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Why I hate RunUO

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Sleepy Char

Viago said:
i think alot of people need to grow up. If your not going to actually take time to learn something from this community, and flame somone for hinting where to find thier answer, with out flat out giving to them. some people dont like to work for things.

I'm sorry, but no. I'm not going to dance around this issue, because we'll be here all day. The fact is that while Phantom may try and help, most of his replies are unhelpful, often intentionally so. It is a rare find indeed when I see a thread he has replied to that would be less informative without his replies. He's often incorrect and even more often that that he is rude and beligerant. I have nothing against the guy, but I think that was something that needed to be said, like it or not. The fact that stating such a thing may "rock the boat" does not change the reality of the situation, I'm afraid.

HOWEVER, this isn't the "flame Phantom" thread, and I agree that he is a symptom of the problem rather than the entire problem itself. The part I quoted though is just plain wrong. "hinting at something" is not the way to help people. If people didn't need help, they wouldn't be here.

Nobody is saying that everyone who comes wanting answers should be given code on demand, but it's a poor standard of help that involves intentionally holding back information on the pretence of "making them learn it for themselves". As others have said, a lot of people learn by example and can't just "magic" knowledge into their head. If they don't know, they don't know.

I'm not saying that all help should be complete answers rather than helpful advice, but there is no reason at all to try and "point someone in the right direction" when you could just as easily tell them the answer and then briefly explain WHY this is the answer. "Line 32 is the formula for spell damage, which works based on the number of steps returned by SomeFunction()" is a hell of a lot more informative than "Figure out how SomeSpell.cs works and get back to us".


then you could just as easily tell them the answer and then briefly explain WHY this is the answer. "Line 32 is the formula for spell damage, which works based on the number of steps returned by SomeFunction()"

it doesn’t work, majority of the people will take the answer without even looking at the reason. This of course is ignoring the fact that if the person would have just searched they would have found the answer anyways.

I don’t think threads with questions that have been answered multiple times in the past should even be responded to (even though I myself have said "do a search" when i should have just not responded) and this is my reason

if they didn’t take the time to search, which means they probably never read the rules (the search first is in the rules) what makes you think giving the answer and explaining it will do anything. They will take the answer and learn nothing. They can’t take 10 seconds to search so why should we spend several minutes answering a question that has been answered 1000 times before. the people who ask these questions are lazy by nature and deserve to be stoned in public, they will never take the time to learn from this communities responses and because of this why should we be answering their requests (that in the end is what these posts are)

obviously I’m not speaking of all posts from people asking for help, some are genuinely looking to learn and its usually fairly obvious which ones the are.

I think its important for this community (myself included) to start being nicer to new members but I also think its important that these new members start putting in the effort instead of having everyone but themselves work to build the new member's shard

hate me or love me for this post but its my opinion and I’m posting it


Phantom was pretty helpful a while back...(seriously)

having to answer the same redundant questions by the same type of lazy person can change a man... anyone who was here 2-3 years ago knows that phantom is/was a jewel to this community and that runuo would be nowhere near what it is today without him or somone like him.


i feal that this thread has or is turning into a witch hunt, agenst somone. there are others whom have posted same things in the rudness catagory. eather flaming, telling off somone for being a noob or scoffing at them for mentioning runuo 2.0 (mods included)

i file if your going to make a witch hunt out of it, then dont single one out.

its just going to show the hatred users have for another. and even reading this post can put others off

just because you been whanting him bannd for a long time, and got pissed when he came back give no excuse to make a man hunt outa this subject.

i sujest avoid the manhunt because it can be more damaging to the community. just have the community aware of the problium, so that viewers and posible new members wont be put off over internal squabbling.

For the people that attacked me for not replying to this thread. Even if I wasn't a witness to a fucking shooting on my campus and went home, I most likely would not have replied. If it wasn't a moderator that I had/do respect, I would have seen to some sort of control on this thread. Perhaps its wrong not to want to be attacked me 9 pages of bullsht, of course there was a great deal of truth made public by this thread. Excuse me for having a freaking life, and yes I know I cursed, because it was just that a "fucking" shooting.

I am not the problem with this community, if peope didn't ask questions without trying, I wouldn't have to ask for more information. I am shocked that people still think I tell people to search, yet I know I have been trying really hard, to avoid that. I am been reporting posts to daat since he doesn't get the "report moderator" email for some reason. But lets just I say it, so what? So what I tell somebody to search the forums. What stops from somebody else helping that person? Why must they say something about how I am such an evil person for telling them to search. Thats what I have a problem with, people are more worried about my so called fame, then they are with helping other people. I wish I could take my the 40,000 posts I made, be a nobody again, but that would mean I would lose my knowlege and my friends I have made over the years here.

A_Li_N said:
Amen to that.

And that.

OKD uses Phantom and the entire aura of 'Phantom' simply because Phantom is the most widely known name, and probably because OKD simply hates Phantom (from what I read in their replies to each other).

I'm working on things less and less lately for a few reasons. The main one is probably because I just don't really care much anymore, which is mainly in part of there being a new release coming 'soon' that's been coming 'soon' for well over 3 months now. I know this has been discusses in multitudes, but I simply don't care all around. I have a lot of ideas that come into my head (as a few of you well know) but I just can't seem to care to continue work on something that seems so stagnate. There are, of course, many more reasons that I am not working as much as I used to, but they don't have anything to do with RunUO or this community.

*ponders where he lies in this community*

Thanks for some common sense, it was very rare in this thread.

PerfectWing said:
Once again: Phantom is not the problem, a single person in a communty of even only 100 active users could never be a real problem. Our problem is the people who have become engrossed in his 'aura' and strive to be exactly like him.

However I will take a moment to point this out: I hear "he's helped more people than anyone", and besides the fact I can't figure out where the substance of that comes from (post count != quality nor quantity of help), I would like to counter with his attitude (portrayed by he and his elitest band of followers) have also caused more people to disengage forum activity than anyone. (Also, I'm not attacking your points Viago, most of which I agree with, it's just that one statement that to this day throws up a red flag of "What the f..?" in my mind. If it was true and someone proved it, I'd humbly accept defeat, but I just don't believe it for a second.)

I don't think any amount of being helpful should be awarded with permission to parade around like he was. I'll admit I haven't seen it as much lately as in the past, but I'll also admit I've become _much_ less active as days go by. (In all fairness this has nothing to do with the community, other than it's become relatively stagnant without any real new content lately.)

Last time: This isn't about Phantom the person, of which I've said twice (and now three times) couldn't be big enough to be a problem. It's about those that continue to be like him and thus make him big enough to be a problem. I'd normally openly oppose these people in their own threads, but I once got indirectly reminded that a moderator was on their side, which is actually the time I chose to drop script forum activity period.

I for once actually agree with you, it is the people that act like me, that make the community worst. I wish less people tried to handle questions like me, and just answered them. These followers you claim I have, are not the product of me making them into a product of me, they are an unwanted by product of the true problem of this community. The true problem is the lack of respect everyone has for one another. So what I was mean at some point in the last 3 years, does that describe me now still?

Drull said:
The problem is, people are assholes. It's clearly visible anywhere people (mostly, males) group together in large quantity.

If you know something better than I do, beit C#, spell combos, php, methods of masturbation, and so on, I am your infurior. It's your job, to make yourself out to be a condecending prick to make me look and feel stupid. The further lengths you go to do this, the more people will respect you, and ofcourse, your giant penis!

I feel bad for those that wern't born knowing everything about everything, you really have no place on the internets.

If people would step down of their high and mighty pedestal once in a while, and go the extra mile to actually HELP someone (God bless you XxXSpiderXxX), it would work out better for everyone, community included.

Its funny I remember XxXSpiderXxX before he was able to answer questions. Of course much of his knowlege came from him learning it himself, but I remember answering his questions. He is one of the people I feel good about helping, and I am proud to call him a friend, if he considers me a friend.

If anyone thinks I think I am better then anyone here, because of my knowlege does NOT know me really. I have said time and time again, I am not better then anyone else here. Perhaps if I say it enough, it will come true, worked Dorathy in Wizard of Oz.

Viago said:
Phantom is not the reason why this community can be the way it is, ive seen fare worse ars'es here then him.

he has helped more peeps then anyone. and taken more flack then anyone. Singling him out and flaming him, just goes to show that.

i know phantom doesnt need anyone to defend him. but as i sorta know phantom and know where hes comming from im ashamed at some of the comments towards him. its one thing to sujest certain members. but as for singling them out. and allowing others to flame them. just proves the point further of this thread.

i think alot of people need to grow up. If your not going to actually take time to learn something from this community, and flame somone for hinting where to find thier answer, with out flat out giving to them. some people dont like to work for things.

its onething to be in this comunity, and help out, and even learn from its resourses. its another to bairly do that, then come here and say that you know this for a fact aswell.

this thread is suposed to be constructive, not flamitory. if you cant take constructive help and guidance and a healthy conversation on issues with out being a baby about it, then for one, you need to re assest you views and grow up

i dont wanna flam but i had to say this for some of you who have flamed.

its come to my attention that we can no longer talk about something with out a few people making it a personal vendeta to gang up on somone. its about an issue with the community, not with a person. PERIOD!

Thank you for actually telling the truth, I am not the problem, I only am a product of the community. I can only be as good or bad as the community, if you want to change me, the community has to change. For those people that talk about their few questions, or lack of activity within this community, thats bullshit. If you really wanted or cared about this community, you would come an answer questions, even if you do a bad job it will be apperciated or it should be at least.

TheOutkastDev said:
This is in no way a form of discipline. Need I remind you that the thread as a whole is about the flaws of the community. Phantom is merely an evidence that I use to substantiate my views. If my use of him as an example as offended or humiliated him, then that would indicate that what I said has some value of truth to it.

Although I don't understand why you would use me as your evidence, I can tell you I am not offeded or humiliated by your comments. Although I disagree with some of your points, and question why you posted this.

momento mori said:
I agree completely. This is a main reason i have very few posts also.I have wandered these forums for about 2 yrs now and have never had the desire to post due to massive flaming. I agree wholeheartedly with Dev's statement. And the one thing I dont see is a reply from the great phantom. Funny how important ppl can make him shut up and know his place......nuff said.

I was home, after being witness to a shooting on my campus, so shove it.

This community has become a massive cesspool of “l33t scripters” who’s infinite wisdom and “sk3llz” have lead to a holier than thou attitude that repels new users with a rapidity that can only be mimicked by a machine gun. Remember when Courageous made a suggestion for defining named constants for Clilocs numbers? How many people in that thread insulted his intelligence? How many users provoked him to “brag” (as it was labeled so in the thread by several users) about his credentials?

I remember it, I admit I was wrong in that situation. I also admit to being his what he can consider a friend, because he stood up for his believes in a respectful way.

I admit to my mistakes, when they happen, I will not take credit for the status of this community. The status of this community is not my fault or is it that person over there. Its the combination of alot of things, most come down to the simple thing called respect. Its a wonderful thing when somebody who you didn't along with shows you a little respect, instead of calling you a dick.

I'm sorry, but no. I'm not going to dance around this issue, because we'll be here all day. The fact is that while Phantom may try and help, most of his replies are unhelpful, often intentionally so. It is a rare find indeed when I see a thread he has replied to that would be less informative without his replies. He's often incorrect and even more often that that he is rude and beligerant. I have nothing against the guy, but I think that was something that needed to be said, like it or not. The fact that stating such a thing may "rock the boat" does not change the reality of the situation, I'm afraid.

You have nothing against me, so why not make your statements non-partial and at least honest?

You claim I am often incorrect, yet I only know of a few times, where somebody brought to my attention that I was indeed wrong lets take a small timeframe in the last month. How is it somebody who posts 30 times a day, almost every single day, often he isn't even aware he was incorrect?

You claim I am intentionally unhelpful, yet anyone who really knows me, would know this is false. You find it rare that you find a helpful post by me, I really question this statement, given that fact your not replying to threads and being helpful either. You claim I do more harm then good, yet I have been thanked by several people in the last week. Perhaps I can't help every person, but I was never able to do that, I admit to that flaw in my personality.

You claim I am beligerant, but I don't even know what you mean by this, so till somebody explains it to me I will deny it.


Wanderer said:
You claim I am beligerant, but I don't even know what you mean by this, so till somebody explains it to me I will deny it.

It means that you are always hostile.

If I were attacked in a majority of the threads I posted in, I'd be rather hostile in my responses too, though I don't even think Seanchen's posts are really ever that hostile.

WarAngel said:
It means that you are always hostile.

If I were attacked in a majority of the threads I posted in, I'd be rather hostile in my responses too, though I don't even think Seanchen's posts are really ever that hostile.

I would agree they are not hostile, I would say instead they are not "nice", but since when did I have to be nice? Why can't I just answer peoples question, I know some people argue if I actually do that, but If I help one person that is enough for me.

Why do I have to be friends with everyone, why can't I be a normal person with his own problems, who just wants to enjoy a hobby. I have tried to think of solutions, to the problem that I see every single day I come to this website, but I have came up with nothing in the last 2 years.

If somebody has a really good idea, then I would actually help them do their idea, after hearing them and telling the honest truth about their idea of course.


Viago said:
i feal that this thread has or is turning into a witch hunt, agenst somone.
I agree with you completely...the author of the thread (a mod) should not have singled out a certain person.
I have refrained from posting in this thread up until now for that very reason. I feel that if I responded to some of the issues brought up when I wanted to respond to them, I would have done so with malice, instead of trying to think before typing. Aside from the personal attacks on Seanchen . net, I do feel that this thread has brought a lot of valid points out into the open, and hopefully the community can benefit from the things being said (except for personal attacks against members, which can only harm the community instead of healing it).


Knight said:
I would agree they are not hostile, I would say instead they are not "nice", but since when did I have to be nice? Why can't I just answer peoples question, I know some people argue if I actually do that, but If I help one person that is enough for me.

Why do I have to be friends with everyone, why can't I be a normal person with his own problems, who just wants to enjoy a hobby. I have tried to think of solutions, to the problem that I see every single day I come to this website, but I have came up with nothing in the last 2 years.

If somebody has a really good idea, then I would actually help them do their idea, after hearing them and telling the honest truth about their idea of course.
I wouldn't mind your thoughts on these concepts :) (As well as anyone elses)
Might take me a while to actually get things rolling on this project, but even a discussion now will help me or whoever else wants to start it.

bzk90 said:
A_Li_N i think you misunderstand, hes looking for ideas on how to be treated like a normal person

Actually no...

I am looking for a suggestions to improve the community, in terms of being able to point somebody to an answer. But every answer I have ever thought of, has its own flaws, I have not thought of a real solution in 2 years.

But I am also not looking for "project" ideas, I am look for community improvment solutions, that don't have me leaving this community. Because I will be frank, it was NOT better without me, considering I did read this board a year ago when I was banned for those 3 months.


This is just HORRIBLE. Most of the people in this thread are acting like complete children and are turning it into the very thing it was supposed to stand against. Flame wars, 'trolling, all this BS and nobody seems to ever heed the words of TheOutkastDev. I'm not going to point out any names, but I'm getting really disappointed in this community as well. I'm not going to say that I haven't before, but I do make an attempt not to. This place really has no hope...


Joeku said:
This place really has no hope...
There is always hope. People (and I use the world people, as in all of us) just have to get off their duffs and do something about it instead of sitting around waiting for a "magical" solution.


Johabius said:
There is always hope. People (and I use the world people, as in all of us) just have to get off their duffs and do something about it instead of sitting around waiting for a "magical" solution.

Seanchen said:
Alright, if you wish hard enough, a magic fairy will do it for you.



if somone has the gaul to post that somone else is the problium with out having knowladge of this, or dont even know him. or even, to single them/him out in the community as the ONLY problium. Has a problium themself.

if somone has a probliums with somone else, the take it up woth them, and not post in the community. like this.

some people have an obvious grudge agenst some people and have used this opertunity to use it agenst that person. This just goes to show what this thread obviously was ment to hilight.

its not the im protecting phantom, or anyone. but the fact is i dont stand with somethign that i know is wrong and the direction it projects is, well wrong. wrong in the mannor that its singling out rather then the whole.

if this topic was contained based on the community, and not singled other people out and proceeded further to say that they are the sole problium (having said it or hinted as to it) i whould not have changed my views. as seeing somethigns that im dishearted (maybe not evenryone sees it) (depeinging on thier views on the matter)

if you have a grudge and nothing constructive to contribute, then i advise not posting, im not being rude. but this thread isnt ment to be flamitory or hurtfull. if the thread goes back to being constructive and creative as to how WE ALL CAN CHANGE, not just single 4 or a few out, because its not them alone that is the problium.

and if you cant see that, then there is a bigger underlined problium.
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