI could just go on and on... don't encourage me!

You hit that Right On!


yeah tram was the begining of the end, Tram created a$$holes, before tram people had to stick together to servive, making alliances with each other, was more meaning to the game then. I hate EA for what they have done to UO and I refuse to buy a game by EA now, and the staff just sucks a$$ I think they rotate staff between the games honestly, most of the GMs probably never even played the game before

GM_Mr.KnowsNothings Work Schedule:
Monday: Sims Online
Tuesday: UO
Wednesday: Some other game
Thursday: UO
Friday: Some other game

Thus Making GMs know nothing about the game other then what the persons page/question was that they typed in the computer to get the answer for, or you get the lazy response "Please Check Our Game Wizard On or visit" (pre defined responses)
OSI is plainly said not what it used to be... I can remember the early days when you still crashed out every 5 minutes everything was new and shiny and players were actually happy to be there.

Staff was actively involved in the game back then, there were still situations that weren't covered by 40 pages of regulations and rubbish like that.

In the end I must admit to having gotten bored with it... I don't mind training skills... I do mind it taking a year (a couple of months anyway) per skill to train. I severely dislike any form of Skill Cap simply because it causes people to generate tons and tons of extra characters to make up for the difference.
And finally I got tired of those OSI freeshard haters that always had a nasty comment if you mentioned that you played free shards.

Frankly I find the variety and ideas in the various free shards very entertaining. A lot of shards have very good ideas implemented and each shard is different in it's style and approach.

Just switching from RP to PVP free shards alone is a pleasure...

OSI is and will always be OSI... changes to the game may come and go but OSI stays OSI. The staff is the same... the approach is the same... the ideas are basically the same.

Free shard diversity on the other hand is immense and for me a definite reason not to give OSI another thought ever again.
(euh yes I still do play there occasionally :p)


habitat85 said:
Thus Making GMs know nothing about the game

Not all of them passionately love UO. To some (most?) it's "just a day-job", they care as much about it as other folks do about serving up ice-cream or sweeping the mall or whatever you normal humans do for a living. =)

Heh, on the topic at hand: I don't play OSI cause I don't like how they did the game. ^.^; Splitting Britannia was so wrong it hurts, but IMHO the shards are too densely populated and maybe they needed the extra land...? Who knows. But logging in and finding stupid bugs, like the wheat->flour bug, then signing back up 2 years later and finding THE SAME BUG sort of killed it for me. I hate bugs.

Also, I'm broke. ^.^; But I wasn't always, and I still didn't play it.

Admin Poison

1: Trammel
2: They took away power hour (do u know how hard it is to gm smith with out it)
3: AOS
and after they fuck it up


to tell ya the truth i started playing osi when i was 9 years old and now am 14 even though i didnt know much about what all was going on i liked having the risk of someone killing me or me killing them even if it did have bugs and stuff like one i recall this guy had a chicken guarding a pile of gold on the ground and i took it and got flagged and then severely pelted by about 15 players in the brit gy I just think it was more enjoyable without all this new fangled shiznit!


i play osi :eek:
im having lots of fun. never really played before, so aos didnt ruin it for me ^^

oh and i dont pay for it either, so its all good.
I've noticed in this thread that there is a lot of animosity in the posts. People using caps to emphasize a point, cursing, flaming and so forth. For those of you who have done this here is really all I have to say:

No matter if you TYPE LIKE THIS or fucking say shit like fucking this or tell the stupid fuckin noobie that you are replying to to stfu, It wont change the fact that what happened happened because it was OSI's/EA's choice. If you don't like it, thats just fine, these boards are in America, we have freedom of belief here. But please, don't be assanine, flame, curse, caps your post because its unneeded, accomplishes nothing, makes you look foolish ( after all its just a game right? ). Some think that "oh well i payed those bastards $10 a month so i have the right to bitch like a 5 year old." Ultima Online was described as an MMORPG with content always being added and changed. You should have known the risks when you started paying.

just my 2 cents.
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